So does this prove that "game reviewers" are the most casual players out there
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Crash was always a 6/10 game.
When you hire someone because they have a gender studies degree and pink hair what do you expect. Gamergate was right all along.
I have not got time to die a thousand times in a shit platformer.
>reading Gamespot reviews
>reading reviews
this honestly
>inb4 nintentoddler
I played every single crash game and preordered nsane trilogy
they do have plenty of spots wheres its just kinda BS but thats present in almost every game
This is also true
Crash is shit makes sense.
I just found it amusing as it's one of the lowest scores it got, crash was always a 7/10 game at best anyhow
Never said it wasn't but putting that it is difficult as a negative is a shit excuse
This. Faggots with nostalgia goggles on will deny this.
3 was really good, I think it's a solid 8/10 game
Not necessarily
They aren't saying it's 'too hard' there, just that it jumps up in difficulty at weird points
How can a design be outdated though
I see the never good crowd is going after Crash now. Am I noticing a pattern here?
by having you run face first into the camera with random pits.
Absolutely this. By modern standards Crash is a mediocre platformer with stiff controls and strong visuals.
>dude Super Mario 64 is better that means Crash Bandicoot is garbage you shouldn't play
all these years later and 64 kids are still butthurt
I'm playing it now and I just can't get back into the outdated controls, I did this as a kid but it's just not doing anything for me anymore
inb4 nintenbro, spyro was a lot better than crash
No, not even close.
It was already proven years ago.
it proves that they keep hiring women and homosexuals who dont play games just because they have a "liberal arts" degree in college journalism
God I wish they did remakes for spyro instead as while I love the games the jagged edges of the levels and the low res textures hurt to look at after all these years. Still fun to play though
>go to metacritic
>all but five of the reviews are positive
>all five of those reviews complain about difficulty
When did challenge become a bad thing?
They should have remade Spyro instead. Instant 10/10.
Crash has always been limited compared to open 3D games like Mario 64. The game is highly linear and full of 2.5D. The only thing that elevated it over superior SNES games was the "woah 3D graphix." Remaking Crash was always a shitty idea and reveals the desperation at the heart of Sony fans, believing they are on the same level as Nintendo. Sad desu, though not as creatively bankrupt as LBP karting and PS All Stars.
When people who actually just want a movie to watch started playing video games.
>Am I noticing a pattern here?
Yeah, you're starting to wake up and see that not everyone has the same kind of nostalgia-influenced taste you do.
Crash is a game for sony fans, LBP and PS All Stars are for songgers.
Know the difference.
That game deserves a 5.
There is no difference, any person who supports Sony is by default a Soniegger
I can accept this. I liked Crash 3 enough to fap to Crash's love interest, but it's not like I (or any other self-respecting penis) wouldn't rather fuck Peach in a heartbeat.
This is precisely what happened with Yooka Laylee. They deliver exactly what they're saying they will deliver, exactly what people want, and it's still not good enough.
so even if you hate modern sony, hate sony's AAA games, play on PC and Switch far more but own a PS4 for Bloodborne you're a songger?
Then by that criteria I can almost guarantee you're one too.
You almost certainly have something in your house that you supported Sony by buying.
Crash 1 yes
Crash 2 and 3 no fucking way
>MFW He couldn't get past casual filter bridge.
He probably jumped on the rope.
>Crash 1
>somehow worse than 3
good joke
>paying 400$ dollars for a Blunderborn machine
Yes, the one drop rule takes effect here.
People didn't want a fucking awful camera you mongoloid.
enjoy never playing it I guess.
>Crash 1
>The only game with a focus on platforming
U wot?
Well thr Crash Trilogy actually has almost entirely great reviews. Yooka Laylee got completely lambasted by everyone for some reason.
You are on Sup Forums of course he enjoys not playing games.
If you have ever seen a journalist/critic play a game before, you'd know they're much better at writing about games than they are at playing them, and they're terrible at writing about games
Go away ACfag.
It's not difficult, it just uses archaic outdated gameplay. Like having a lives system. People want to have fun playing games, not frustrated.
But you do have time to suck OP's dick?
Where the fuck did all these shitposters come from.
I was in a few Crash threads a week ago and it was nothing like this.
