Anybody on Sup Forums play this game?
I just started about a month ago, and I'm almost through Season 1, and I love it.
The gameplay is very faithful to the original, and the ftp aspect of it all isn't terrible.
Discuss builds, strategies, help new players, swap stories, you know the drill.
Dragon's Dogma Online Thread
Shameless self bump
Nips wont let anyone else play it last I checked.
that's true, but you can play with a vpn tho.
pls guise, I love this game a lot, and I don't have anyone to talk to about it besides literal Reddit
I stopped awhile back before spirit lancer released so I have no idea what recent patches brought in terms of gear/levels/skills/areas. I enjoyed it a lot but the endgame grind can be tedious and takes a long time to get incremental upgrades.
Get out filthy gaijin pig
DDO is for JAPAN not you
DDO is pretty fun, but I hate the fact that I can't really follow the story, or understand anything. I'm always on edge of continuing, or waiting for it to come out in the west.
I'm definitely feeling that now that I've hit level 50 or so.
The spirit lancer looks like my ideal class, but I'm afraid I'll be bored with the game by the time I actually get it.
also, u mad nip? We already bullied you out of a war, why burn an american flag over your *Jap only* clubhouse?
at this point I couldn't give a shit about the story, just from what I can see, it looks like it's all over the damn place.
The real thing that's keeping me going is being able to fight bg monsters with my friends
Years of playing DD:DA with nobody but lifeless, stupid AI made playing with other people a godsend, desu.
>Dragons Dogma Facebook is active as fuck
>capcom drops hints a few months before E3 that seemed DD related
>5 year Anniversary was right near E3
>no sequel announced
>no western DDO announced
I swear to fuck even if Capcoms CEO could be live for eternity as long as he earned one dollar a day he would still manage to hate money enough to die
Capcom is doing their best to run themselves into the ground. I don't know why I thought DD would be any different in their eyes than anyof their other IPs
>Literally Unkillable Tier
>Broken as fuck Tier
Warrior, Sorcerer, Shield Sage
>Fun but needs a buff tier
Alchemist, Spirit Lancer
>Basic Starter Bitch Tier
Fighter, Hunter
>"Oops, Season 2 enemies are resistant or immune to most of my skillset" tier
Elemental Archer
Is it completelty translated? How playable is it?
I used to play it for a while on my PS4, but need to constantly sit with a dictionary and husstle with VPN broke my mind.
Off topic but how do I make a shota in Dark Arisen
The english patch makes it bearable, but basically none of the dialouge is converted. The items, skills, classes, quests,and interactable things in game are translated, so at least it's bearable. I'm playing on PC,so I don't know what the VPN struggle is like on a ps4. I imagine it's a bitch tho
I'm 110% sure Capcom shows DD2 or DDO for the west at TGS. If nothing then atleast if the PS4/Xbox port sells well.
Why would they announce a localization at TGS? I'd say Gamescom is more likely if we're to get any announcement at all this year.
either way, I'm pessimistic about it. Why would they even announce DDO at all for the west? The game came out a few years ago, they'vehad plenty of time to do something with it, but it's been literal radio silence anywhere outside of Nipland
The biggest hurtle is that DDO is developed by COG, the online games branch of Capcom which has no other branches outside of Japan. So to bring it over they'd have to establish a COG North America branch or work with another publisher which seems unlikely since Capcom doesn't ever let other publishers but themselves localize their games.
didnt really think of that, but it makes a lot of sense. Also with the free to playmodel,it isn't guarenteed the revenue toestablisha COG branch in the US
alchemist is fucking rad making jump pads and shit bouncing all over the place.
downloading patches through a VPN is pretty awful though
Maybe but I won't hold my breath, Japan seems completely content to keep these online/mmo games to themselves for some reason as MHF, DQX and PSO2 have never come over either and all have a similar model to DDO.
I started as a fighter which was bretty good, but I made an alchemist as someone to do shit more solo when my frineds couldn't play, and it's quickly becoming my favourite class. The bounce pads are rad, not to mention the metal buildup on the bigger enemies, gotting like 4 or 5 of them on a weak point, then leting them all pop at once. Truly orgasmic.
Does /vg/ have a clan in this game
Is there a good nip vpn that doesn't try and and install bullshit I don't want on my pc?
To anyone who's considering DDO - don't. There's one thing it does better - more vocations with skill variety.
Everything else, and I mean literally everything else, it does worse.
