Post genuine video game related opinions you hold that will get you crucified on Sup Forums

Post genuine video game related opinions you hold that will get you crucified on Sup Forums.

Other M rocks

I really like motion controls (wii mote) playing FPS or anything else where you could need a mouse is God like

Bloodborne is mediocre

Some games that came out in the last couple years were good.

Destiny is fun

I thought evolve was fun.

Robots are from the devil

I liked Skyrim alot
I thought new vegas was bad(was on 360, load times and bugs really killed it)
Ps4 is ok, but I woulda went xbone in retrospect.(i dont really play jap stuff or exclusives, and i used to be a halo guy)
Switch looks decent, but I aint in a rush to get one
I never played a legend of zelda and have no desire to
Mobas are fine (you need to have a full team to actually enjoy them)

BotW isn't a 10/10

I think women in games are cool even if they're not conventionally attractive.

I've been a nintendo only gamer (no PC) since the Wii

lol fucking angry sony drony XD let's get him Nintendo friendos!

Nintendo are a garbage company who hates their consumers, and ANYONE buying a Nintendo product is a masochistic cuck

Medic in Team Fortress 2 is legitimately overpowered.
Because he's a healer and has been OP for 9 years running people ignore it/don't like to admit it, but it's true.
Crossbow and Ubersaw should be nerfed in the interests of balance. The Ullapool Caber nerf was also totally justified, and so was the Axtinguisher one, Valve's only failure was not nerfing them in a way that left them as interesting weapons.

If you've played one Dark Souls game there's no real reason to play more.

Am I the only one to find simplistic characters like this cute and fuckable?

every single mario game, with exception of SMW, has atrocious controls.


the controls are simply too slippery and there are way too many levels of movement. it doesn't help they haven't improved even slightly since 64. odyssey looks as shitty as ever.

Overwatch is the most fun I've had with a game in years

no, although OP is a bit too simplistic for my tastes, but i get where you're coming from

Hi dobson

The only FFs worth a damn are 7,8, and 10

Halo is overrated

Kingdon Hearts?
more like Kingdom Farts

I generally don't like mario games. I hate the 2d marios and didn't like mario 64.

The only mario games I've enjoyed were the rpg ones like smrpg and paper mario.

No. I'd like to imagine that the size he appears on my 23' dell ultra sharp monitor is how big he would appear in real life. The idea of destroying his internal organs with my below average cock excites me.

I can see the blood and gore and my deformed mushroom tip rips him open and violates his dead corpse.

I imagine taking his skin, grinding it up, rolling it into a joint, then smoking him.

I imagine feeling his small feet with my tongue as his mother watches.

I want him so bad

Adding cute girls to a game without a solid reason only lowers the game's quality and attracts cancerous fanbases.

Oh sorry, you said opinions and not facts.

I didn't mean that

What you said is true. However, it's ironic you're complaining about cancer while tripfagging. Consider suicide to atone for your hypocrisy.



I think inclusive gaming is a good idea. I don't wanna play a white dude for eternity.

Every Assassins's Creed game other than Black Flag is hot garbage

• Soulsborne is a meme franchise and has never produced a good game.
• Platinum's games average around 5/10 and never exceed 6/10 in quality. The posters who enjoy them are most likely easily amused children.
• Doom is better than Quake.
•PS2 was Sony's only good console, though it was very good. R-Type Final is one of the top titles available on it.
• Gamecube is massively overrated: Melee, Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Double Dash, and TTYD are all inferior entries in their respective franchises. Both the N64 and Wii were better.
• Western games can be good.
•Titty anime games are cringeworthy but should be allowed to exist.
• Generation 4 of Pokemon is by far the worst. Accordingly, HGSS is the worst remake. Gen 2 and 5 weren't that hot either. (I started with Blue on release.)
• PC gaming is not strictly master race and consoles have advantages. Moreover, consoles are essential to the industry and should not be eliminated.
• 3D Castlevanias are better than Classicvanias.
•3D Metroids are better than 2D Metroids. Except Other M.
• TF2, even in its current Soldier-centric meme state, is a better game than Overw*tch.
•Furries should yiff in hell.
• Anime belongs on Sup Forums.
• Kingdom Hearts is the actual most autistic shit, worse than Sonic, Pokemon, you name it.
• DOTA 2 is a more complex and skill-based game than any RTS. APM is a nearly irrelevant statistic and means nothing next to team coordination.
• Final Fantasy went to shit the moment it introduced ATB.
• Zelda should be about puzzles, items and dungeons, not big dead open worlds. Wind Waker was terrible because of this focus and BotW repeats these mistakes.
• Aquaria is a top tier Metroidvania, better than SotN or OoE.
• Bayonetta is ugly as sin.
• Revengeance has a terrible soundtrack.
• So does The World Ends With You.
• And Pokemon BW/2.
• Traps are gay. So is futa.

