Beat game

>beat game
>didn't understand shit about the story

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kingdom Hearts

Final Fantasy X






1, 2, and 3 were all fine to me. But 4 is a special one, apparently.

>>beat game
>>didn't understand shit about the story
>What's her name, Sup Forums?

This mess


dark souls during my first playthrough

der wus a story?

Kingdom Hearts 3D

deus ex

hotline miami

SMT Nocturne


Killer is Dead

Killer 7.
Most if not all MGS.

The Evil Within

Mostly because I didn't care. I didn't like any character.


Dead or Alive

>Most if not all MGS
did you still like them?

Resonance of Fate. It took a NG+ playthrough where I could just marathon all of the story missions in a row with my endgame characters for me to start to get a handle on what was actually happening.

Only Twin Snakes and Revengeance.

I've played KH1 and 2 multiple times and I still don't understand the story at all.

All of them


FF 13

In addition to being a shit game they are somehow shit at explaining the story too.

Anything made by Suda51 or Kojima.

Not a MGS game

MGS2, the first time I played it.

Vidya stories are very shallow and silly. I don't understand how could this happen to anyone.

nig nig binks

This desu
Why are Sup Forumstards so dumb?

ME3. Man that shit was deep at the end

I don't even think the writers understood the story


All were pretty weird. DeS is the only one I really 'got' when I beat it. DS3 was weird initially because I wasn't sure why the Keeper wanted me to kill her the first go.

On a similar note I thought Greirat was greiving for Yoel; I killed Watchers after giving him the bone.

every game because i dont care about story and just want fun gameplay

Very interesting. What are your top 5 games, user?


there's a serious disconnect between the gameplay, the story, the cutscenes and the lore attached to the items

whenever I play that game my brain just shuts down and none of that shit makes sense to me

Mario 64
Dark Souls
Fallout New Vegas

Damn good game tho

The German translation of FF7 was so abysmal that at the end I was like "Yeah, Sephiroth! And something about a meteor! LET'S DO THIS!"


Sephiroth's motives to summon that meteor were really silly, you did well not caring about it.

>tfw I played MGS2 before 1
my brother told me it was just a cool shooting game

And i play it twice

Killer is Dead

Is this one more of those games that Sup Forums overrates for no reason, but it's actually pretty shitty?

By the end of Pillars of Eternity I had forgotten a fuckload of the plot. I remember the game somehow jumping from babies born without souls to Godlike constructs and not a whole lot in between.

R-Type and Darius series in general . I sure as hell didn't expect the feels those stories had in store.

EYE is fucking awful.
It's also usually available pretty cheap on Steam, if you're curious.

Thanks, I will make sure to never buy it.

That's because you guys are playing the wrong games
Blame yourselves

Silent Hill 3 oh my GOD is the story so shoehorned in.

Dragon's Dogma. Had no idea what the fuck I did until I went back and actually did side-quests on my second playthrough.

it's literally
>"hurr we don't have free will, hurr now we have free will"
they stupified the game for people like you

It's a good game if you can tolerate its shortcomings
Shit taste
Good for you


Which are the right games then, MGS2?

>It's a good game if you [ignore how shit it is]
user, you can say that about every shit vidjer. Meme magic doesn't work that way.

Literally every cult game ever has flaws. If you think the game is shit, it's just not for you.

If you haven't already than killer 7
Hell it's been mentioned in this thread several times already

Ok, Killer 7. What else?

it's bad, never listen to what Sup Forums pretends to like

Literally every single anime fighting game that exists.

Get these broken-leg Jians out of here

Sorry bud, the first quote is for

half life


You play as Alex Mercer the whole game. He still has his personality. He still has his memories. He still has a sister for whom he cares. You always default back to Alex Mercer when you're done imitating someone else in the game. He even continues to appear as Alex Mercer in the comics that take place after the game.

Then the game tries to force this narrative of "you're not Alex Mercer, you were actually the virus this whole time!"

Come on, nigger

because Mercer was the nearest thing when the virus took over when unleashed


loved the show but the game was like a grindfest

Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2. I pretty much understood DaS and DaS3


Any non WW2 Call of Duty.
I'm too dumb for them, I never understand what I'm doing or who I'm even fighting againts. I just shot brown people or russians and hope for the best.
Didn't even understand why this guy was betraying me for.

I used to think I didn't understand it. But then I finally realized they were trying to push a story that relies on fate with a concept that uses infinite timelines and universes. It's like the whole story is an oxymoron.

Sequel when?

It's a confusing meta-narrative designed to lampoon how sequels often just remake the first story. Practically nothing in it matters. It was made this way to troll anyone who plays it or gave a shit about the first MGS.

Time loop based stories are the laziest thing a writer can do to make a story look complex.
It's actually very easy to make a complex story, any retard can do that.
Now to make a story complex, but interesting , with good narrative and no plot holes, that's something completely different.

>It's a confusing meta-narrative designed to lampoon how sequels often just remake the first story

MGS2 even did a bad job with trying to be a Solid Snake Simulation.

>Practically nothing in it matters.
especially after MGS4 threw it under the bus, got ran over, the bus backed up, and then ran it over again


that was a clusterfuck and a shitty sequel

d-delete this

>Those segments where you have to walk an talk on radio, but I just want to dash and shoot
>Some guy is your ally but then he is not for some reason
>Bad guy tricks you somehow and Hillary commits suicide, THE END.

The original Kingdom Hearts wasn't complicated at all though.

Yeah I'll be honest, I didn't get this for shit when I first played it and I thought it was because the story just went over my head or I missed some core concept that was integral to fully understanding the ending. But the more you examine it the more issues and plot holes you start to find. It's not hard to understand because of complexity, but because it's poorly written.


Bayonetta. Bayonetta 2 made it worse

A man asks and the nigger does.
Or something like that.

>I thought Greirat was greiving for Yoel

>When you talk to him he says "Oh dear, she was already dead"
Did you forget that Yoel was a guy and that you gave Greirat Loretta's bone?

The story really isn't that hard to understand if you play all the games. Every game is as important to the story as 1 and 2 (except re coded literally nothing important happens)

>Nearing the end
>Bayonetta yells at whatshisname to stop speaking in riddles
>He keeps speaking in riddles and I have no clue what's going on

This on the first run. The last dungeon felt like a barrage of information and the only thing that felt like it hinted at the plot mystery was the 1000 year time skip in the first 3 minutes

Bioshock infinite, I'm still pissed about it.


>Ha-ha! This was all part of my master plan
>Ha-ha! Your master plan was all part of MY master plan!
>Ha-ha! Your master plan involving his master plan was all part of MY master plan!

>Fortune has luck powers!
>Nope, it's just nanomachines!
>j/k, she has luck powers

I loved the game, but Gravity Rush. I don't know if I missed something or what, but it felt like they kept starting a new plot and then dropping it halfway through

Sin and Punishment. Both of them. Fucking fun games though.