
>The Crestfallen warrior is a character that explains crucial plot and directional details to the player. Later on in the game after ringing the bells of awakening, the crestfallen warrior will comment on his annoyance with Frampt the primordial serpent and mention he will 'do something about it' before disappearing. After this he can be found at the entrance to New Londo, hollowed and insane.

>Crestfallen Saulden is a character who tells the player lore information at the start of the game and acts as the master for a covenant that summons players from a completely different covenant if the player is ever invaded. He will gift the player the ring of steel protection if the player ever dies.

>Hawkwood is a character who explains plot and directional details to the player at the beginning of the game. He is intricately connected to one of the major bosses of the game - The Abyss Watchers - but is notably different in that he uses a shield and was looked down on for this. Throughout the early game he will give the player items depending on which boss they have killed. He can be encountered in two different places in firelink shrine and may also be summoned as a white phantom for co-op in places related to dragons. After defeating a succession of bosses Hawkwood will disappear from Firelink shrine and leave his shield to the player, however if the player collects the twinkling dragon torso stone he will leave a message with Andre the Blacksmith leading the player into a duel with him over his obsession with becoming a dragon. During the battle Hawkwood will use a greatsword as he has left his shield behind. When defeated by him the player loses the dragon torso stone but may get it back by returning to face him again.

Why did FROMSOFT take a step backwards with Dark Souls II? Did they forget it was a sequel to another game? Why does it seem like it's chronologically misplaced?

Different director and team

>Pessimistic coward acts as leader of a covenant that need help from the invasion police

What's wrong with that? The annoying thing is both covenants don't work.

that guy in the middle was such a faggot I killed him immediately.

Who gets the director credit in DS2? Because OG DS2 and SOTFS are directed by different people. So who is the director because the director of SOTFS made changes but are said changes so drastic that he now gets authorship of the game? Opnions anyone?

>are said changes so drastic

Not really. SOTFS is just DS2 but slightly better graphics, optimised and revised enemy placement for game balance and lore purposes. They only released it since the original was developed for old-gen consoles and the new ones could support an upgrade. That and a cash-grab I guess.

Dark Souls II totally botched the NPC storylines. None of the plots are concluded ever, they just sorta stop. There's no real side-quests, it's just talking to NPCs in different places and buying their shit sometimes.


People are still crying about ds2? You're years late kid.

Crestfallen Saulden became a happy guy with enough people in Majula. That was nice.

get this HOTHEAD outta here!

Holy shit dude its been like 3 years, the game sucks, get fucking over it jesus christ

This. Its Pathetic at this point

you're not clever sweetie

Except Lucatiel is the best NPC in any souls game

what about in DeS?

that's now how you spell anri

Nobody played that old shit.

his storyline is less involved and he doesn't do much, so he's the weakest crestfallen iteration, however he's also the first.

>Ds2 is shit
wow never heard that one before

DaSII created more interesting NPC quests and had NPCs interact with each other as part of the quests. 3 kind of tried to do something similar but it feels unfinished.
Why do we insist on only talking about the bad things DasII did instead of the interesting new things it tried?

People actually give a fuck about the NPCs in these games?

>DaSII created more interesting NPC quests

name a single one

>and had NPCs interact with each other as part of the quests.

are you suggesting that this is some kind of new take? Are you aware that liteally every souls game to date has done this?

That's not how you spell GAVLAN
I wish he was in a less shitty game

Pate and Creighton

sorry fag they're shit. next.

>sorry fag they're shit

drink bleach

kek. 2 apologists need to leave.

Creighton was so cool A Team brought him back for 3. Try again cuck.

Also best NPC is Laurentius. I never could tell him to go to the swamp.

>can't make an argument
>resorts to ad hominem and memespeak

He might be telling you some truth you're unaware of. DeS is very mysterious and different NPCs will tell you different things about a subject. The crestfallen warrior warns you about becoming a demon yourself, or that you've fallen for someone's trap, or that the Monumental is to blame for the Old One and you're cleaning up the mess. We'll never know if these are just his thoughts or you were being rused from the start.

you mean the uninteresting storyline where no matter what you do you get the same outcome of one of them suddenly betraying you with no real foreshadowing?

>meet pate in place
>he tells you about treasure
>go get treasure and talk to him again until he leaves
>meet him in next place
>same thing happens


>free creighton
>meet him in other place


>they meet up in tseldora
>whichever one you pick to help will betray you in the end, the storyline can literally only actually play out in a single way


You missed the one in demon's souls, and the one in the king's field games.

>name a good NPC
>*names shit NPCs*
>wut those are shit
>n-nuh uh no argument!!

I though 2 was shit. I liked Gavlan, Cr8ton and P8.
Dark Souls 2's only redeeming qualities were some armors and characters. DS2 is not Satan incarnate.

