How hyped are you?

How hyped are you?

Anya is probably going to die.


>getting hyped over a AAA cinematic shooter


a bit

Trying not to get hyped because odds are my toaster won't be able to run it.

>25 year old series
>thinks all it's fans are underage
you might be retarded, son

TNO was mediocre as fuck and this won't be any different

I'm mad keen.

can't wait to kill me some drumpf supporters lol

I really hope they learned something from DOOM and made weapon and ammo pickups automatic.

>id tech 6
You might have a chance. Hell, my 750ti runs Doom at nearly high settings.

What is that dumbass jacket? Makes him look like he's in a highschool track n field team

SJW trash.

ok real talk how did Blazkowicz survive TNO's ending
dude got nuked


Go be stupid somewhere else.

His head was transplanted

He is just a head on someone else's body

Between Metro Exodus and Wolf II, at least there'll be some good games to grab around my Birthday/Christmas.

Killin' a bunch of Nazis always seems fun

mad stormshitter

You don't see that in the opening cutscene

are you sure it's not that he's just really good at giving blowjobs?

I loved the part where they had the token black chick call the MC a racial slur just for kicks.

FUCK white people and FUCK drumpf

>white boi is a racial slur now
how thin skinned are white bois these days?

Probably Klaus' body

Is it just me or does BJ look strikingly like John Cena?

Yes, you saw only a cripple in a wheelchair in the opening cutscene.

The New Order was fun I don't care what anyone says.

i just realized it's wolfenstein 11, not II

>inb4 those commies in the trailer turn on you and afro-girl, latter of whom learns how shitty any extremism is
>both klansmen and hippies put their differences aside to help take notHydra down

Who am I kidding, that'd be PR suicide by today's standard.


So if he fucks his wife, is he cucking himself?

If it weren't so hammy and cinematic I'd enjoy it more.

But it's clearly going to be very hammy and cinematic.

Not supporting him, but I think the delivery of it was a little bit much. Maybe if they toned it down to be more softer/natural instead of trying to sound like a 70s black chick, it would sound better.

Then again the developers are Swedes, for all they know Black people have tails or something.

It's the only game I'm looking forward to this year. I just hope they make stealth entirely optional this time.

>Final level of New Colossus
>America is about to be saved
>Suddenly out of the shadows comes out
>"I challenge you BJ to the ultimate SLAM JAM!"
>"Oh it's on ya little prick"
>*Cue The Time is Now*

Can't wait desu senpai, im going to kill so many glompf supporters and white pride bigots.

My only hope with Wolf II is that they don't go TOO silly and drum up the Tarentino vibes even more. I didn't mind it in the first game, but I'm worried it might make Wolf II a bit too silly.

Also anyone notice how well animated that scene with the Lizard was? I wanna know what animators Beth has these days.

Sweden is 20% immigrant (black/middle-eastern).

>implying the originalfags are around after they sold it to the multiculti white genocider jews

It'll be okay like TNO.
It's a shame supersoldiers are a joke now instead of boss fights.

sounds like someone's triggered

maybe you should go back to your safe space

>trying to sound like a 70s black chick, it would sound better.
Well, it is 1961.


>I wanna know what animators Beth has these days.

Bethesda is only publishing it m8, they have nothing to do with development.

But user, you still kill nazis like you did in the original.

Well I meant in general. The Fallout SPECIAL shorts and now the well animated lizard set in the CGI video game.

Shit makes me want a Rodger Rabbit type thing but with Animation in video games. Would cost a fortune but it would be interesting.
That threw me off too. I don't know black culture during the 60s outside Civil Rights, but I don't think they were talking like 70s Motown girls.

Then again it's alternate history so I suppose they shrugged their shoulders so they could have their specific character personality.

i feel pretty safe man, maybe you should go back to your safe space since you cant handle different opinions on a anonymous chinese melon farming board



nazis were basically intentionless demons from doom then, now theyre all glomfpfff supporters and richard spencers and the jews are the chosen people that will bless us with terrorism, communism and dieversity

The first is correct, it's Wolfenstein
The second is... sorta correct? All of the nazis are white from what we have seen.
The third, I have no idea where that came from.

