Why is Tifa the most beloved heroine in all of RPGs? What distinguishes her from the rest?
Why is Tifa the most beloved heroine in all of RPGs? What distinguishes her from the rest?
Mostly she doesn't have an annoying personality. Strong, kind, and loyal.
She's good with her hands
Not being a fucking prostitule like Aeris_
Garnett was better
She's attractive and has a good personality (by FF standards)
Giant fucking titties.
Aeris dies
Simple, memorable design, big tits. Also being in one of the most known games probably played a part.
shes just a generic titty monster
probably not even pure cause she works at a bar
flower girl was better
Garnet's ass vs. Tifa's tits. Who wins?
>Who wins?
The spectators.
She is the next door neighbor girl that was actually your friend and won your heart. She was also strong, caring, and not a prostitute like Aeris.
pfect gf
Posts tifs
Also most people were like 12 when they played this game
I think this honestly the "Luke, I am your father" of video games
Strictly speaking there's nothing special about her in herself. She's attractive but not exceptionally so. She has huge tits but now days there are tons of video game females with huge tits. There's nothing particularly interesting about her and she's got a highly generic love interest personality and is thus kind of bland.
What happened is that she simply came at the right time in the right game and had the right tits.
Lives with a black man and and a little white girl he "adopted" yeah she's great
this whole thread is /vp/ tier
deals a deal.
>Why is Tifa the most beloved heroine in all of RPGs?
I don't think she is, my dude
literally who?
B O O B I E S!
Also she's a strong female role-model.
and also shes a fist fighter.
Lightning has nothing going for her, senpai, other than being Nomura's pet OC.
I was only 9 the year FF7 released. I first played through it when I was 15. Those giant tiddies she had in the cutscenes were really something. The next year when I finally got internet access Tifa was one of the first characters I searched the internet for.
It was so nice when I found that video. You know the one.
Nomura only designed her, he had nothing to do with the sequel games at all.
Nomura's current waifu is Aqua, though one might argue there's not much of a difference.
Also what does Tifa have going for her? She's far from the only character with huge tits, and those were her big selling points.
Honestly I kind of dig this armor with the Celes-style leotard
Sexy yet functional
The girl next door vibe you got from her after talking with her. And knowing how shitty her life must have been after getting her shit and hometown fucked by Sephiroth.
>The girl next door vibe
So like pretty much every other love interest in every game ever?
Also girl next door pretty much means no personality.
FFVII characters in general are the most loved characters in RPGs since VII is so popular
Did you never have a neighbor girl you always wanted to be with who had basically every other boy wrapped around her finger because of her attitude and looks? Childhood friend does not immediately imply girl next door in personality or feel.
reminder that brown eyed Tifa is shit and red eyed Tifa is patrician taste
Reminder she's also not a gook like her AC counterpart.
Difference is that girls irl, for better or worse, have a lot more to them than just "nice, sweet, caring." Tifa doesn't really have much beyond that. That's what 'girl next door' practically means in video game terms. It means girl who is normal and lacks any personality traits outside of the most basic ones that are appealing to the average male.
Did they fug
She's pretty feisty and willing to go through hell to help Cloud, and even then she tries to be reasonable and doesn't force everyone to drop everything just because they found Cloud and he turned into a wheelchair bound vegetable who she keeps blowing in hopes of restoring his psyche.
She's not really feisty at all. Maybe she could have been if we ever saw her do much but cling to Cloud's dick. Part of the problem is that the vast majority of her character revolves around how much she loves Cloud (even though they barely knew each other). She actually does have something of a backstory and some personal motivations, but we never really get into that. Instead everything she does pretty much revolves around Cloud.
That's also part of why she's so popular. She fancies the pants off of "Cloud" and is otherwise a nice sweet (read: inoffensive) girl. With huge tits.
She fights off all of SHINRA when she basically feels she has no future (slap fight with Scarlet withstanding) and hell, even after Cloud saved her from Sephiroth's rampage, she was pretty much all on her own, and the only reason she's all up on Cloud's dick is because he's the only thing left of her childhood home, and immediately after the flashback she's even more worried since the entire story doesn't match up with her own memories.
She got there first, that's it, that's all there is to it. If she was introduced as new character right now she'd be forgotten in 3 months time in this ocean of waifu pandering characters.
Good faps tho.
they did it in the chocobo stable on the highwind
If you say so user
She is not an annoying cunt, she only act like a bitch when it's an understandable situation and its mostly loyal and kind.
