Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because sexism/objectification of a human body, can only occur against females.
Male power fantasy
>citing a Rob Liefeld drawing as an ideal
>assuming universal likes and tastes
>Have you ever thought "Mm, yeah, i super want to cozy up to that guy"
yes i have bitch, muscular dudes are fucking hot as hell, even when their face is hidden or they aren't the best looking they're still pretty fucking hot to cuddle up with
you've made me angsty now user i'm reporting you this instant
Only homosexuals and women play Heroes of the storm so it's just marketing toward their consumer base.
What is the female power fantasy then?
It's not being attractive and using that to your advantage, because that's appealing to the male gaze.
It's not being physically powerful and in great shape, because that's "dude with tits"
It's not being mentally powerful (ie. a mage or sorcerer) because that undermines the physical qualities of women (even though this directly competes with the second point)
So what the fuck is it?
>lots of games with women using barely any clothes or stupid sexualized outfits
>Sup Forums doesn't care
>one muscular men in underwear
>Sup Forums goes mad
I mean if you arnt gay you wouldnt understand
Dat trailer though.
>"I super want to cozy up with that guy?" Probably not
Did he just say that gay men don't exist? This is quite problematic
>women are hard to understand and wont date me :'(
Why is this allowed?
Did you have something constructive to add, or will I just file you under "roastie"?
That's not what he said. Please learn the socratic method before resorting to blatant ad hominem like this.
It's power. Not as in physical or magical power, but the quality of being in charge.
This is why Sims is such a hit among female players. It places you into complete control over the lives of virtual people.
why is this allowed?
>What is the female power fantasy then?
Pic related is probably the closet example.
A woman that her entire career revolves around her look/body.
>doesn't want to cuddle up to ubermensch
Is this just a disguised bara thread?
>great skin
>ruined with that shitty gun
Blizard never ceases to amaze me
man his hips/waist look weird and it distracts me from being aroused.
>My power fantasy is a burly battlemage with a magical claymore
>Women's power fantasy is Kim Kardashian
Women, why are you so terrible all of the time?
>pulled shorts down, pulled them up to hook under the sack
you know it
it isnt a female ass shot, thats why
Getting objectified as a male is awesome
How do you cater to that fantasy, though? Create characters that are royalty or commanders of some sort?
queen pulling the strings, female manager influencing the male CEO, celebrity wife to powerful politician, etc