Tell me how to be a good commander, Sup Forums
Tell me how to be a good commander, Sup Forums
hammer and anvil.
repeat until done.
This. Depending on the game throw in some ranged units as well.
Bait, bait, bait.
Hammer and anvil is low shit with experienced players and would easily wreck your hammer before you can anvil or vice versa.
That or camp the corner of the map like a chimp.
>Play Warhammer
>7 cannons, 8-9 something archers, a front line of spearmen stretched to protect them from getting rammed
>Blow the fuck out of approaching armies before they can even get close
>Volley of arrows as soon as they enter range
>Almost routed then and there
Name one problem with ultimate turtle strategy.
I bet you did the same in FOTS, scum.
>playing shogun 2 on hardest difficulty
>have my yari ashigaru in a long spear wall formation with archers behind them, light cavalry hiding in the woods to flank and kill their general before he can rally his troops
>enemy mostly consists of ashigaru archers, horsemen, and a few matchlocks with no real melee units besides a yari samurai that he mustered from a nearby fort
>enemy starts advancing on my position
>Yari samurai touch the end of one of the spear walls
>somehow he managed to flank me with swordsman cavalry without me seeing them
>my spear wall flees the battlefield and I lose half my archers before I lose the battle
After basic tactics the most important thing most people miss is using armor piercing against armored enemies, non-AP against meatshields
Shogun 2 morale is fucking broken. Your dudes are either hardcore or crying babies.
Rome II vs Attila which is better and why
Rome 2 A.I is fucking amazingly bad. I played it again today after I went to visit the Roman Colosseum and wanted a related vidya. Literally have melee units run up to my archers, stop 20% of the way before they reach them, and just stand still getting pelted by arrows.
I once had a group of Samurai that seemed to have infinite moral. As in their moral never changed from full.
Maybe they were depressed and wanted to die user
Not impossible with all the morale buffs/debuffs that exist in the series.
Attila for just about every reason. But if you have a classical-era itch then get DEI for R2 until Ancient Empires releases which will be never
This would lose to any rush down army with the same gold cost.
>trying to win a shogun 2 campaign as satsuma
>playing PvP
>doing not but campaign
>playing mp in total war
do people actually do this
Autists who wants to stroke their epeen do.
To be a good commander you don't play the vanilla game and play the series' many great mods instead.
1 general
7 legionary
6 spear
3 missile
3 mounted
Turtle up
It will be an extremely slow battle but it's a good starting strategy and can be used defensively against almost all AI armies up to and including legendary if you have a little luck on your side. If the enemy brings siege weapons and you aren't in a city then you won't be having a good day.
now that the dust has settled
Medieval 2 > Rome 1 > rest
objectively correct.
It's still fucking hammer and anvil you dope. It's just that the armies are balanced and both people know how simple the battles are on a meta level, so all the gameplay is the maneuvering before that conclusion.
No faction in warhammer has both cannons and archers.
Both cannons that are in game are only good against large units
Missile units are balanced so that they can never eliminate an equal value of melee units before they can engage, you need to keep them shooting for longer.
Spears are only anti-large, which you have no reason to have with that many cannons(which are already a waste), spears will then get shredded by normal infantry.
>No faction in warhammer has both cannons and archers.
its pretty obvious he just means ranged infantry
it bothers me too but dont act like you dont know what he means
There are /vg/ threads.
For sure. My post's point is as obvious as is, that's the point. He realizes that his army is only capable of kicking CA's retard AI while it's down.
>mfw trying to get into any tw game post Shogun 2
I really wish CA didn't have a monopoly on strategy games of this kind.
Attila was really good except for the optimization.
MP was actually good up to Medieval 2
7 cannons and 8 archers is 15 slots used out of 20. 5 units of infantry isn't enough to hold anything.
He's obviously a corner-camper.
Attila was a 6/10 at best and Warhammer a 7/10.
The whole province change instead of individuals settlements is pure cáncer.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I fucking hate the Radious mods. The guy has no fucking sense of economic balance and he justifies it by saying "EVERY SETTLEMENT SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 8 FULL STACKS OF DEFENSE TO MAKE IT MORE INTERESTING"
If I wanted to play a fucking game of "camp until the end of the game and then launch a massive death ball of millions of units", I'd play Risk.
radious is literally a meme and anyone that unironically likes radious is cancer
PvP is trash because losses don't matter as long as you win, its only acceptable if you're playing a co-op campaign or using drop-in.
fp bp
Where my /twg/ bros at?
>PvP is trash because losses don't matter as long as you win
stupidest comment ever?
>not ὁπλῖται
>losses don't matter as long as you win
>The whole province change instead of individuals settlements is pure cáncer.
But it isn't.
It is though.
>what is a Pyrrhic victory
Unless you think it isn't important in a campaign battle to lose 90% of your army. Sure is fun not having to worry about another fight immediately after with what little remains of your force.
Explain then.
He means army losses
it's also a lot easier to win heroic victories against TW's retarded AI than it is against an actual opponent
>Rome 1 + Barbarian Invasión was perfect
>Medieval 2 was good, great with mods
>Shogun 2 is great on your second playthrough, but lacks unit variety
>Rome 2 was a piece of shit
>Attila was a polished turd
>Warhammer is somewhat solid, but half of the races are shit
What went wrong?
