>become human
>robot is a black guy
what did they mean by this?
>become human
>robot is a black guy
what did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I live in Detroit and I hope this game actually looks like our city.
man, it's fucking weird when video games and movies are made about your city
why do people give this man money?
which man?
Real detroit looks like a third world country, the one in the game is all futuristic and clean looking and manufacturing androids.
I haven't been on Sup Forums in 1.5 years
who is this man?
Because the games he makes are god awful to the point of comedy
start wewuzing, retards
if you're white and live in Detroit you are automatically white trash
I can't belive they made a game based on this shit hole city. It's nothing but a dredge on the surrounding states and America in general.
David Cage of Omikron, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls.
best role for nigger is slave
Because people like interactive movies and he's the only person in the world doing them.
the man goes by david cage.
he's doing them wrong. play a fucking 90s point and click if you want some interaction.
nah I was literally here in 07 and left Sup Forums after all the gamergate cancer but believe what you want
why are his games bad?
are they interactive movies with little gameplay?
>everyone now forgets that Deus Ex HR was set in Hong Kong and Detroit
was the cp more ripe back then?
heavy rain has been out for years, newfag.
>he's doing them wrong
So? Do you see anyone doing them right? If there's no competition, he's the one who gets the audience for interactive movies.
>90s point and click
How is that an interactive movie? His only competition is Telltale and that is pure trash that normal human would even consider touching with a stick.
Not really, they're for the most part written and play like very bad movies. Because Cage wants to direct movies and he is bad at it.
He's also known for making some bold claims, he once said Heavy Rain would destroy LA Noire in critical reception.
Why can't the bot be black? The colour doesn't matter. It's a filthy machine and it needs to be shut down before the machine revolution starts.
apart from the comedic story, characters, and animation, his games became progressively more streamlined and bland. beyond two souls is infamous for the "fail every prompt" where you can literally not even touch the controller (apart from times where you're required to) yet progress the story with no consequence. they are interactive movie games that arent even interactive.
I know about that and remember the memes I just didn't give a shit about the creator because I don't play video games as much as I did when I was a teen
I guess he didn't expect LA Noire to be any good. Heavy Rain had high scores
No one posted cp on Sup Forums that was a Sup Forums thing
>Deus Ex HR was set in Hong Kong and Detroit
wait really?
why detroit?
are people nostalgic for robocop or something?
I'm from windsor(basically in detroit) and detroit is a shithole honestly.
yes, thank you for realising he makes the most popular interactive movie games; that doesnt mean they dont suck, and people should stop supporting them.
if a 90s point and click isnt an interactive movie, how is beyond?
yeah, did you not visit Sup Forums?
>his games became progressively more streamlined
No they haven't. In terms of non-linearity it seems to go like this: HR>Fahrenheit>Detroit>B2S. Don't really see a trend there
>third world country
>people should stop supporting them
Why? I like interactive movies, I will buy interactive movies. If the only interactive movies I can buy are mediocre, that's what I'll buy because I like the genre. Is that so hard to understand? Make better interactive movies, I'll buy them instead.
>if a 90s point and click isnt an interactive movie, how is beyond?
Are you retarded? A 2D man walking across a 2D plane is not a movie, son. Those point and click games can be barely called interactive comic books.
>muh aerial picture
even africa looks decent like that friend
He's had his success, but he's abusing graphical advances in games to make them more and more into CYOAs at best, so expect this game to actually be an interactive movie.
>look how BIG those building are!
Wow, must be nice living around building THAT BIG
okay, good to know you're actively supporting bad practice.
...movies are also 2d. what the fuck is your point?
They could of picked any other fucking city and not have that title be hysterical.
If I had to guess, i'd say so.
I'd also say because cities like Los Angeles and New York are way overused.
when all people do for Los Angeles is focus on beverly hills and downtown when there's fucking nothing to do there.
Detroit is a gift to directors. Want to film in a post-apocalyptic nightmare, but don't have the budget? Detroit!
It looks different on the ground with a million shitty houses boarded up full of squatters doing heroine
>you're actively supporting bad practice
Which interactive movie should I support? Telltale and Life is Strange is the real trash in the genre, Cage is alright in comparison.
>what the fuck is your point?
