Fate Grand Order

Welp, FGO is dead in the west. When will they learn amerifats hate anime games? They should have released it worldwide.

We need mobage to become popular.

i'm pretty sure the majority of android users got it from places like apkpure due to aniplex being late. shits number 6 for newely released games right now on andoid and in the top 100 for top grossing on ios.

Are you serious? 10 THOUSAND?

Meanwhile FE Heroes is sitting at 1 million, lol.

I think they will though?


>today's Hand missions are Lancer/Assassin
Nothing but fucking Sabers today lmao.

Gonna grind that shit out and build a healthy stock of gold cards. Have my Kings and REGEND maxed out till I can finally Ascend them all again.

Might just max out Mash so I don't have to worry about it later.

Nip version of FGO has 9mil downloads

When will FEH get moved to /vg/? Its been like 6 months of generals

>only released in one region
>extreme anti-root measures

Not surprised

Not according to their sales.

If you tards can make these threads all day. The quiet Heroes threads can stay

I'm ready to be done with this gacha. Any rerollers with Atalanta and any non-Waver 5* want to trade? I have every 5*, Waver comes with Herc.

>50 Tamomo
>60 Altera
>Can consistently beat 40AP exp dailies now

Are these good?

Do I start playing?

this translation is a fucking meme

Great roll. Don't forget to bind your account in case your phone dies.

Yes now play

Reminder this pussy destroyer is a Weaver and Jeanne combined and if you put him with any of those 2 enjoy buffs or massive heals.

What do I do with dupes? Burn them for prisms?

Which of these meme men should I be leveling?

I would say so. You have a decent team balance.

I feel like that's true to the original. Sounds very NASU.

Though the translation is pretty spotty

My S5 gives the error 60 root problem. fucking japanese.

Is it worth exchanging mana prisms right now or to hold on to them?

stay night Cu is stronger in this

i want you to find out what is wrong in here.

No thanks. Alphoso is the only exception.



Empty the store as fast as you can. They restock every month, so there is no benefit to waiting. If you miss out on exchanging them before that, then those are missed forever.

>turn 1 Gae Bolg

Feels good

Dupe Servants? God no, strengthen their Nobel Phantasm.

Combine them to boost NPs. If you want something to burn, silver exp cards are pretty useless once you can regularly do the 40 AP daily.

FGO just came out OwO

Dupes for Servants- Upgrade NPs and if you already did that, then just make other servants eat them for exp.
Dupes for Craft Essences- "ascend" with dupes.
The only ones you burn for prisms are 3* exp cards.

FSN Cu, let the one eat the other for NP upgrade.

2 5* account?

Fate Grand Order lacks a strong franchise tie in like Dragon Ball Z and Yugioh does(both franchises perspective apps have at least a million downloaded).

Also if they did region lock it to the US, then yes they are missing out on the global audience, which explains why their download volume is extremely low. But more than anything else, they lack a current frachise tie in to make it work. Were this app released around the time of Fate Zero, it probably would have gained attention in the states.

FE Heroes success is largely due to Nintendo's brand recognition. People who know Nintendo but never knew about Fire Emblem and have a soft-spot for anime are going to get it. And then you have Fire Emblem fans to factor as well. Because it had heavy backing from Nintendo its why its succeeded, and is also the reason why they opt to go releasing that first on the Android before Super Mario Run.

It had zero marketing in the west. FEH had tons of promotion from Nintendo.

Marketing is the only thing that matters in the west, quality doesn't matter for shit.

It's literally a brand new game my nigga.

what do i do when my gold servants have capped out, save exp or start leveling my supports?

I can't tell what you're asking.

Fuck my eyes hurt
Damn mobile games

Hopefully never, there are too many complete retards on /vg/ to deal with

>You were expecting a cute shota?

Does Akiba have a mascot? I want to lewd Akiba in her Akibra!

>Also if they did region lock it to the US, then yes they are missing out on the global audience
I'll never understand the region locking. Most anime fans aren't even american.

I plan to level supports.

>in japan

nobody in Japan consumes anything outside of their bubble, so they mean nothing to us.

Level your main team, complete all available content, farm 3* exp to burn for mana cubes.

It's not region locked, I'm playing it just fine from europe, you just need to manually download and install the apk

most of the ppl arent downloading through the play store

Story mode only goes up to Septem for now right?

