What the

what the...


If we're gonna play this card, then know the PlayStation 4 sold 1M unit in 24 hours in North America alone.

It was more about the Breath of the Wild not being the best selling game. What are they playing?

Stop being such a tremendous fucking faggot, OP and give us the actual best selling game.

Mario Kart. It's not that strange. In Nintendo console history, Mario Kart's been their biggest seller. Zelda normally doesn't top charts in lifetime sales.

Shit. Well this is what I get for blinking at the headline.

What do nips pay instead of Zelda? Uh... I duno 1 2 Switch? I heard Splatoon 2 pre-orders are 700K strong there so that's something. Monster Hunter XX? I know it's not out yet, but still.

MK8 DX and weebshit, Spla2n is next.

There are 8 mario kart games?

>Super Circuit
>Double Dash

In spite of its rabid fanbase, I think we are going to quickly approach the point where Switch owners dint like Zelda. I personally will be selling it for Splatoon, as I've been struggling to carry on through and am not enjoying it at all. I normally thoroughly enjoy Zelda, but this one is basically my worst nightmare in a game.

>Immediately brings up the playstation 4
Im just saying, this is probably why most sonyfags and mscucks shit on these threads.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO delet this shit now!!! B-Based nips love ZELDA!!! MOOOOODSSS

Sonyfaggots are really making me want to play Zelda, desu. Already sold both my PS3 and PS4.

>best game doesn't sell well

This has always been the case.

Yoshi's Island for the SNES was one of the most critically acclaimed games of its time and was one of the lowest selling.

Nintendo cucks are always the first to start flinging shit at sony

there are more, but only 8 (9) Nintendo consoles exclusives.

zelda isnt really popular in japan

No one has ever said that you desperate faggot.

>Only 1 million
Top kek
>Botw not best selling game
It was always a blunder


this. Nintend-cucks actually thought zelda would sell well. lol

What systems do you play on, Blunderfag?
>inb4 not a Switch

Japan having shit tastes has been known forever.

But Odyssey and XC2 are 2017?

PS4 pro, the ultimate console
A delay will soon be announced

>A delay will soon be announced

Because only children have console wars? God damn you people need to grow the fuck up

Believe it or not people here actually dislike BoTW.

I hear my students bitch about it almost every day. They all play Mario kart with each other during breaks though.

>if we're gonna play this card
>being this insecure

do you have something to defend, user?

A population 3x the size of Japan managed to sell the same amount in 24 hours

woah.. so this is the power.. of the ps4...


explain why? personally, the archaic formula tloz series was trapped in almost killed my love for the franchise. botw is their first step in the right direction and boy was it a big/successful one.

>make shit western open world game
>nips hate it
Really x my y

your comment is so utterly redundant.

Japan audience matters more because 90% of good games come out of Japan.

What I find most amusing is that BotW 4 Switch has sold more copies than total consoles sold

And none of the games on the picture are blunders by any metrics, why stop at one lie and not go all the way?

nips in generally not really a fan of zelda compared to the west so how is that shit any kind of surprise?

Honestly, OP, you should have just snipped the image to the "Breath Of The Wild Is Not Its Bestselling Game" bit. The knee-jerk Wojaktard reaction to the first part was pathetic even for Sup Forums.

>If we're gonna play this card
What the fuck are you talking about? The thread is about the best selling game on Switch and for some reason you bring up PS4 sales? Seek help you fucking manchild.

On holidays LOL. Keep crying, roach.

What? What's the bestselling game there?

yea im always surprised to hear this too. Double dash is still new to me and i didn't even know about super circuit.

I'm curious as to how much 1,2, switch sold.

Mario Kart

>b-b-but he started it!!!
real mature, unlike those nintendo manchildren huh

Half a Million in Japan IIRC
I might be wrong

What reason would anyone have to buy a Switch right now? Zelda is it's only game. It doesn't make since to purchase one now.

>yfw splatoon 2 outsells both combined in the first weekend

> I duno 1 2 Switch?
It's mario kart you dumbfuck

>3 times the population
>sold 118 times as fast

First game I bought with mine last week. Loving the shit out of it. Squidkart a cute!

Anime Schoolgirl Panty Quest: Grindan Adventure

Don't even lie. Songgers are the biggest shit flingers to have have come out of this degenerate board.

>This card
What card you fucking sperg? All he did was mention Japan. How insecure are you Sonyfags?

It was bait user, smarten up


>What fucking game are the japs buying for the switch if not BotW?
Holy fuck, you people.

The only weebshit is Disgay.
