What are the chances of a midnight release for this shit?
What are the chances of a midnight release for this shit?
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Why do you care so much? This first one is lazy. The second pack is the actual good one.
Oh cool, so only one more hour to go.
>Story about the dead jobbers
Oh boy, can't wait for that one!
Better than some shit that doesn't even add new enemies or assets. At least the second one adds a new dungeon.
That's not till December you stupid motherfucker.
I have only played about 25% of the game because I wanted to wait until it had an actual challenge to discover everything. So I'm essentially going to be enjoying the game for the first time
I guess that makes sense. I'm just kind of disappointed that none of the new armors have new functionality (aside from the korok sensor, but those were easy as fuck to find anyways)
Sure, I'm just preemptively disappointed in what little we know about the second pack's plot
>Absolutely no reading comprehension
I would refrain from insulting others if I were you.
Man I hope these gold enemies are more than just higher hp damage sponges.
I was disappointed to hear that you apparently need all the new champion amiibos to get the full content in the second pack
Apparently it also boosts their field of vision, but who knows how much that actually changes them in practice
fug, I hope that amiibo shit isn't true, better not be more than the kind of things some amiibo already do
They said on the treehouse stream that the new amiibos will have functionality with the DLC, but it's still not really clear what they meant by that
Probably more cosmetic weapons and armor themed around the Champions.
Not entirely relevant but I'd really like if DLC Pack 2 allows you to play as the champions in some way, but I highly doubt that'd happens since they're all dead. I think the most likely scenario is that Kass (since he was playing in the trailer) will discover another Divine Beast, perhaps a snake or something, and either Link or Kass pilots it after you beat it - meanwhile, Kass gives you some exposition about the champions in the process.
>possibly 16 minutes
Who's ready to be disappointed, stay up for hours waiting, fall asleep 20 min before it actually comes out, and sleep in too late to play it tomorrow?
>A Nintendo spokesperson confirmed with GameSpot that The Master Trials unlocks tonight at 9 PM PT / 12 AM ET, at least in the United States.
I hope people give their honest impressions of the Trial of the Sword.
Everything else looks terrible but that dungeon seems intriguing.
12am now. Can anyone confirm?
Are we just getting all the new gear or is going to be placed in chests around the map?
Can confirm that I'm downloading right now.
Do you start the game or does it download when you boot the switch up
woot downloading
I went to Software Update and started it manually. I think after a bit, it would have done it by itself.
Highlight Breath of the Wild, choose Options, then select Software Update. It will begin the download.
Anyone can confirm the DLC update for wii u???
downloading confirmed
I've been waiting to replay this game. I'm torqued.
If you don't have it yet, force a software update. If you're pirating, well sorry but it's gonna take a while.
So real quick: the DLC armor and the Korok Mask have to be found by you. When the game boots up, it gives you a hint for where you can start looking for them.
and its out. You are no longer welcome here mods ban him
One savefile and one autosave file only in master mode.
I hate to be that guy but the handheld resolution noticeably dropped after the update.....
>DLC will encourage more people to replay Breath of the Wild
>The asshurt over BotW being GOTY will never end
i hope no one seriously thinks this somehow makes it more difficult
Can confirm that Champion Abilities cannot be used in the Trial of the Sword. You are really left to just scrounge with what you find.
You do, however, get to keep all yellow hearts and stamina wheels upon entering.
It is a giant version of a shrine right? I'm actually expected this.
>Book containing rumors about the Travel Medallion at South Akkala Stable
>Book containing rumors about the Korok Mask at Woodland Stable
>There is apparently a journal at Outpost Ruins written by the fiend who stole the items (Majora's Mask, etc.)
Ready to go treasure hunting, Sup Forums?
Yeah. 45 rooms of challenges.
Only to save scummers.
That's good that they give you a lead.
is the master trials always defaulted with low hearts and stamina or does whatever you have transfers to it?
Is there a way to turn off the little Triforce in the corner?
nobody have it on wii u to confirm???
You get to keep all of your current hearts and stamina.
Of you enter with a food buff, does it stay?
I randomly just found tingles shirt outside of any quest.
I don't know; I didn't try. If it lets you enter with yellow hearts, then I'd guess so.
