

Other urls found in this thread:



is this iwata


Does Kumatora fuck Lucas's boipucci?


I don't get it


>Peach is all pissy because she's not the center of attention
Why are women such horrible people?



I think it's just one page out of a longer comic




video games

kek any more of these?


Somebody post the blowjob one

Why did I laugh?

Jesus Christ, Nintendo fans are just like ANTI funny

Ok, where's the penis?

The facial expression. She likes his Freudian slip.

>reading these
>"this is retarded"
>get to A&A
>I'm the retarded one.

Why will you delete that post in one minute? Please explain.

what was it?

I posted in the wrong thread, actually.

>Amurica runn no dundun
I had a good chuckle

Me on the right.

Bullshit tell us.

Anyone got the one where tranny becomes transnigger and visits her aunt

its always the super retarded ones like that that make me laugh aswell i think its something about the simplicity of it ontop of it being well aware of how much it isnt trying
but were probably all retarded

Little Sister cosplay from Bioshock getting railed on a table drooling like an idiot.

It was some racy Little Sister cosplay, meant to be posted in a BioShock thread.


but why not ass effect


thanks op, youre not a faggot today. had a really shitty day and was needing a lulz thread. can't wait to read some of these comics and yours guys responses to them to gust a but laughing at how bad they are lul

Remember when Noill use to do a bunch of qt pics of Kumatora at /i/?

Now he's just doing furry shit with his friends since final nsfw tumblr got destroyed and his japanese friend couldn't get a seat at comiket for the Tsuyu collaboration doujin.

Sad times

Do it.

found it

>compliment girl
>she gets angry
Is there a name for this phenomenon?

thot get ye gone


do it




IF you ever need to check for a subtle edit just open both of the images in separate tabs then swap between them fast
Your eyes will usually find the difference


Yes, it's the "she's not into you phenomenon".


>you forgot to salt the fries
You salt the fries after you cook them, you dumb fuck.


I regret clicking

Is that guy a JoJo character?

>check tumblr
>zetta-bot's gone

is this a new meme?
