Tell me why you hate this franchise without using the words "money" or "fanbase"

Tell me why you hate this franchise without using the words "money" or "fanbase".

First of all those are legitimate reasons to hate anything.
Secondly it's boring and uninspired.


He hasn't made a new Desolate game due to it.

>legitimate reason to hate something

If you think otherwise it's because you are a member of a highly toxic fanbase.

Five Nights At Freddy's is the Paranormal Activity of video games.

I liked it up to 3, inclusive.

Repetitive is the word I would use. It's alot of the same, gameplay wise.

The 'fun' the series provides is the mystery, which the internet community works together to theorize,debate, and solve. It was most prominent in 2 and 4 if I'm correct.

The first one was kind of a cool idea, but there didn't need to be sequels. The games aren't fun to me

It's just boring. All you do is wait around for things to happen.

Nightmare from 4 creeps me out, even though his noise sounds like Liu Kang doing some kind of bird call.

Also what happens when you complete the Baby mini game in SL. I knew what was coming and that was still a blood chilling noise.

If I ever meet Scott, I am going to ask what the flying fuck is wrong with him.

the game is poorly made and not fun to play

>letting other people ruin your experience of a single player game.

People naturally associate things with the people it attracts.

hurr jumpscares

It's just boring

I learn from the lessons of others.
Insufferable, annoying shit heads like something. I've never in the history of my life ever enjoyed something despite a cancerous fanbase. My tastes have always gone in the complete opposite direction because I actually bothered to develop taste. So when I see a horde of jackass children latch onto a fad or a game I know to keep my distance. I've never once been proven wrong, and I've never once regretted my decision because that fanbase invariably gets worse and worse.

Go fuck yourself, you tasteless cunt. Think for yourself and stop praising fotm meme shit.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums had constant generals and discussions about the first game and once the hype for the 2nd died off it all went to shit.

i was introduced to it outside the context of the fanbase when I was like 22. pirated 1-3, tried playing them in the dark with headphones but the jumpscares were pretty harsh.

I think that the backstory with the child murder is neat and all, but you really can't beat that setting; I loved those chuck e cheese playtorium dumps when I was a kid and scott's shitty ass models reflect the greasiness of those places fabulously.

i hate how much money the fanbase spends on these games

It's for fucking furfaggots

>My tastes have always gone in the complete opposite direction because I actually bothered to develop taste
and yet here you are on Sup Forums
really makes you think...

jumpscares are not horror

i don't. while i haven't played any besides the first, i absolutely adore any game with texture baking and uncanny models. there's literally nothing to complain about besides the fanbase, theyre fine games and the dev gives away nearly every cent to church and charity. to rip on it would mean being a contrarian of the worst kind

>the ol' everyone on Sup Forums has the same opinion meme

Moron. Everyone here argues. No one agrees on anything except cocks.

tell that to hollywood.

oh wait they can't hear you over the sound of all that money they earn from retards.