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>this guy would later marry meryl

why kojima

I wanna know if there's anybody who will genuinely defend that marriage was a good "emotional" moment.

Who was he talking to? I don't recall anyone named Willya

A lot of anons have started defending MGS4 following the mass disappointment surrounding MGSV, even though when you take the cool fanservice moments out of it, the plot is the most contrived series of ass-pulls seen in vidya since Kingdom Hearts and is Kojima at his absolute worst.

I didn't care for the fanservice, it was too much. 4 exemplifies the breaking point of a dev trying to please everyone just so he move on to making different games.

*knock knock knock knock knock knock knock*

Say what you want, but these two moments we're fucking awesome and a great send-off to the series. Or, for Snake's story at least.



Sorry I'm drunk.

Ryan pls go

> Sorry I'm drunk
DUDE alcohol ahaha

its been a month since i sold my ps3

i miss mgs4


is there any chance of it coming to pc?

A whole clan of Johnnies.

Prob not user. MGS is kill and supporting Konami is no longer an option if it does come out.

>is there any chance of it coming to pc?



Alcohol is a retarded substance and are no better than idiotic oh maaan I'm smooking soooo muhcc weeeed.

>t. virgins without drinking buddies

>t. retard that thinks it's cool to smoke and drink at young age and doesn't grow up and ends up being the same retard he was when he was young, thus still drinking and smoking.

What a baseless accusation. You think you know me? What I'm currently working and aspiring for in life? Maybe I will still do narcotics when I'm older, maybe not. It doesn't matter if I'm successful in the end.

>tfw no more comfy games like MGS

>What a baseless accusation. You think you know me?
Wow it's almost as if this could be said about your dumb post above.

But my post was the truth.

The part where you consume toxic liquids because it makes you "cool"?

So you can blame it on alcohol when you do stupid things?

smug anime girl.apng

>Big Boss calling Snake a brother
that actually killed the entire moment and it was fucking awful

Holy hell what a pretentious faggot you are. Go drink your bottled water laced with estrogen

>The part where you consume toxic liquids because it makes you "cool"?
>So you can blame it on alcohol when you do stupid things?

I never stated ANY of this. I drink with people to mellow out and chill. I drink heavily alone because my life is in shambles and it helps.

Feeling offended that your frat sip for immature people is being discussed?

At least I have friends to do things with instead of belittling what someone does on the internet.

You should stop projecting, more so when you're drunk because you're lousy at both, but worse at projecting when dumb/drunk.

You're the only one projecting here, sweetie. Getting mad that I have friends and beer.

goddamn dude just stop


Vidya Gaems

10/10 response

Says the one getting drunk alone belittling people on the internet.
Is that a Retard reference?


>Lying down with a spilled ketchup bottle

I'm just about to start playing MGS2 for the first time. It's the only MGS game I haven't played.
Any tips?

Is this worth it?

Don't forget that you have coolant equipped

Better off getting this.

No, this is.

You can do fucking pullups

Not a lot of atmospheric AAA games anymore, that's for sure.

Just aware that if MGO2R OFW ever comes out and you care about that (though I doubt it will and I doubt you do) this version won't work

Mess with every object and enemy. Game's loaded with easter eggs.

I mean I can emulate 1 fine, and I already have 4.

I'll check out the prices if I can.

The ending is either retarded or a piece of art

People were always defending MGS4. I remember because there was never a point where I couldn't point out how retarded the ending was without getting shit for it.

>its been a month since i sold my ps3
>i miss mgs4
Lucky you. I've never owned a PS3 at all and the only legitimate reason I would have to buy one now is to play MGS4. But buying a console just to play one fucking game seems asinine, so I haven't yet.

I think I'll just hold out and wait for them to inevitably bring it to PS4. Or PC, as you said.