Why are you not playing the best expansion since Wrath?

Why are you not playing the best expansion since Wrath?

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such a lust

But I am.
Feels nice to finally have flying.

But I am playing Vanilla though

I did play Pandaria. And now I'm done with the game because Warlords and Legion sucked, and I'm not going to wait this game out for the third strike.

Should I resub?



>m-muh warcraft 2 character is back!!

fuck off this expansion is fucking boring

How low is the current sub number?
6 mil?



Less then 5 thats for sure.

I would be genuinely surprised if it was over 4.

Better than Cata, MoP or WoD by miles!

I don't know

Because I don't believe that autistic rep grinding should be required to progress through the main fucking story

I fucking hate Legion all the RNG is bullshit. I just want a fucking legendary ring for my Paladin but I know it's just a bunch of bullshit based on luck.

I unsubbed after the Broken Shore patch. You know, their advertised "biggest patch ever" with that shitty fucking zones and four world quests a day with temporary buff towers.
Yet here I am.. itching to play again. Get it away from me.

YAWN, another green rock mountain dew place with re-used TBC mobs.


You mean like getting any piece of gear in WoW since forever?


Legion is fucking horrid, if the game were in it's same state as in fucking cata I would probably resubscribe. I have 4 wow tokens and 800k gold just sitting on my account because you literally can't even pay me to pay Legion that's how dogshit this game is

Can you repeat the question?

Except it's one piece of legendary gear out of a large pool of gear that you can randomly get from doing whatever. Some legendaries are just legit shit that you don't want.

Except WOW's old RNG was based on loot tables, and anything that wasn't on a loot table was BOE.

If you farmed, say, emperor thurrisan enough, you'd eventually get ironfoe.

There is no way to get the legendary you want except by pure, retarded, dumb luck.

>FFXIV recently announced they had 5 million subscribes
guess wows not top dog any more

>5 million subscribers
yeah thats why they only had 360k people complete the main heavensward storyline
idiot shill

>>>FFXIV recently announced they had 5 million subscribes
Is it actual subscribers OR accounts created? Last time I played everyone said the game had millions of players, but after weaponizing my autism i found there were less than 1m active subs between the periods of late december 2015 to early march 2016 (when I stopped playing). I saw numbers floating between 500k and 800k a lot.

>Alleria and Turalyon! They got blowed up on Draenor!
>Thats the planet that gets blowed up!

The final boss of the expansion is Argus the Unmaker

This is what he looks like. Say something nice

Troll/Lei Shen connections?

how long until we get to see the titan form of Azeroth

I really hope he's a titan who Sargeras has been leading astray all this time.

>Oh thank fug big bro Sargeras found me
>Sucks that all my family is dead but at least Sargeras is here to help me purge the Void Lords!
>And we even saved big-bro Aggramar, even if he's not quite himself these days since the accident
>Wait, you're saying a bunch of flesh-monsters are coming from that other world? Don't worry onii-chan, I'll fuck them up

>Tfw I keep getting the itch to resub but only to play as a slutty elf and suck cocks all day for gold.

She'd have a huge, gaping, eternally wet vagina

>best expansion since Wrath
You say that like wrath was good and not just the beginning of the shallow shitshow the game is now

>but it's not coming out for another 5 months

perfect timing for that black friday $20 deal

Well, they're clearly going all out. Warcraft is about to come to an end.

One more expansion for the void lords and everyone rides off into the sunset.

I don't have the itch to resub but I will like following the lore to its end.

>her vagina is the Maelstrom

I resubbed and honestly, I didn't keep playing for more than a month. Didn't find Legion that amazing.


It's called the Maelstrom. It goes right to Deepholm.

You can do that with MRP and a trial account bro.

My problem was kind of the opposite. I subbed at the beginning of Legion and thought it was great.

But more than ever its become obvious that there isn't enough they can do to make it feel new or exciting short of a new game. Expansions aren't going to do it. New paint, new dealios and thingymabobs, same car.

Come home white man

Can't trade with a trial account though

Wrath WAS good until 3.2

Yeah but how will I buy all of the slutty outfits?

