Sup Forums talks so much about making the perfect videogame, so lets try it. with spore, so its bound to be good.
Pick a planet Sup Forums. If you dont like any, just ask and i'll scroll down
Sup Forums talks so much about making the perfect videogame, so lets try it. with spore, so its bound to be good.
Pick a planet Sup Forums. If you dont like any, just ask and i'll scroll down
What he said, also can the race be named Edgelordians.
Cube planets are best planets.
you got it
I dont think we need the tutorial though. Lets start off with world editing.
What color is this cube, and whats the temperature like
Its bright red and freezing as fuck.
Seconding other user, but if you can change the ocean color as well make it yellow.
Its cold, but not cold enough to freeze the water, so we can see the color.
What color is the atmosphere?
Lock the captain to Pepe the frog and make it about killing the Jews and their Reddit minions with Sup Forumsirgins
Should we change the terrain at all?
we arent there yet
add 1 cube mountain
make a giant deathpit
The cubier the better
Draw a penis mountain.
1 cube mountain added
the giant deathpit was created, but turned into a giant lake
i tossed in random cubes around the map. not as bit as cube mountain though
Penis added.
Do we want plants?
lots of rocks
Add those creepy trees with eyes.
Done.we can add bigger locks in a different step. also, its constantly snowing
Its finally time to make your character, Sup Forums. what do you want? body shape can and will be changed
slug body type
3 legs 3 eyes
Try to recreate the girl from nanalan.
Slug with a mouth cock.
Are you playing on a toaster or did this game always look like this?
Just mouths
Zoomed in the game looks weird. is this better?
Make Pepe
Nice. And don't make Pepe.
What happened to Timmy Turner the manlet eater from the Spore thread a day ago?
EA fucked everything up and so he dissapeared into the aether.
Trying to incorporate everything i can for now.
EA tech support instructed me to how to enable my dlc's again, which resulted in a full memory wipe.
It´s beautiful.
I tried to make the Edgelordian as wrinkly and weird as possible. Any last Changes?
It's cute :3
Maybe move the legs ahead a little. Make sure as much of that slug body is being dragged as possible.
Consider it done. Good enough?
Can you make him more EDGY?
Excellent. It's just too bad the game considers the body as a tail now though. Oh well.
Is this edgy enough for the man who asked for edge?
Damn, that's even better
I'm not him, but it's edgy enough for me.
We gOtTa GEt EdGiER!
good shit
more mouths
>got here in time
Perfect. Make him red and black obviously.
Don't forget that clothing options are going to be available next, so more edge can be added that way
PICK your EDGIEST weapon, Sup Forums
>in time
You missed an entire thread
That sword looking thingy, also can you make his Also what this user said please
claws and spikes
Purple spikes thing
It's better than having to read the entire saga of Timmy the Destroyer instead of influencing it.
Timmy's dead. The universe was cleansed and we began anew with Goylent.
Then the game kept crashing so we're making a video game instead.
desu it wasnt a good one. I kept having to go back and do everything, i didn't enjoy it
Have we...Gotten edgy enough?
Looks a bit too much like a good guy
That looks like a elongated cabbage
Should i go back?
Now this is pod racing
Keep it there and start the actual game
He will avenge timmy
lets begin
>with spore, so its bound to be good.
did I just wake up into timeline in wich Spore came out as intended?
thats the joke
Now time for the biggest question of all.
What the fuck do we actually want Edgelordians to do?
Dont worry I just saved it
Make friends with everything
Eat everything else because we gonna be some gay ass edgelords putting everything in our mouths
Kill everything
sit around doing nothing really, docile beings
Kill all the manlets in honor of timmy.
I wonder when all these morons will realize that OP isn't actually playing the game but designing a scenario?
I never played Spore and just want to fit in.
This sounds like the most promising idea to me. I like it.
But now we need a place where we can kill manlets, and manlets to kill. which would you prefer. Building design or manlet creation?
I know that.
Let´s design the perfect manlet before setting their killing fields.
Building design, the manlets will come once they hear our name, and our purpose.
im conflicted. Vote which you prefer.
i wish i had money so i could fund a company to make a better spore
We're Edgelordians we don't need to create enemies. We'll just hunt and kill what's already there. The pre-existing wild life will be our manlets.
Master race of manlets please.
What house would a manlet live in?
The tiniest toaster
mushroom houses, like the smurfs
Dragon Dildo
Whatever house is the most guarded. Manlets are too scared of natural predators to go outside, let alone fight them. So it would make sense for them to be guarded.
Homes fit for little Todd Howards
i'll make each of these.
heres a tiny toaster with a tiny window
Truly radiates a manlet aura
Make the window lower, how would a manlet see though that?
Too scared to stand out and have any vibrant colors, protected to the rectum, virgin structured house instead of chad. You did good user.
When you get to the dragon dildo, put a few tiny ones around it just to increase that draconic flair.
Make it smaller, we need to be taller than their houses.
I can shrink them in game. I also made our character as big as possible. looks better that way
Heres a smurf home.
Here's the dragon dildo castle, each dildo with its own set of blue balls.