How do I stop feeling like a piece of shit when I play these games?
I genuinely enjoy them and all that they stand for, but, growing up in a family of normies, I can't help but feel like a loser playing these otaku-pandering games. I am serious. How do I suppress these feelings and let myself enjoy these games?
Juan Carter
Just tell yourself that you're enjoying them ironically.
Noah Butler
Play whatever you like and just give no fucks. Live your life the way you want to and don't let negative comments on the internet influence your fun.
Jason Jackson
>How do I suppress these feelings and let myself enjoy these games? stop seeing them or talking to them
Jacob Sanchez
Keep in mind playing ANY games after 18 is considered absolutely detestable in most of the world so it doesn't matter if it's a super cinematic experience extravaganza or something silly like Neptunia.
Matthew Barnes
What dumb country do you live in?
Owen Edwards
Central Europe.
>But which one? They're all the same in that regard.
Sebastian Davis
When's 4GO coming to the US?
Anthony Cox
Oh you're not in one of the Fifa counties then
Mason Sullivan
Nep games are probably the definition of shovelware kusoge and you should feel bad for playing them. HOWEVER what you do on your time is your business, so long as you aren't one of the fuckers making those "look at this Nep" threads or "post characters who are lit you" threads, it's no big deal.