And that's why I said its acceptable for co-op or drop-in battles.
No competition
>fix it later mentality
Aaaaaah /twg/ the eternal general
>fix it later mentality
Only R2 and Empire really suffered from that.
I fought an online battle and a hero unit backed up by two samurai units wiped out an army of 1000+
If I was japanese i'd have committed sudoku on the spot
Rome 2 is a terrible, terrible game and though I haven't played Attila I can't imagine it's worse
Shogun 2 PvP was actually really good.
Is just a huge pain in the ass to deal with and breaks the flow of the game.
In older games it was mostly a non-issue because you could just put a new captured settlement to low income if public order was in decline and put your religious buildings and problem was mostly solved.
Now since settlements are connected as a province, if you conquer something all the others are affected and you have to deal with rebellions far more often than in older games, to the point where factions like Bretonnia in Warhammer have a playstyle in mind where you have to farm orc raids for chilvary points in the first couple of turns.
It sucks balls harder than even the new building mechanics.
Attila is the best total war game imo
it does varied and changing campaigns better than any other game
Just bought atilla and i'm about to boot it. Already played rome and medieval 2. What should I expect?
>Attila is the best total war game imo
Kill yourself.
I say this unironically.
Haven't browsed there regularly in years though.
>Attila is the best total war game imo
Great taste
The reign of historical TW is ovah!
Barbarian invasion is still among my favorite tw expansions, tied with Fots.
Still the games suffered. Shogun, Atilla and Warham still had ai problems at launch.
The unfortunate part of Attila's variety is how Romans own more than half the map. Even as they fracture the smaller, new states just have the same roster and you're essentially still just plowing through the same shit if you're invading it. There isn't any variation to that.
It's still a superb TW game if you look past the performance. Only Shogun 2 and FOTS are better.
Is there any mod for shogun so that experience isn't lost with unit casualties? Honestly it drives me up the wall that this happens and I understand that it makes sense but fuck.
I don't want to just train new armies every turn since it's faster (and the army is just as effective) to make them and move them to the front them wait for regen and new units bringing down the overall level.
Playing as the Western empire was a nightmare.
Why is Shogun 2 so overrated by Sup Forums?
>no unit variety
>no faction variety
>naval battles suck
>shitty combat engine
>broken diplomacy
They don't lose THAT much xp.
Superbly polished campaign and battle gameplay primarily.
Unit variety doesn't really matter.
Last good game they made before CA went to shit.
the only true complaint you listed is poor unit variety, which isn't enough to overshadow the rest of the masterpiece that is Shogun II
A good commander avoids war at all costs.
I agree with him.
It's the most intricate of the series thus far and a lot of their new ideas were good ones. It gets a bad rep because Rome 2 was ultra shit on launch
AAAAAAAAAAH, /twg/, Queen of the shitposting depths.
>They don't lose THAT much xp
They'll get a few levels at best, and after a pitched battle against a full stack they'll just end up resetting to base.
So I take it no mod?
Talking Total War games in recent years, Warhammer is objectively the best game whether you like the setting or not.
Empire Total War had a lot of promise but they just couldn't figure out how to make it work.
Shogun 2 was absolutely superb and every breathed a sigh of relief that the developers hadn't lost their minds.
Rome 2 had one of the worst launches of any video game ever. Then when it was fixed we saw how utterly terrible the A.I was, making the entire campaign damn near unplayable. Entire game was a huge fuck up.
Alien Isolation completely gutted all of the strategy. You could only control one unit at a time. The setting was just fucking strange and the lack of cavalry made the game unusual to die-hard fans.
Then when everyone thought all was lost, they released Attila. Amazing game. Second to that of Shogun 2. However it was plagued by overpriced abundant DLC like its predecessor.
Even then, there's a lot of mods that add extra units. But it's still a fair complaint, since a lot of the joy of subjugating foreign factions is gone when they're basically your own faction with a different color.
I'm saying I wouldn't know because I don't see it as a problem.
Have you tried looking for it?
>Warhammer is objectively the best game
Back to board games, subhuman.
>no unit variety
>no faction variety
>naval battles suck
>broken diplomacy
Blame the Japan during the Sengoku era.
>shitty combat engine
Its workable.
>tfw no total war on xbox or any large tactical game on xbox
A good bit actually. Last time I checked I wasn't the only one that thought so, but no mod or file edit or anything.
>Back to board games
No, i don't wanna.
Time for a Rekkening
>See this
>Think it's China.
Is the Total War fanbase mentally handicapped?
>Alien Isolation completely gutted all of the strategy. You could only control one unit at a time. The setting was just fucking strange and the lack of cavalry made the game unusual to die-hard fans.
>Playing as Visigoths
>Rape and pillage my way to Iberia
>Iberia is a fucking mess
>Everyone is fighting each other
>Lay waste to the region
>Destroy every single city
>Have saved up a stupid amount of gold
>Settle the entire region
>If some shitter tried to colonize some destroyed village i'd declare was and take it the next turn without having to spend money
So satisfying to see hard work pay off just the way you wanted i too.
Looks more like South America.
What did he mean by this?