Post in this thread if you LOVE video games




It's too late. You posted, so that means that you love video games.

Pfft V.....FUN? FUN ON V? hahhahahha!

I love video games, OP!

I fucking hate Sony


As long as you love video games, user, that's all that matters.

I used to, now I merely like them.



I dont use the term love ,its dead to me. How about enjoy

I don't play video games, I only collect them

I love video games!

Ill have two number 9s a number 9 large a number 6 with extra dip

I love to hate video games!

Fuck yeah, video games

why is Sup Forums the only board that


Vidya is pretty fucking great
I almost wish I was a neet again so I'd have more time for it

I love video games!

Remember when you used to love video games?

I am 27 and I fucking love video games.

fuck video games

>Hate video games
>Post in this thread anyway
Who else /DEVILISH/ here?

I do, but I haven't played any real games in a while. Guess I should get into the emulator scene.

I will always love that pic.

I am 49 and LOVE video games.

But that's not true, user. If you hated video games you wouldn't have posted in the thread.

>doesn't go all the way up

I love games. Especially games with cute girls.

You got played like a fiddle.

I fucking LOVE pirating video games

Someone help me. I bought Stardew Valley on sale and I'm addicted to it. I'm not supposed to have autism, but I can't stop fishing and mining and farming.

If I don't stop, I might be tempted to go back and try Harvest Moon.

You are literally me, user.

reporting in
just finished 2nd run of p5, starting p4g later tonight
abandoning thread so faggots dont try to spoil shit for me

I do, sadly Sup Forums is its own greatest hater

Holy shit, are you me?

Heh... yeah

name one (1) single good video game

Your favourite video game

Your mom.

Fallout: New Vegas

Video games are fun!

thanks but it's pretty shit

Video games suck

Furry jokes are the worst kind of jokes.

If you're tired, maybe you should get some sleep?




wew this is mfw when i play a good video game desu

I love anime tits!

>mfw this is currently the best thread on Sup Forums


I love video games too!
And Arino as well

I ruv video gamuu

Whatever your perception of fun/good is. It's no use telling you my opinion because it may be unrelated for you. When absolutely clueless maybe try to emulate a classic like Donkey Kong Country

Skyrim VR

I had a 2 hour conversation today about Battle for Middle Earth. I even put up with working at fucking gamestop because of the guests who come in. Damn straight I love video games.


thanks, but i played that in 94

Champions of Norrath

I enjoy vidya greatly when it does not frustrate->mad me

You also could replay a game you liked and try to play it in a different style or difficulty, only you can make the decision. If they don't make you happy anymore maybe it's time for a break