It'll probably start dropping now with na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/263f9a10fe534e8c93e43d08fde73eaba1c52976
>Tons of login issues early access
>only gets worse as the days go by with no word from Square who apparently took the weekend off
>oh right this game uhh we're...under DDOS attack, yeah that's it!
>Why did you wait until Monday 4 days after early access began to announce this attack
>...hey new cash shop mount! why don't you go buy it?
>login problems still continue
>uhh so there's alot of people afking and its hurting our servers and making long queue times to play
>so now you can get double xp and some more rewards for transferring to a new server that isn't congested! *only the small servers count
>Omega server is full of frenchies that don't speak english
>but at least people can start playing
>still login problems
>alright so now to fix the login problems we will be shutting down all servers for 10 minutes every day

game is fun, but holy shit devs have no idea what they're doing

How are we the fucking adventuring plebs supposed to KILL A FUCKING TITAN.
Fucking glad I let my subscription run out

Guess you'd better do it for free.

>wow is still a thing
Blizzard are truly the masters of making cash

Now you can grind nethershards and target legendaries using Relinquished armor tokens for that particular slot you want the legend from.

>those tier 21 armor sets

Surely these are placeholders right? They all look like fucking trash.

you can access your xmog wardrobe without a sub, but only on

DK is kind of cool

the others are trash though

best placeholders coming through


>Even if you have beaten the fuck of sbitload of things rat should still kill ylh bcus reasons >:(


Varimathras had a hard life.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

I refuse to believe this will actually be a tier set




>that exposed chin
Its like the exposed midriff on naxx set. They just couldn't finish the job.


yet another shit priest set


Because WoW is and has always been shit.

Because MoP is over user

MoP > Legion (thus far) > WOTLK > Cata > TBC > WoD > Vanilla

>Unique-Equipped: Legion Legendary (2)
I think that one sentence captures the entire state of current WoW. That's absolutely beautiful.

looks cool


Looks like it was designed with just hiding the shoulders in mind. Would look fine without them on.

we are borne of the blood
made men by the blood
undone by the blood

>it's a meme letter media episode

Shoulders ruin it

>those boots


yeah this set is totally finished guys i mean its not like the warriors are missing shoulder textures or anything


So how did those artifact weapons end up influencing the game in the end? Were they a good thing or did they ruin the looting/lore forever?

They look like they're missing textures. WoW handles missing texture files by wrapping your skin texture of that piece, so gauntlets with missing textures would have weird flappy cuffs of skin

>playing Arms Warrior finishing up order hall campaign
>Doing the "complete 10 WQs" part
>Get BiS ring for Arms from 1st emissary
>Get BiS helm for Arms from 2nd
>My friend who also plays Warrior loses his mind because I don't raid and cant even equip 2 yet

It was an awful addition. You had to grind shitloads of dungeons to get the maximum level. Also the fact that you can't get any new weapons from raids makes the overall raid loot table pretty fucking boring. Weapon loot was always the best thing about raids, now you just get some shitty armor pieces from raids that you are gonna transmog anyway because they're fucking ugly.

But it was not the worst thing about Legion. The absolute worst thing about Legion is that the titanforging doesn't have limit. I don't know how anyone can justify this system when you can get same level of raid loot from one difficulty lower if you get lucky. Especially from the raid's later bosses.

overall it was just another grind and really no different than getting weapon drops, and apart from some retarded choices, they didn't really hurt the lore more than any other xpac. They put a focus on lore for each class when usually they're just ignored, so in that regard they were at least a step in the right direction
Looting was ruined by random legendaries much more than artifacts, and I'd say crafting was ruined by shit choices but let's face it, they never made crafting good anyway

>"""fast run mythic dungeon!"""
>it's a do 20% more dps than the best dps as a bear episode

Hurt loot tables, which is annoying but not a major loss.
AP and concordance are fucking stupid. Among the top 5 problems that kills hype in Legion.
Lore-wise, the vast majority are actually alright and some are even kinda cool. You would think a bunch of OC-donut steel weapons would be retarded but Blizzard didn't go full-retard with them.

>it's a do 20% more dps than the best dps as a bear episode
I didn't get it.
Are you the tank? Are guardian druids (still) OP?

Ruined it. Artifact weapons and Legendaries ruined the game more than garrisons ever did.

>guise what if a demon got super corrupted?

>judgement armour was most gangster armour on a dwarf

When arent they middle or top of the pack buddy?

Have they updated the worgen models yet?
Didn't think so

This would look sick on an undead

Are orcs upright yet? The moment the orc models become more like Thrall and less like Quasimodo is the moment I resub

Tauren can still be paladins.