Obviously they're brimming with technical talent, but how do you feel about their creative output?

Obviously they're brimming with technical talent, but how do you feel about their creative output?

Uncharted 4 was my GOTY last year and The Last of Us is one of my favourite games and an absolute thrill ride when played on higher/highest difficulty.

Best in the business, there's a reason why so many studios are trying to copy them

I enjoy watching them on youtube, so I guess it's creative enough.

probably the most revolutionary developers out there

I really liked uncharted 4

only good sony's 1st party western developer

They make boring movies about lesbians

neil druckmann is about 5 miles up his own ass

They market what little creativity they have very effectively

they should have left the last of us as their only realistic series and kept making uncharted with mystical elements

Imagine all the tears of Ape Escape turds.
Might as well make a mug out of them.

Ever since their direction shift with Last of Us, seems like the farthest they will go is post apocalypse with zombies. I want to bet they will never tackle any interesting setting like sci-fi, or anything that has non-human main characters.

Forced myself through TLOU, the movie game meme is real.

>there are no shills o-


their games are fun but their stories are really fucking gay and try hard. they might as well put [YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL SAD HERE] on the screen throughout TLOU with how hard they tried for that shit. No idea why Sup Forums calls their games moviegames though
actually i do, it's because they're playstation games . The stories are lame and uninspired but there's plenty of gameplay and it's not like it's just a VN like until dawn or something.

Some of the very best in the industry.

They're probably the most consistent AAA dev out there. Technically, they're unmatched. Creatively, they clearly put a shit ton of thought into all of their work. The sheer amount of effort when compared to other devs is apparent. Even if you absolutely hate their games, it's impossible to deny their talent

>Sci-fi Naughty Dog game

I might play that instead of watch it on youtube. I've never physically played a naughty dog game so I say more power to em.

agree with uncharted, disagree with last of us

>All these shill posts
what is going on?

>All these people who just watch playthoughs of ND games on youtube calling them moviegames

>I've never physically played a naughty dog game so I say more power to em.

Crash and Jak & Daxter weren't movies.

Just guerilla marketing firms. The usual before a big announcement or release.

Yeah... still not going to play them.

No, they're not as brash in their execution.

Good stories but mediocre shoot and duck gameplay

>Good stories

You just described the inverse of the uncharted series though

At least they "think" they're not. I disagree.

>tfw you can't come up with a good argument or comeback so you just call them a shill

It's a bad feel lads

What I mean is that they don't come in and say "wow I love x company! y game is really good!" those are either unsubtle falsefalggers trying to get replies or newfags who don't understand how discussion here works. Marketers know what they're doing and they just want you to talk about their game/company. Doesn't have to be good things.

That's a good way to cover for your activities. I use similar excuses to get out of speeding tickets.

fair enough

They offered to make HL3. Considering how badly Valve dropped the ball in the dev department, somebody had to take the reigns with scripted storytelling. They're okay in my book, even though I haven't loved anything they've done since the PS1.

>aiming with a console controller is enjoyable

They are my favorite movie directors

I don't have a problem with it. Too hard for you?

It's not fun

Quit being autistic about single player games that were designed for controllers

its retarded

I find it fun. Gonna guess it's too hard for you.

>start shilling bad games

Joysticks are better for third person games.

Why are you using words you don't understand?

Tomb Raider is better than Uncharted. More game play, less movie, mystical elements.

aaaaaand you've never played uncharted

Fuck Naughty Dog everything after Jak series is a walking simulator boring gameplay with a barely decent story

Oh I've played all four. They get shittier and shittier.

You're trying too hard to be dismissive of it. It's a good story, well-told. People still argue about whether the ending is justified on Sup Forums every time it's brought up. The only thing cliche is the setting.

The story was predictable and cliche. It wasn't well told and it wasn't a good story. Sup Forums argues about the game period any time it's posted because it's a sony exclusive.

Should have used their technical talent to make Jak 4 instead.