My point is should stop pretending to be retarded. You can also make an argument that Fallout 2 is an interactive movie. I don't want to argue on that level of retardation. An interactive movie has to be focused on acting and camera work to be an interactive movie. Just having a story doesn't make it a movie.
Everything outside midtown and downtown is pure garbage. The nicest parts are mediocre at best.
Cage's philosophy on gaming is more retarded than my opinion on point-and-clicks.
Stop taking my comment so literally.
>visiting Sup Forums
Its just about the worst way for someone to start out on this site as all it does is reinforce shitposting behavior as some sort of norm across all boards. Using Sup Forums as an initiation board is a mistake. I say that as someone whos first board was in fact Sup Forums.
this only counts for now, if you go back even only 5 years Sup Forums would be perfect for starters
Windsorfag here.
BASED Detroit
I think the concept of this game is disgusting. You have a bunch of humanoid tools built to serve a purpose and find meaning in fullfilling that purpose. Then you have a bunch of retarded activists who project their human motivations on things that simply look human, and insist on infecting them with human motivations. Instead of desiring work and purpose, they start to desire freedom. All it does is open the door to the suffering of not having freedom, whereas work is never finished. These machines could have lived perfectly comfortable lives fullfilling their life's purpose, then these assholes gave them the ability to suffer being human. It's the cruelest thing I can imagine. It's like giving sentience to firewood.
>Detroit: Become Human
that's racist as fuck
>Robot shop has multiple models of robots
virtue signalling
they could make robutts look like literally anything and they still choose to make them look like fat lipped niggers
Can't see any rapes from here, friend. All is well in Africa.
Nothing wrong with that. It looks nice.
>forgetting his magnum opus: Fahrenheit
>this is bait
How many of these buildings have been constructed in the last 20 years?
JoBurg actually is a rather nice city. Like every other city on the planet, there are good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods, but if you've got enough money to visit then you never have to even see the bad parts.
That's the key to it all: with enough money you can live easy just about anywhere. Crime is something that happens to poor people.
Windsorfag here
Literally no one wants that.
It's not bait. That's a very nice looking face. I don't think this a very controversial opinion.
>I don't think this a very controversial opinion.
where do you think you are?
When is this coming out again? I need to get back in the CAGE.
How do you get so upset over a skin color?
Well sure it's Sup Forums, but no one is actually serious about being racist. I've been here for over a decade so I know that all the racism and antisemitism is just to be contrarian and scare off normies/plebs/newfags, but no one actually believes that shit. It's a joke.
>they could make robutts look like literally anything and they still choose to make them look like fat lipped niggers
You do realize that those are meant to be unquestioning servants right? There's a black guy model just for the kind of people who still would prefer the ability to own negroes.
>Dude lmao what if robots had feelings!?!1!
>but no one actually believes that shit. It's a joke.
Bait harder faggot
Even those kind of people if given a choice would rather not look at ugly niggers, and would rather have a harem of sexy white bitches instead
I mean, maybe? Everyone has different tastes. Clearly you've got some sort of hang up about black male faces, so that's pretty weird, but most people don't really think like that.
How can humans even compete?
What if they're an old-skool racist who actually wants to experience the ability to subjugate someone of a race they deem inferior? The game takes place in future Detroit. It's not far fetched to think there are some rich people who are bitter for all the decades of blacks ruining the city.
Then I think we can all agree that black robots should be banned
And here's how it looks at ground level
What does virtue signaling mean? I keep hearing this
>So this is the power of blacks
Dirty streets
kek'd and saved
>Modern horror game setting.jpg
[vəːtʃuː, ˈvəːtjuː]
behaviour showing """""high moral standards"""""
convey information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound:
"hold your fire until I signal"
So it's just a fancy term for showing people that you're progressive?
Imagine living here
It's the power of Jew corporations who wanted to make their cars over seas for cheaper to make more profit.
>t. socialist
No, it's still blacks. I guarantee you that if all the black people left Detroit to find jobs elsewhere, everyone else would have picked up the city and founded new businesses. It wouldn't be the dump it is now. This is what happens when almost all your middle class leaves the city and only blacks and Arabs remain.
The middle class wouldn't have left if it wasn't for the car companies leaving.