Rate me.

I just don't like Zelda games

Sun and Moon were good games.

If you don't regularly play niche games and/or install games from before your generation, then it is almost certain that you are just a consumer wich in turn makes any vidya discussion with you dull and pointless because you are motivated by entertainment rather than a love towards the craft & design.


>anything else where you could need a mouse is God like
Pikmin 1 and 2 are great on Wii

Adding cute girls to a franchise not only does not detract from its quality, it improves upon it by introducing endearing new characters for the fanbase to latch to, promoting fan content and community.

Mass Effect 3 was, for the most part, pretty good

Easy, the Xbox One's DRM practices were great, and would have improved the entire video game market if they stayed around.

You legitimately thought PM was better than TTYD? Not judging, I'm just surprised, I thought TTYD was better in pretty much every way. I might be a bit biased because it's one of my favorite games ever though

Cutscenes have no place in video games. The strength of the medium is in using gameplay to tell its story. Anytime an NPC starts info dumping, a cutscene begins or a qte is triggered it is a failure of the development team to play to the strengths of the medium and the game is worse off for it being there.

Gameplay > Music > Art Direction > Graphics > Story.

I really like Fallout 4 because of the settlement buidling.


Wii was a good console with great games

your pokemon opinions are garbage

sex and video games are best friends

Oh yes. TTYD's areas are much more tedious, with far too much backtracking. The combat has way too much random shit going on, from the crowd to the roulette to the stage randomly falling down. The plot barely feels like a Mario game.

Not that I hate it, it's a solid game, but the N64 installment is just much tighter all around.

Thanks for the heads up, sinnohfetus.

This, DRM was a good thing.

Cutscene are great, imagine jrpg games whitout cutscene.

I loved Final Fantasy XIII gameplay-wise, played through it twice and did all the optional stuff. The sequels aren't nearly as entertaining though.

There hasn't been a single good Western RPG in ages. Witcher series in particular are overrated. I read the book and loved it, but the games are dogshit.

SNES classic is a good idea and I'll probably buy one on release.

link to the past > ocarina
3d platformers/collectathons always have been and always will be the best type of game
the new spiderman does not look like a good game

Darkest dungeon is cancer because of female characters in masculine roles

Fallout 4 is fun
New Vegas is also fun
3 is fun as well, but not as fun as the others

Shut up.

I liked, not loved, but liked, Nier Automata's gameplay/fight mechanics.

I like diversity for diversity's sake. I don't think there should be a reason someone is Asian or Gay or whatever, and it doesn't have to fit into the story. Trying to force a story out of diversity ruins the story unless you're a good writer. And even good writers don't always know how to write about those topics.

In other words, including a Muslim character? Great. The story having nothing to do with Islam? Fine with me. Trying to force a story out of him being Muslim? Probably a bad idea unless you know a lot about Islam.

i thought the point of this thread was to trigger each other, not saying true facts

I think Dark Souls 2 is a good game.

If a person watches a lets play of a game that goes all the way through the main storyline, and still has the urge to buy the game and play it themselves, its a good game.
But if a person watches a lets play of a game that goes all the way through the main storyline, and has absolutely zero interest in buying and playing the game themselves afterwards, then its a bad game.

As for a example to trigger even further, a person can watch a entire playthrough of the main story in Super Smash Bros Brawl, and still end up wanting to play it for the gameplay itself, but a person that watches a entire playthrough of Undertale, including genocide mode, would have no urge to buy the game and play it themselves, because that game is 98% story, and 2% gameplay.

wrath of cortex has always been the best in the series since it came out

Breath of the wild is a 6/10

I don't post opinions on video games if I haven't played them.

Console wars are fucking stupid. What kind of idiot promotes brand loyalty to a single company?

Video games are a waste of your short life. There are a fuckton of better, more productive hobbies out there.

I'd call you a derogatory term, but since this is a bully-free thread, I'm going to say that I respect your opinion.

