Was this art style really worth it in the end? Is it really that much easier to read than Civ 5 was?
Civ 6
I prefer it to civ V, doesnt look as messy
Civ 5 for comparison, the supposedly "hard to read" game
Absolutely, yes.
Who the fuck ever complained that the civ games were hard to read?
Districts really suck
apparently lots of people which is why they changed the art style from realistic to Clash of Clans
I like the civ 5 style better, civ 6 seems to simplistic
Worth? IDK. Both this and ciV look nice to me.
But the leaders, the fucking leaders... JUST
I prefer 6's art style a lot more. "Realistic" art styles in RTS generally looks like shit because of how disproportionately sized everything is and how low quality the models/textures are due to number of units.
civ 6 has better detail
I really do like how you can see buildings in a city/districs on the map, even when they are under construction
civ 5 looks very nice at the beginning, but when mines, farms and villages are everywhere, not so much anymore
I personally enjoyed Civ 6 more because I prefer "cartoony" looking games to realistic ones. They feel more relaxing to play.
>4 is still better in every way
>it even looks better
what the FUCK went wrong?
The art style is superb.
The game isn't even as good as 5 though.
>unit stacking was good
spotted the hipster
Even in its first iteration it has more depth than Brave New World.
It's objectively better than having to maneuver huge carpets of units across the map like a sliding puzzle. Especially since there was literally nothing wrong with stacks. There are already counters to it with collateral damage, and if that wasn't enough to destroy them then guess what- the bigger stronger army won.
I prefer civ III
Gamers didn't want to play a good, deep strategy game. Gamers want to toddle around in their power fantasy where it's impossible to lose.
Civ4 remains the best 4x game ever made, and that won't change any time soon.
Not even with the Blue Marble mod.
Army stacking was too complex of a mechanic for babies, so it was replaced with 1UPT. Shitty players either couldn't deal with doomstacks (lol how do I make spearman???) or couldn't figure out how to deal with cavalry. Either way, the result is a game that is tedious to play completely pointless to play against the AI, which can't handle the combat.
removing stacks allows the use of map bottlenecks when defending
What does 4 have that makes it good? Just curious since i have never played it before.
You can use bottlenecks with stacks. Also removing stacks basically just makes it easies to exploit the retarded AI.
I don't like the rigid culture borders and the general 'beyond earth' aesthetic. Civ V did the aesthetic right, why did they need to change it?
is civ 5 good? never played one before.
>You can use bottlenecks with stacks.
how? if the bottleneck is just one tile wide, a stack can still move through at full strenght
V with DLC is amazing
not as good as Endless Legend
and it breaks the AI since it cant into 1upt
Base game is pretty shit. Brave New World makes it great.
man this shits too angled for me. civ 5s near birds eye had it right.
why was it bad?
get the KinetiKam mod
cottages so you cannot go 100% farms every time
civics you can swap between instead of unbalanced policies
unit stacking so the ai doesnt shit the bed
Fuck it, crashing this thread, I need an excuse to git gud at the Rise to Power mod
2/3 points is the same in civ 6 (except replace cottages with mines/mills)
Plz no Hiawatha. He's too shit without mods.
what are the odds of an island that doesn't start with a Civ on it in the continents style maps? I've only ever seen it once and it was glorious, many wars were had over the small continent
6 has crappy districts, an even worse ai and like 9 combat units instead
what's the issue with districts, you think?
Overly complex, you start taking out a grid to your districts and city planning since adjacency bonuses always end up better.
having to build a district before you can build buildings that actually do things makes the game feel slow
And that stack is a great target for collateral damage.
but districts do things too, adjacency bonus and great people points
>you start taking out a grid to your districts and city planning
no you don't
There is a mod called Revolutions for Civ 5 which is pretty nifty. Each city and tile generates its own "culture" which is a separate value to normal culture. Typically, the culture value is divided into
>your own civs culture
>the cities independent culture
>any nearby civs
>any nearby city states
So effectively, if you build a city miles away from your capital and close to the enemy, there is a good chance that, if your civ is unhappy/culture output too low etc, it can revolt and become independent.
Had this happen in a recent game as 'Murica. I cucked the Dutch colonial efforts by pushing them towards South Africa. However, they did sneak a settler through my borders and they settled the city of Haarlem in Sri Lanka. Because it was so far away, it became its own city states and it became my permanent ally because I helped them fight the Dutch.
Also this happened.
Like a lot of the new additions it makes the game more of a chore to play without adding anything worthwhile
Rolling a backup
new styles are good
what would have been the shit would be several options for styles, including styles from older civs or alternative ones.
