Subtle vidya clothing thread

subtle vidya clothing thread




I don't get how merch like that exists. Family Guy has been pretty consistently funny since it came back in, what, 2004? 2005? How did it mix with cancer like Mine Craft. That's totally not even in Stewie's character. Who made this shirt? Is it unofficial?




I hope they never sold 50.

Please tell me no one would actually wear that in public.


>family guy

Oh boy, it's summer time!

I'd unironically wear this.

So you can get one for yourself?


We need to go deeper

if only you knew

cosidering you're overweight and short you propably don't have any shame left

I'm not overweight.

>Moving around the country
>See these in every gamestop no matter where I am

Why? What was it about this shirt that attracted autists?

Damn what game is this referencing

If my azn qt3.14 fuckbuddy wasn't embarrassed by it I'd wear that when we go out together.

oh you sweet summer child



>any of these

what game?

>it's a real shirt

more like Chads

Middle lel

not user
yes its a real shirt

What was the fucking context for this photo and it better have been some model photoshoot.

where do i get this

What the fuck are you trying to say?

>he doesn't know

What's the point of a sixpack if your biceps and triceps are the equivalent of little girls?

How do I get this many young men in my house user?

its a real shirt

i hate its existence

ugh user, stop being so mean to chad!

call 1-800-BLACKED
trust me user

Being attractive

Melonpan is cheating though.

Where can i buy it?


>family goy

t. 300lbs overweight

Do little kids even watch Family Guy? Who else would buy it?

>Family Guy has been pretty consistently funny

What said, melonpan is a god among men and can't be compared to other idiots.

if i saw someone wearing this i would kill them desu

Where do I find a trap bf?

Seasons 1-3 were good, but when it came back from cancellation is just went to complete shit. The writers just tried to be edgier and edgier with even less sophisticated jokes. Family Guy wasn't really sophisticated to begin with, but apparently the bar can go lower.

First row on the right is the rare beta-chad




I got this printed on a shirt for a party once, it actually went over very well. inb4 fatshit, I'm 5'8 135

he's rich and doing it le ironically so it doesn't count

how is it shameful exactly?

grand tft ao

>inb4 fatshit, I'm 5'8 135
I'd rather be fat shit honestly. I'm so sorry.

I would post the webm but I already got banned twice for that shit


Yeah he doesn't look like that.

this sort of surgery doesnt work for a whole 4 inches

>I want to buy a helicopter
>You should

A manlet was angry enough to draw this.

Not quite, but I do have a timelessly handsome face like Johnny Depp or Tom Cruise. Seriously, my friends think I'm a Pillar Man or something.


>but I do have a timelessly handsome face like Johnny Depp or Tom Cruise.
>Posts on Sup Forums during the middle of the afternoon
>Butthurt enough to have a manlet reaction comic saved

these kind of frustration comics always have the same bad sloppy art style
like those redpill woman hate comics that ended up degenerating into WMAF hate because the artist was a bitter asian



There's actually an episode called Family Goy.

Soooo subtle

For their shirt obviously.

Liberal/communist propaganda is never funny.



If Sup Forums culture was mainstream I'd wear that as a joke.

How the fuck is that subtle



Actually got a compliment from some random guy on the street for this one


Because it's actually subtle. Normies would assume that's just a real thing.

Whoops wrong pic

The most subtle one coming through

>randy pitchfords closet.jpg

>giving 1 single fuck about what poorfags think of him

I have better things to be manlet angry over, fuck off!

>not Elsa Jean BLACKED


do it pussy


I love polo shirts, and this one has been an excellent addition to my wardrobe

Family Guy

And it came out in 1999 you underage


Post it again

That guy is rich as fuck and he as a GF. When you're rich and bored you have plenty of money to waste for shitposting purposes.

None of these are fucking subtle