>4 skill loadout instead of 6
>retarded rage mechanic that exists solely to slow down boss fights
>no more unique boss mechanics
>can't poke clops' eyes out
>can't kill goat heads on chimeras
>can't set griffin wings ablaze to stop them from flying
>no rapey ogres or homogres from bbi
>no pawn inventory
>no weight on items and materials
>weight classes don't dictate your mobility
>height changes nothing because there are no things like goblin holes you can fit into
>can't pick up pawns or fucking anything from the environment with the exception of red barrels
>monsters can't take environmental damage like from falling
>p2w bullshit like max level stats on gear you can buy and use from level 1
There are a million more I'm not going to list because it would take too long.
Don't mistake yourself: DDO is a straight downgrade to DDDA. Don't waste your time. This is coming from a fucking idiot who wasted a good 4 months of his life playing this trash convincing himself that he was having fun. Do not do what I did.
The fact that Capcom are likely never going to make a sequel to DDDA is a fucking travesty because they had something really special going on here before they decided to cash out with this hot garbage.
It's that bad? Thanks for saving me the trouble, I'm getting pretty desperate to find something similar to DDDA but I'm not jumping through all the fucking hoops to play DDO if it's like that.
I'm sure that in any case they are waiting to see how the ps4 remaster sells, people shouldn't have expected anything before we have clear sale data.
that you saint
That sounds terrible. I'm glad I never went through with it. It's nice to see Esther again.
Actually because I have more time, here's some more shit that DDO does worse:
>strength/armour scaling is still fucking awful
>night is bright as fuck, can see everything clearly with no lantern
>damage number popups whenever you hit something
>incomparably trash ost
>although as of yet untranslated, plot is retarded and dragged out in typical MMO fashion
>LITERALLY unfiguratively only 2 types of quests: kill stuff and fetch quests no joke 2 types of quests only
>enemy movesets are smaller and reused (chimera goat only casts the exact same 2 spells every time, golem laser is gone, goblins don't stomp you, wolves don't drag you etc. all winged beasts share the base subset of moves, all giants (golem, clops, etc) as well, all non-winged beasts as well, etc. combine this with less reactivity to things like being set on fire and you have static, boring boss fights that blend into each other after the first few times
>pawns have no playstyles anymore, nor do they learn
>NPCs can't be hit
>every dungeon looks the same (the amount of asset reusing will astound even the laziest niggers)
It's awful. Has none of what made DDDA so good. Stay clear of jewcom.
t. someone who got every single vocation to max level so I know what I'm talking about. Biggest waste of my life.
No problem.
No, this is Gladtoria. I stopped ages ago when the level cap was 70. I think just before season 2.2.
Good lord that sounds awful. And to think some people say that this game is DD2. Let's hope for a true sequel, and that they don't fuck it up as badly as this one.
Why God?
Well fuck... I was actually looking forward to playing it.
Despite what that user says, DDO is still a very fun game, and not everything he has said is 100% accurate. For example, you're not stuck with 4 skill slots, you actually get 8 for every vocation. Just like Dragon's Dogma, DDO is a very flawed game in its own right, but still remains just as fun.
It's alright, there's no real english community though, outside of reddit but even they don't play it much anymore, the few channels where english players usually hung out are normally void of people when I play, I guess they're all euros and americans.
Also the gachashit is not something I'm a fan of
MHF is kept in the east because a western version wouldn't sell, when frontier was established the game was selling like dogshit in the west, I think portable 2 had been out but not union yet, so it was just... Like, no one played it.
DQX never came out because the west has atypically low sales with the DQ series, lower than japan, and that's almost never a thing.
ya got me beat, PS:U was up and running for years after it even stopped getting patches. I can't imagine why they haven't tried bringing it over, other than not being able to get licensing rights to crossover events which are, unironically, 95% of the game's "content" nowadays.
SoftEther VPN
Don't listen to this fagget some things were sacrificed for the sake of making it viable as an mmo but its still a very enjoyable game.
If any of you want to try it but don't want to pay for a VPN, you can use a free VPN IP on a PS4 to download and try it. It's what I did. Game just wasn't for me. Too much grinding to take down enemies.
Is it PC only? You guys told me japs don't game on PCs
PC and PS4.
It's on PS4, but don't bother. It's a massive pain in the ass. At least PC has english patch and it's easier to deal with VPN.
And how big online is?
No, you can't.
w-where's seeker?
It's dropped so low in the tier-lists it doesn't even show up now
The combat just didn't feel the same, also the rage mechanic on big creatures just ruined the fucking fights. Gave up on it shortly after release.
This was my experience as well, I remember playing it in the open beta but didn't hold my interest until release.
rip. it was the most fun class to play too. fuck capcom for making every endgame quest a time-attack mission
Seeker is actially still fun and has respectable damage. The raids in season 2.3 are literally made for them
>Black Knight that does the teleport behind u
>Easy Kill his ass to oblivion
>A floating dragon weak to fire
>Spiderman swing around him while setting yourself on fire
How go i use free vpn on ps4?