I honestly found it more of a chore to choose between 30 different buildings to build, than to pick the district with the best adjacency bonus
Civ 6 fun?
I played Civ 5 in the "tactical mapmode".
good enough with the right mods
play 4 or 5 instead
Already play 5 since most friends own it, was wondering about moving up. But if it's worse, why bother
IV's ai really isn't better
what makes it harder than V is the fact that numbers alone can overwhelm you, unlike V where you can just defeat wave after wave of disorganized enemies
but if you didn't neglect your military and know how to use collateral damage you can dominate the AI who puts everything they have into a single tile
of course multiplayer with people who know how to split their stacks up is a different story
>Culture Behaves Like Religion mod that lets you assimilate smaller nations
I love it, might have to try this once I finally finish a JFD-modded game
The new religious system actual make it fun. Theological combat it pretty much bare bone melee between special unit, but it bring in a new battlefield
> fighting a religious war over Jerusalem, fighting for political control and military conquest.
Since becoming the main ally of Jerusalem make that city your religion and have it act like a holy city
I prefer 6's artstyle, except for the borders, too pointy.
Too bad 6 is trash aside from that and the District System, which I do really like. But holy fuck that terribad AI, makes me wonder if even expansions could save it without a massive rework.
The ingame map really isn't that bad after you play for a few hours and get used to it. My only real complaint is how the map resources look as if they would be depleted within a month.
Now the character models.....urf.
One game changer I'd make is shorter district construction times. The 30 turns to build so then you can spend 20 building something useful makes mid game city founding utterly pointless
I prefer the style, it looks cleaner and smoother compared to the sharpness of 5, but EL still looks the nicest imo. I really like what they did with workers being expendable, civics are back instead of government skill trees, and adding religious victory.
get the district cost mod v3
Cartoony artstyle is fine but it depends on the genre. I hate how Civ 6 trailers billed the game as a testament to world history but then they went full retard and added disney princess leaders and swordsmen with comically huge weapons.
Civ 5's artsyle was perfect. The leader scenes were awe inspiring and respectful to the historical figures they represented. History is serious business and Civ 6 unabashedly shat all over it.
I play this game on online speed. Anything less is uselessly slow. Convince me otherwise.
>always wanted giant naval wars and world wars between continents after the industrial era but the AI literally can't handle it in any game
>no friends who like Civ, they claim games take too long
>don't trust randoms to not quit when it looks like they won't win or when they don't get the land they wanted
>I take forever to do my turns so I'd feel rushed and anxious the entire time
>build an army
>starting to attack
>units are outdated when you reach your target
this, high speed games are terrible
The only time I ever ragequit is if someone gets a vital Wonder a couple turns before me
Fuck that shit rattles my bones
imagine playing as spain and missing out on a great prophet
>start on giant 20 tile desert
>grab desert pantheon perk
>'Petra has been built in a far awa-'
>hard quit
petra isn't even good, unless you have a bunch of desert hills
Both are bad design. 1upt creates poor gameplay when your army becomes to large to move units and allows for simple AI strategies. The stacking cocept could be great, but it allows for unlimited units, which is just stupid; there should be a limit to how many units can reside on one tile. Each unit should be given an attribute for how much space they need, and each tile should have a total allowed space based on terrain/improvements. Stacking should also effect movement; a fully stacked regiment of spearmen shouldn't move as quickly as a normal spearmen unless maybe they have some kind of promotion (maybe also form regiments that can gain promotions towards the regiment as a whole).
More detail and complexity is likely the issue here. This franchise is tending towards the "less complexity is better for the fanbase" ideal that so many other franchises are going towards.
idk i'm pretty into the way 6 does it, where later game you can start combining units into armies
but massive armies in real life don't take up hundreds of square miles, they could easily fit into one tile
that makes a whole lot more sense than archers firing arrows from Paris into Berlin
Last playthrough was with the mod civ Canada. A little too easy as mounted units can make temp land claims, so you basically just spam them and take luxuries without city penalty and can also create borders to block other civs.
A Civilization game did something very similar to what you're talking about.
Is Civ VI getting any expansions at all, or just more civ and scenario DLCs.
it's been out for 8 months dude
Really? Feels longer.
>Civ 6 shit all over Civ 5 because females that all held some level of power were put in as leaders for the unique applications they could have
>Civ 5 is fine even though they had literal fictional women leading the Civs
>Catherine de Medici
literally wtf
No. The game looks like a minigolf course.
Itching for civ so rolling
t. orsini
I agree with that
yeah this problem has been solved
Rolling again because fuck domination Polynesia, Kamehameha is NOT for aggression.
Reroll I guess
All they had to do was put a limit on stacks. Endless Legend did it and suprise, it's a better game!