Whenever I go into a Dark Souls thread, I always see posts defending Dark Souls 2. They often seem rational, and accepting of the flaws within Dark Souls 2. The responses to these posts are almost invariably shitposting about the "B-team," PS2 grafix, floaty weapons, etc. etc.
at some point, you start to wonder if the level headed pro-Ds2 posts are actually very subtle bait, or if some people just can't accept that some other people like things about the game.

>pointing out genuine and massive flaws is shitposting

why do 2babbies insist on this "I'll pretend I'm not a 2babby, that'll get em" child logic? Is it because they're children?

>betray you
did you even play the game?
the one who survives gives you a key to a house in tseldora with some cool shit in, they don't betray you

>pate constantly gets you into shitty situations
>mapmaker and all loading screens for Creighton's gear tell you Creighton is a lying serial killer
>no foreshadowing

>actually giving him a (You)
2keks will never learn, don't bother.

>thinks his taste is good
>it's actually bad
>gets called out by multiple people
>still pretends to be smart
sorry user, you got BTFO. Try again next time.

you used the term '2babby' twice in that post, and it was very funny so i respect you now for using it and also for putting that 2babby in his place good job

name a single bad situation pate gets you into, there's objectively no foreshadowing of him betraying you

It sounds like he didn't pay attention to anything either of the NPCs said, and just attacked blindly resulting in them both being aggroed to him after the fight ends. What a tard

>DaSII created more interesting NPC quests and had NPCs interact with each other as part of the quests

You mean how you wander up on Creighton and Pate? Like in action? That's the major 'new' thing I can remember off the top of my head, because DS1 had NPC quests, interactions with others that could affect the quest, and straight-up better NPCs.

came here to post this. OP is a fag

That's not what I said. I said that every positive comment about DS2 is met with shitposting. It's reddit levels of hivemind that Sup Forums can't see a positive thing about a game they probably only experienced through memes and shitposting without jumping in on the memes and shitposting.


first time you meet him and he traps you in a room full of enemies?
Literally named after Patches, the character who betrays you in Dark Souls 1?

what you said was:

>shitposting about the "B-team," PS2 grafix, floaty weapons, etc. etc.

how much more backpeddling would you like to do?

You're wrong, 1 is the best.

It's just that most people on Sup Forums had an ungodly amount of hype for DaS2 and expected it to be a gift from god. It turned out only okay and even sticks to the formula better than DaS3 but since it wasn't a mirrion times better than DaS it's now the worst game they've ever played. It didn't meet their truly unreasonable expectations. There was just too much god damn hype. DaS3 would have received the same reaction if not worse because it's less like DaS1 than DaS2.
For those of us who didn't hop on the train, DaS2 is a decent game.


what does that even mean. you can bet every single person who likes ds2 likes the first just as much

>first time you meet him and he traps you in a room full of enemies?

he doesn't trap you, he warns you that it's a deathtrap and tells you not to go in

he's also not named after patches and behaves nothing like him, so wrong twice

I agree, never said 2 was better than 1.
What I actually said was:
>The responses to these posts are almost invariably shitposting about the "B-team," PS2 grafix, floaty weapons, etc. etc.

rather than discuss a single positive thing about Dark Souls 2, Sup Forums would rather meme about the flaws that everyone already knows about. No one is claiming 2 has good graphics, or that the lore makes sense as a direct continuation, or that soul memory was cool. But If anyone mentions power stancing, they are met with "lol but that game sux."

Because Siegmeyer and Sieglinde, Lautrec and Anastacia, Patches, Thorolund and Rhea & her Clerics, Laurentius and Quelana, Kirk, Eingyi and the Fair Lady, Ingward and Logan, all of these characters' plotlines didn't interact, right?

>warns you that it's a deathtrap
right after telling you about the treasure. Kinda like patches from Dark souls one. If you can't see the naming similarity between the two, I can't help you. You're just illiterate.

>tells you about treasure and then kicks you into a fucking pit
>tells you about treasure and then is concerned for your well being after getting out

only a literal autist would confuse these actions for the same thing

I didn't say that at all, I just thought Pate and Creighton was a cool story where there was no obvious good or bad guy. Thanks for the words in my mouth though, they taste retarded

2babby means someone for whom das2 was their first souls game

Pate is the more interesting character because you can't tell if he's trying to help you or trying to take advantage of you. Only a gullible idiot would blindly trust Pate, especially after meeting Creighton

I see where you're coming from but honestly I was busy expecting Patches himself to be in the game

>Moderately famous Hollywood actor is a fan of the first game, wants a role in 2
>Instead of making a new character to take advantage of the actor's talent, they just make Patches lite


>creighton is a known liar and murdering psychopath
>tells you that pate is a dick
>meanwhile pate is everything but a dick
>consistently concerned for the health of your character
>acts as a summon to help you fight bosses
>gives you stuff


oh wait it's both because B-team doesn't know how storytelling works

and in the process they broke a streak that predated the Souls series itself.

>being this fooled
if someone comes up to you in a parking lot and tries to sell you a tv, don't buy it. It's a scam

>consistently concerned for the health of your character
>acts as a summon to help you fight bosses
>gives you stuff

Lautrec is the same.

