mario is funny
Mario is funny
he is ha ha
as a Zelda main, he's the only top tier i can beat
mario make a funne scream
is he half way in down pipe
haha what if mario throws his hat at yoshi and lays an egg haha
I really wish Oney replaced more voices in the game. Them trying their hardest not to acknowledge the voices is killing my sides
Found the TRIGGERED SJW cuck from neofag
[banshee scream]
What if Mario is actually racist?
Not racist. But does show signs of Anti-Koopa Sentiment.
just let the koopas invade the mushroom kingdom, dont be a bigot
I agree. Them genderless fungus and blond chick are barely doing anything with it and that one plummer is bullying kids from a broken family.
It happened in the Paper Mario universe where they got their own town and shit, and look how that ended up.
Fucking koops can't even deal with pest problems, all they do is sit on their asses all day and complain about taxes
With all the times the eternal red hat has bullied them and murdered them in the past im not surprised koopas are lazy and cynical