Why can't other devs make the character movement as smooth as Horizon: Zero Dawn? Aloy moves so smoothly and feel so good to move around.
Why can't other devs make the character movement as smooth as Horizon: Zero Dawn...
her face skin is better in this shot
>30 fps
here comes the entitlement
It is not about FPS. The engine is incredible. She feels really good to move. It's very precise. No weird turns or anything.
I'd move her smoothly, if you know what I mean
What if you were to give this game to, say, twenty... intelligent people i mean, what would that do? Let's face it what would it do?
I got a PC back in March and have been playing 60fps games exclusively and I went back to Horizon a few weeks ago to see if 30fps would give me a headache and I got used to it within an hour. Its definitely noticeable but anybody saying 30fps is unplayable or intolerable is autistic. You only really notice a massive difference if you go from 60 to 30 in the same game, especially in an FPS. Horizon is fine at 30, but I wish I could play it at 60 on max settings.
It's all about that sweet sweet Decima Engine. Really a fucking good engine to be honest. Sadly this board is shitpost only but the engine should be praised a lot. There are MAYBE 5 games that run at 30 fps stable with decent graphics. Hope Guerrilla can pull off something more in a sequel or another IP with that engine.
>Why can't other devs make the character movement as smooth as Horizon: Zero Dawn?
*Blocks your path*