What does Sup Forums think of Goblins in video games?

What does Sup Forums think of Goblins in video games?

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portrayed racistly as they are often low level easily killable for exp

best gobbo
>pic related

Oi vey!

Funny. I was just listening to necrogoblikon.


lel a first grader

i really lke the album covers

Valued ally for putting shitty fucking gnomes in the ground.


definatly better than these dumb orcs

Their kind is weak to ice and fire both!

i want to breed them

I like seeing them get fucked up.

Tis a troubling foe!

The are resistant to darkness!

Would you a (male) Goblin?



Necrogoblikon are awesome.

gobbo shortstacks are made for breeding


Nigger detected.


This this this, post more gobbo girlies!

best goblin
best husbando


i wouldn't a (male) anything you faggot
post more cute shortstack goblin girls (female)





>not being comfortable enough with your sexuality to hit on dudes and still being straight

best gaemu to play as a Goblin? Character creation is allowed

That's called being a homosexual

Goblin Commander

I'm playing a gobbo shortstack healer in WoW right now and my goodness look at how big and strong all these men are!

orcs < goblins

I know that goblin


>soft facial features
>modern clothing
>dumb western ahegao imitation
Like, what's the point?

Do you really have to ask?