I do not disagree with this, only vocal faggots like Undershit.

nobody should ever play a game to experience a story, movies/tv are for stories, games are for fun interactive experiences

not to say that games cant have good stories, but they should never be the main focus or selling point of the game (looking at you naughty dog)

I thought Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Earthbound and Link to the Past were boring. The SNES in general doesn't have a graphical or musical appeal. Yoshi's Island made a great use of it, though.

This is coming from a Ninty fan.

>• TF2, even in its current Soldier-centric meme state, is a better game than Overw*tch.
>• Traps are gay. So is futa.
well duh, these are obvious


MGS3 is the worst game in the series

EA did nothing wrong

You wouldn't have the feeling of freedom and exploration

>PS2 was Sony's only good console
>Wii was better than Gamecube
>HGSS is worst remake
>TWEWY and B2W2 have shit soundtracks
Literally the only things I disagree with out of all of that, great taste my man

>sony front
>nintendo friendos

Games are fun

Walking simulators can be entertaining if they're well-made and embrace the strengths of the medium rather than being bland non-interactive virtual dioramas.

I like the new fire emblem games and all the cute girls in them

>• Doom is better than Quake.

That's the overwhelmingly more popular opinion, dumbfuck.

>Fallout 4 and skyrim are both good games
>battlefield 1 is fun
>monster hunter world looks amazing
>halo 5 is fun
>super Mario sunshine was the best 3D Mario
>resident evil 7 was very enjoyable

I stand behind everything I said.

>Traps are gay. So is futa.
Everyone already knows this. Anyone saying otherwise is just trying to bait.

And fans of those things simply don't care.

Borderlands games are really fun and I enjoy them and the characters (most of the time at least)

2011 Sup Forums was fun.

>non interactive
This is why I hated everybody goes to the rapture.

>Aigis is just as bad Marie if not worse
I hate Aigis and the Answer so much.

I like Battleborn

Still makes idiots angry though :^)

You think that's bad. I've built my rinka so she can one shot any unit in the game without any stat boosting items. She is really the only character in the game capable of 100% crit. One of, if not the strongest in the game.

>easy mode is the best difficulty for games you're not committed to
>one ACTUAL game release per month on Switch is a fucking stupid idea. I've barely touched the thing after beating Zelda.
>persona 5 dungeons feel cheap and nasty. The rest of the game is underwhelming.
>turn-based combat needs to die out (not turn-based strategy)
>'fun' is not a dirty word.
>video games aren't worth getting angry over
>If you don't own a mid-to-high-end PC plus one current gen console PLUS a handheld, your input means NOTHING
>PS4 is enormously overrated and the only reason it's successful is it has ONE real competitor, which now lets PC gamers play their games
>Nintendo is separate from Sony and Microsoft and anyone who compares Switch to PS4/XBone is retarded.
>people who hack their 3DS are all unemployed losers who think following instructions is impressive
>the weebshit on vita isn't even good by weebshit standards
>Resident Evil 4 ruined the series, 5 and 6 just continued the shitshow
>anyone who calls themselves a "silent hill fan" but skips silent hill 1 is a piece of shit
>after beating Ganon, BOTW stops being fun
>after starting the game, Horizon Zero Dawn stops being fun

I feel the people who hate games that over represent a certain race are the same people who hate a game for under representing a race.

theres nothing wrong with diversity in video games and i dont see why people are constantly upset at them

I fully expect Samus Returns will be better than AM2R, because I found the metroid fights in AM2R to be extremely annoying

Why the fuck is the speech bubble casting a shadow? That's fucking lazy.

Ocarina of Time hasn't held up well
Super Mario 64 is worse than Galaxy
BotW is an 8/10
All Fire Emblem games have their merits
Traps are gay
Soldier is a blight on TF2 and should be nerfed, fuck him.
TF2 is still better than Overwatch by a country mile.
Destiny was fun.
I enjoyed Halo 5.
I enjoy "strong women" in games when they're done right.
HZD is a legitimately terrible game and the only people who like it are falseflaggers or salty Sony fanboys.
Mobile games can be good.

>add more detail

He just copied the image, changed the angle, upped the blur and put it on a background layer, I mean sure it's more effort than no shadow, but it's a lazy attempt at detailing the image.

Earthbound sucks (mother 1 is okay and mother 3 is really good)
metroid sucks (all of them)
modern kirby is bad
all zeldas except for 2 are bad
doom 4 is bad
undertale is terrible

less vidya: furries are the biggest cancer there is