You can become a demon, but aside from that, he's clearly full of shit. He just wants to scare you because that makes him feel like he's some big badass who's "too smart" for this nonsense. When it doesn't work and you continue to do well, that only reminds him of his own failure and he freaks out and ends up losing his ability to even remain in human form.

Uggh... should I replay DS again? I already have over 100 hours in DS1 and DS3 and now got the urge.
Not that much for DS3 though.

no he doesn't, if you can't tell the difference between genuine concern and "I sure hope nothing bad happens to you... heheh" then I've got a bridge to sell you. Lautrec also never gives you stuff that's actually his, meanwhile Pate gives you his own gear.

out and about like a normal character
locked in a cell

really activates my almonds

>tfw Dark Souls 2 is my favorite of the souls games and the one I put the most time in, but any attempt to talk about it will be immediately met with everybody yelling that it's shit
i seriously don't get why you guys hate the game so much

because it's shit?

which part of this don't you get?

If you think you can tell the difference between genuine and disingenuous concern, you've probably bought a few bridges yourself.
Stop taking everything at face value, use your noggin, entertain the possibility that Pate might not be your friend, or at the very least, might not have your best intentions at heart. It's not hard.

why is it shit

>locked in a cell

doesn't really say much in the souls universe. loads of NPCs are trapped when you meet them, the chosen undead himself begins in a cell

It's literally the DMC2 of the series

I mean, enjoy it if you can, but if you think it's better than any of the others, let alone the best of the series, you're fucking delusional

Pate shares same archetype with Patches, and Creighton couldn't take it easy after being "pranked".
They're both kinda dickheads.

it had bad graphics and soul memory and the lighting got changed from the trailer and that NEVER happens to any game so it hurt my feelings

>wahh, why don't people like the game I don't like!
>because it's bad
>wtf it's not bad, I LIKE IT, DIDN'T YOU HEAR THAT I LIKE IT!
>nobody cares


baffling changes to every good system from DS1, especially the healing
floaty combat and movement
soul memory
bad level design
bad graphics
boring enemies
terrible enemy placement, leading to gank squads
boring NPCs
irrelevant lore

i just asked you to explain yourself, please stop putting words in my mouth

That's every game on Sup Forums. Hell, I was about to remind everyone that the second half of DS1 is so goddamn shitty that it brings the whole game down.

why don't you explain yourself instead of trying to trick other people into wasting time on stuff that's been consistently settled for literally years?

hint: the person with something to prove is the one who has to prove it

see, this is what's so fucking baffling for me. DaS2 just felt like an improvement on every front for me, besides soul memory and level design in certain areas, which was inoffensive at best imo. maybe i just have a low standard for games nowadays, i haven't really had any games that i've hated

>been consistently settled for literally years
that explains why we still see weekly (if not daily) DaS2 "Sup Forums lied about how bad it was" threads

are you seriously admitting that the only reason you like das2 is because you literally can't tell when something is good or not?

it's not really settled if everybody argues about it in nearly every souls thread when somebody inevitably brings DaS2 up

are you seriously admitting that the only reason you don't like das2 is because you literally can't accept something that has any flaws at all?

>people shitpost about it so it's not settled


it's well established that das2fags are contrarians who samefag this kind of thing to bait for (you)'s, they disappeared for awhile but came back after the release of das3 because they saw an opening to shill their shit game

are you fucking delusional?

the changes to the healing system alone ruined the game, and you think they are an improvement?

From Estus being a resource management system, to it being useless in combat because it takes a week to use it, while Lifegems make all damage trivial. Not to mention that to offset the huge estus delay, you're expected to dump levels on a stat that exists almost for no other reason.

there's a pretty fucking massive difference between a few flaws and being entirely flawed champ

listen, I'm going to explain the concept of the burden of proof to you here because I think you're gonna need it later on after you have an autistic sperg out over somebody putting pickles on your burger irl and get charged with assault, luckily for you it's very simple:

when YOU claim something YOU have to prove it.

are you following me here?

Actually it's well established that a lot of people genuinely enjoy das2 AND the other souls games because they aren't fucking neurotic autists like the people who think das2 is an irredeemable piece of shit.
you can't prove me wrong, all you can do is kick and scream like a child.

>p-prove me wrong, you c-can't!

autist detected

i already said that das2 was an improvement in every way, so of course i thought it was good. when i said i had a low standard, i meant that flaws just aren't as big of a deal to me, and das2's flaws aren't anything huge or unable to be worked around imo

I wasn't the user who just said that he liked the game, I was just putting stupid words in your mouth the way you put stupid words into his.

>when you claim something you have to prove it
oh yeah? prove it, fagboi

I don't know what the problem is, I never had issues healing with estus

>because it takes a week to use it

Second or two max. Not hard to time your heals.

>types out stuttering meme
>calls others autistic
be quiet now buddy, the adults are talking