ITT: vaguely describe a game and other guess
>eternal struggle of manlet against big guy taking his love interest
ITT: vaguely describe a game and other guess
Xavier Cruz
Ryan Cox
Is that monkey pregnant or just fat?
Nathaniel Kelly
You wake up from a really long nap and go on a journey to become king of hell
Josiah Jones
>your ship crashed, train monsters to fight an evil being so you can leave and win a contest
Eli Gray
Super Mario, the whole series?
Justin Brooks
>Shoot nazis, sometimes there is spooky things.
Tyler Long
Donkey kong
Owen Martinez
At first there is only one alien on the station, but they were a lot all along.
Adrian Thomas
Janitor neglects his responsibility to put up wet floor signs, then a wizard shows up and turns him into a slime.
Zachary Hall
Go to random places and shoot things.