You're on Sup Forums, what did you expect.
But yet crash has 80+ on metacritic HMMMM
>Enemies rarely react to you, preferring instead to follow pre-determined paths and animation loops. And many obstacles are needlessly discouraging; Razor-thin tolerances for success and one-hit deaths make for a frustrating pairing.
lmao either the fucking retard completely missed the point of the game or didn't even know crash existed before
>people are finally starting to realize that Crash is trash
Took you meming retards long enough.
then explain this stupid
People would find something to complain about and you know it.
No youtube review yet?
>Awful Camera
The camera got hitched a few times in my entire playthrough, that's about it. You fags like to make mountains out of molehills.
>For some reason
Because of three things. Sup Forums, jontron, and tortanic posters.
nintendobros what are we going to do
how can we bring the score down
I think a lot of reviews are forced to have X minimum words and something negative tacked on etc.
Crash was innovative for its time, made good use of the PlayStation hardware, and was a hell of a lot better than most other 3D platformers that were out there. It might've truly been a 6/10 with its stiff controls and broken save system, but 2 & 3 were only better.
Don't worry, anything over 80 automatically triggers the autism. In no time the 0 scores will start piling up.
Peach has a mongoloid face, though.
That's an issue with the camera. There's nothing otherwise inherently wrong with the design.
is that time again?
If Crash games are so "limited" then I can't help but wonder why nintendo has started making them
>Peter stayed current with new Crash games during the PlayStation's life span; playing the N. Sane Trilogy marks the first time he's revisited the series in almost 20 years, and he played roughly halfway through each game in the collection. GameSpot was provided with a complimentary copy of the game for the purpose of this review.
>he played roughly halfway through each game in the collection.
I mean, yeah, playing through the entire games won't change his mind, but you'd think that if you're paying some guy to review a game, that he'd at least beat the game(s).
D-Delete this
>Souls games including Bloodborne are known to be hard games
>They get 9/10 or higher
>Crash Trilogy is also a hard game
>Gets 6/10
The fuck? Get your heads out of your asses reviewers. Same shit with Tropical Freeze which GameSpot gave a 6/10 for being hard while other reviewers gave it a 8/10 to 9/10 range. GameSpot needs to go.
If you don't have 20+ lives by the 5 or 6 level you are doing it completely wrong.
It's always fucking Gamespot. They gave tropical freeze a 6/10 too.
Their taste in platformers is legitimately awful.
>some random multiplat vs nintendo's big first party game
Of the "major" 3d platformers of the n64/ps1 id argue crash was the least innovative. All it did was take a 2d platformer and put it in a 3D space consisting of hallway levels
Because it's on limited hardware?
Fuck crash, spyro was the shit. Gimme dat
Honestly this, and i had all 3 crashes for ps1 as a kid.
I liked spyro a lot better.
>Game receive a positive majority
>One website doesn't like it that much
DKC > Crash > Any 2D SMB
Gamespot used to be really good, apart from a few exceptions here and there. Even in the seventh gen they werent so bad. Now they've just turned into total fucking bitches. Their recent Duke 3d anniversary review was such aids. Unfortunately modern reviewers can't play video games anymore and this will encourage developers to only make shit more casual.
Exactly, Crash would be a good 3DS game
If this was made by MUH NINTENDO this Nintendicksucker wouldn't have even finished the second level and still would have given it a 9.6
I would agree. Between 6 and 7 for good niche games
I'm enjoying Tropical Freeze while I wait for Crash tomorrow. Love the Alpine and Water levels. I'm a long ways off from 100%, but that soundtrack keeps me going.
to busy shitposting huh
You surely haven't seen their review for DKTF. They complain exactly about the same thing and gave the game a low score as well.
They gave Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze a 6 for almost the same reasons.
Let's be honest: scores don't matter and if you use reviews just to fuel your blind love for a corporation that profits off your sad escapism, you're stupid.
>b-but x is 6,597/10 and y is 10/10!!!!
Who the fuck even cares? Games are subjective. A game "worth" 1/10 can sell better and make more people have fun than your personal favorite. Stop being such a fucking idiot and read the reviews for what they are: impressions from people who are paid to express how the game made them feel. That's fucking it. Idiots.