You think they're gonna have a "TWIST" where the twins are Commander Keen and Doom Guy?

Yeah, this is the same series where jews have magicial powers and ancient devices they never shared with anyone because they are assholes.

Great supporting of jews there.


>projecting this hard

Jesus Christ, you're so fucking delusional it's literally unbelievable. If I didn't know that there are people who legitimately believe this I'd think you were trolling.

Moderately hype, will get it at next year's Steam sale/10

Is this bait? That's the time period dumbfuck

Why does he look like Macklemore?

No one give the shitposter (yous), just hide or report them.

yeah it is, shows how much technological geniuses the jews are and how stupid the nahtzis are for stealing it all, the game never said the jews were bad for keeping it for themselves so why would normies get that idea?

Damn you're right, but I don't know.

So how are they going to work out the whole Fergus/Wyatt thing? Both of them were in the trailer and one of them die in the previous game

Why does he have Richard Spencer's haircut.

Flashback? Resurrected by Jew/Nazi magic?

Not that it's bad or anything, but I had no idea there were people who cared about the story.

Oh, I don't know, maybe because the Nazis took over the world expressly because they apparently refused to share said technology with the allies.

Also, the Nazi were clearly smart enough to subjugate the super-Jews and understand their technology.

Jimi Hendrix was the only good thing about the Wyatt route anyways, so just make it the Fergus route with Jimi Hendrix alive.

Probably scalped him and took his hair.

Probably will have to choose timeline again

J died m8

You should have been here for the initial shitstorm.

That's the kike super armor you moron

i didnt know it was supposed to really make me think and be all political, i thought it was just a shooty bang bang 90 shooter like the original like you were saying before?

The night of the Bethesda conference was the worst time to be on Sup Forums.

Does BJ sound different to you guys?

>head transplant for stealth timeline
>jew armor for rip and tear timeline

Pretty indifferent, I loved the new order and I'm sure this will be good but Im more excited for other games

Pretty hyped. I enjoyed The New Order, though not enough to finish it. Hope they either improve the stealth system or do away with it entirely.

My same feelings. Between new Metro and New Wolfenstein, I'm more excited for new Metro title.

Yeah, hence why my post was more wishful thinking than anything else.
is probably correct.

Man, fuck Wyatt, what a boring All-American naive boy character.

DAE think drumpf should be the cyberdemon in DOOM 2, actually the cybbie is too cool, let him be a fat orange mancubus boss or something

What fucking super armor you imbecile. he doesn't have armor when his head transplanted.

Not at all.
I have no desire to play yet another generic "nazis vere satan" game.

Not really hyped if it have trash performancs on PC, just like New Order

The mancubus was my favourite enemy.

These are time traveling magical nazis that use ancient jewish magic and technology with Mecha Hitler as one of their leaders. You aren't supposed to take any of it seriously.

Motown was bigger in the 60's than the 70's.

New Order took itself pretty seriously

>These are time traveling magical nazis that use ancient jewish magic and technology with Mecha Hitler as one of their leaders. You aren't supposed to take any of it seriously.

Don't pay him any mind, he's obviously a same-poster trying to stir up shit to no avail with his crap.

Who the fuck do you think you are, whyte boy? Don't reply to me ever again.

Depends. There are points where it was serious but other points it was taking the concept and masking it in seriousness. It's like D44M in that regard. D44M know's it's story is silly but it will still take it seriously which in itself gives funny moments.

That was my first post in this thread m8.

Really? Well I'm stupid.
Still think she did the "white boi" thing a bit too hard.
Not him, but it kinda did, but it still had silly things. Robot dogs, Giant walker robots, Giant long bridges and super trains, Jewish fuck your building balls, Jewish Power armor, Ancient Jewish engineers period, advanced robotics, Mecha Hitler, Science Fiction and Fantasy.

I mean New Order did do it's best to portray the Nazis ruling the world as scary and terrifying in alot of implications and what they do show you, but behind it is alot of mystical/science fantasy stuff, with a tinge of Tarentino.

P-pls no

Her and BJ are so cute together