I've had two migraines in the past 3 days probably due to this game.

His voice is so fucking cool

If you have any account with 2 5 * servants

This is weirdly true. Maybe they should have just gone the Granblue route and just translated everything into English without releasing a separate server, then have a fuckton of "herro prease" goodies for gaijins.

My cat always dies in the 40ap hand dailies. How do you do?

>servants have capped out

good fucking luck with that, see you in a year when you finish capping your first 5*.

This. I'm fucking surprised Aniplex cucked out Asia of all places. I'm sure the number of players are already in the hundreds of thousands, but the majority of them are either playing on emulators or downloaded it at apkcure instead of the Google Playstore.

Astolfo and Chevalier are my cute wives!

I want to make them mothers!

fgo doesn't need to be number one, it just needs to be profitable enough to keep translating it

They probably will release it worldwide soon.
Not like it matters. The gacha in Fate Go easily pays for the shoddy translators they've hired.

how do you farm for monuments and shit for skills

Post you're davorite 1*''s
Ironically this is my favorite servant behind Lancelot

No, I have every 5* individually.

Looks like Nasu to me

>wasting a slot on a shota
Fujo detected

That's region locking in mobile systems lol, if you go by apks than there is almost nothing region locked in mobile.

Asian here, can attest to this, tons of us are playing FE Heroes and FGO on either American or Canadian region setting right now.

>Have him, REGEND, Asterios, Mata Hari, and Spartacus with Lvl 5 NP's

What are those numbers on the characters' portraits?
Shit like 1/1/-

He looks weird

Not even a contest


Yes, but not having it on the store will hurt its marketability and drawing in potential customers. The only people who will get this outside of NA are people already aware of FGO JP.

A mobile game with less than 500k downloads in the google playstore is a stain on most normies' eyes.

THE REGEND has been really reliable for me.

You can level up their skills too, up to 10 times. So a fully upgrade servant would have 10/10/10

Who here /making do/?
level 60 Jeanne friendo has saved me a lot though, and I'm just gonna choose d'Eon because I won't abandon my Minotaur man

My favorite 1* is Kojirou but since he's a meme i'll post my favorite 2* instead

Fate Extra sold like 10k copies in the west but they still translated extella, because translators are constantly working on multiple projects at once, and each campaign of Fate GO can be translated in like a few weeks by a single person if need be.

There are daily quests for that but it's a lot easier to just farm that stuff during events.


Free Jannu.

then that's quite the meaningless definition of region locked, region locked used to only apply to games that were prevented to run on hardware, not just that weren't carried in stores.

>level 60 Jeanne friendo
Hope my Jeanne has been tanking for you.
>Mash Level 40
I have to finish Orleans, don't I?

user i think you are missing a 4star

But they didnt for CCC, oddly.

F/E was a hybrid RPG/ VN, it was super niche. Plus on the Pirate Station Portable.

Extella is a waifu-heavy Musou.

>dump over 30k friend points into the fp gacha
>the few 3 stars i got were all ce
can you even pull 3 star servants from the fp gacha or am i the unluckiest

You gotta finish Septem

Regend or bust.

No Gold servants at all?

So that's how it is.


>Fate Extra sold like 10k copies in the west but they still translated extella

Where's CCC?

Guys is this setup good enough for Orleans?
Yes I'm shitposting

Stheno, but she doesn't look so good

Leo was cooler

Who's a better Berserker, Lu Bu or Kiyohime? Trying to figure out which I should stick in my support slot.

Yes. You can get Medusa and Cu there. But expect to get Caesar or shota Iskandar most of the time.

CCC was a lost cause, even with the fanbase, just because of it being a huge game and only on the PSP. I guess hope that the Extra anime will lead to a Fate/Extra HD complete version or something.

I need to finish to level up my dick ryder so I can finish land of the REGEND.

CCC was on the psp which has bad software sales in the west and CCC has the most dialogue of any non VN / non GO FATE game.

This cutie

Oh, I'm still in Orleans and I'm too busy using my AP on mana prisms.

Nigga you do realize it has been the most popular game in Japan for like 2 years now, right?
And that everyone who cares about Fate has been playing in the japanese servers for a while now.
There was literally no reason for them to release a american server, they probably did it so gaijins would stop invading their japanese servers.