Everyone fights off SHINRA at some point. That she has a slapfight with Scarlet comes off as pretty odd since she's supposedly some strong fist-fighter. That's the kind of thing you'd expect from Rosa, which is funny since Tifa basically has the same personality but is a monk instead of a white mage. Many just see her class and think of her as a strong character without actually looking at other aspects of her.
And just because she's tied to Cloud doesn't mean that she can't have any sort of depth or real character outside of him. There are things about her that are hinted at, but those things are never explored. Why? Because her lack of character outside of Cloud is part of her appeal to people.
Big tits
>Tifa and Aeris in regular clothes
fucking garbage
She's the literal semen demon and I wanted to be /ss/'d by her.
>tfw no lewds of black tifa
I don't understand the girl next door meme because there were never any girls my age in my neighborhood when I was growing up.
Simple memorable design, can actually fist people to death, and isn't a total vagina jew, and is 100% wife material, like seriously if you ever have a gf like Tifa, or have some qualities close, wife her ASAP
Barret's mistress was the planet. Tifa was just the womanly presence that he needed for Marlene.
>nice sweet (read: inoffensive) girl
You want an "offensive" one?
Still think Garnet and Tifa are both great options
She's not. One of these two are.
>most people were 12 in 1997-2000
This is some high level demographics.
U srs?
I first played it in 2005 when I was 12.
She's brotier but also gf material. Like a sister who you can fall in love with.
I love the Tifa doujin where a guy buys a magical headpiece than turn her to a submissive klutz, shaves her pubic and anal hair and he pees in her butt
>most beloved heroine in all of RPGs
Even FFfags don't talk about them.
Because Teetha
Fuckin kid get off my lawn.
>Tifa's tits aren't pixelated
maybe she was before lightning hit the scene
Translation please
Go home Toriyama, you're drunk.
Focusing only on the important parts
Only the best parts user You dont want to see the face/spoiler]
Babby's first waifu
1. she punch good
2. big booby
Big tiddies are ummbajee but in this case
Yuffie >Tifa
>Not in game Celes design
>Not Amano Terra
Pure cancer
Tifa transcends the game itself. She was essentially a cultural force on her own during the advent of the internet. I think you know what I mean.
Came from a time before every RPG character is an overdesigned gaudy mess with a shitload of dumb accessories attached to them, so she looks simple and stands out. You could point her out from a huge crowd of me-too waifu characters in a second.
Her core character traits are a juxtaposition of her appearance. Scantly clad bare-handed fighting badass on the surface would imply some kind of sexy bombshell, but Tifa is a pretty meek and uncertain but very caring person underneath that. The same juxtaposition goes for Aeris, she looks the holy type, but is the feisty and headstrong one.
Tifa's development runs alongside Cloud's since childhood. Cloud was the outcast and Tifa was one with many friends. When she goes and does something stupid at Nibel mountain, Cloud goes to save her, yet it's all misunderstood and Cloud gets in trouble. That endearing moment is the first part that has Tifa open up to Cloud. Skip to Cloud returning as a "soldier" and Nibelheim gets burnt down, Tifa gravely wounded, and the mess of delusions come into play. Not only is Cloud living a lie, but Tifa only know bits and pieces of the truth.
Fast forward to the game's present where Cloud suddenly appears all fucked up in Midgar, and Tifa doesn't know what's going on. Cloud's delusions combined with Tifa's uncertainty has her adopt a passive supporting role in which she is too fearful to speak the truth or perhaps uncertain of the truth herself.
Then Cloud turns into a veggie. Tifa's fears all turn into despair, she double down on her "supportive" means by just wanting to stay by Cloud's side, hoping that he'll fix himself. It isn't until the two of them sort out all of the lies in Cloud's mind that both Cloud AND Tifa show their true selves. Cloud's return was just as much of a turning point for him as it was for Tifa who can now speak to him with confidence. Then they fuck under the Highwind.
Tifa is best girl and has great character development backing her.
>Came from a time before every RPG character is an overdesigned gaudy mess with a shitload of dumb accessories attached to them
you havent played enough RPG's if you think this didn't happen before ff7
agree with the rest though
move over titfa
ara new best girl
it's true
He's right
i'm seeing tons of people demanding an aranea stand alone game but no one demanding a tifa stand alone game
>it's true because I have declared it to be
Who's she? She looks gangster as fuck
>I know what every fan wants, believe me
FFXV, Brotier mercenary who fights you once. Then turns on her employers and helps you because she determined that they were evil dicks.
She is legitimately great.
Cool, I'll buy FFXV someday
>voiced by Miyaki Sawashiro
shit man might be sooner than later
I'm not sure OP.
Don't, wait until the complete edition comes out
>She's brotier but also gf material
That's literally the only kind of woman worth romancing.
My nigga