Its downloading now
>taking a photo of the fucking tv screen
What the fuck nigger.
and now we pirates play the waiting game.
Are we waiting for someone with the dlc legit to dump it and give us the key?
You bought it or its a pirate version?
Currently looking for the Korok Mask in the forest with the rocks in their mouths. The hint was "hollow of a terrifying tree"
What does the Majora's Mask do?
It has the effect of all the Kilton masks, so all enemy types don't attack you.
>Lynel by the old mans hut
Wait, you mean I get to wander through the same empty wilderness, go through the same soulless shrines, and do the same pointless fetch quests all over again but this time every enemy I fight will take 6 weapons to kill instead of 4?
Okay I downloaded the WiiU version. The WiiU says that my system is up to date but when I try to launch BotW it tells me to perform a system update. I've restarted my WiiU multiple times. wat do
looks like there's other changes as well, like a lynel in the great plateau that shoots bomb arrows
Lionels in the fucking opening plateau
It's time.
Good thing I have work off tomorrow.
I have a bunch of NFC cards, which Aniuboo do I gotta pirate to get everything
Holy fuck they added a new enemy to the plateau?!? Well, I mean not a new enemy. Just one from somewhere else in the game. But you fight it earlier than before! NINTENDO DOES IT AGAIN!
the main part of the dlc are the sword trials tbqh, it's pretty obvious the master mode was an afterthought
are there any changes to cooking or eating in master mode? literally just adding a real-time animation for eating would fix the game entirely
It's pretty obvious everything in the fucking game was an afterthought.
Do you get off on being such a cunt?
If you don't care for this then why bother?
Go fuck of or whatever, let us enjoy this in peace
Is the Wii U version of the content really 4 gigs?
okay now you're just being a faggot
This shit is kinda hard I'm dying a lot
Original or a pirate DLC???
im going to get majoras mask cya at the finish line faggots lmao
I think its because it includes the voice packs
>there's a lynel by the temple of time now
>Yellow Switch controllers
I didn't even know they had that. They look much better than the Red/Blue ones. Are those official ir third party?
What are you Nintendies hype over again? More shrines?
They came out on the same day as Arms.
so wait, if the map mode tracking has been active since you started the game, does that mean nintendo cut content from the game only to release it in a dlc today?
I'm hype over giving Nintendo more money. They need every penny they can get so I will buy literally anything they put out.
Wait what, they put a Lynel on the plateau?
Definitely going to pick those up once I get a Switch
Anyone else having trouble with Sneak Strikes in MM? They always see me at the last moment.
Nope. I legit want to know.
I beat it on CEMU with no desire to ever revisit. I heard there's a trial mode and hard mode of old content you have to pay for (I'm assuming this) and another with more filler flashbacks.
I might revisit the game one more time just to see, but will only do it when the DLC is complete.
The data was there but the functionality obviously wasnt.
It was likely a planned feature they didn't finish in time.
Can't imagine anybody ever willfully selling this, it was just convenient to shove it in the dlc
Are there new chests on the plateau?
They were released on the same day as ARMS to pay homage to it (same color scheme as that game's logo). I pre-ordered them. Pretty hard to find now, I think. And yeah, they look amazing. I had they grey ones originally and they were promptly cast aside when I picked up the neon yellow.
>Pretty hard to find now, I think.
Well shit. Why does Ninty never make enough of anything?
DLC pack 1 has a few cosmetic items, each with a quest tied to them which you receive hints for upon launching the game after downloading the DLC. The "master mode" (i.e. hard mode) doesn't appear to change much, and mostly just scales the enemies up a tier (including a new gold-tier, replacing silver-tier enemies as the highest tier), although there is at least 1 lynel now present in the great plateau so I guess this means some enemy locations have been changed completely; there's also some enemies and treasure on floating platforms in master mode, not really sure why though. The sword trial is by far the largest part of the DLC, consisting of 40 something rooms with a premise similar to Eventide Island, but harder.
where the fuck is it?
>only one auto save
What did they mean by this?
I think they're deathly afraid of having surplus stock that MIGHT turn into profit loss. Or something like that.
oh and DLC pack 2 is unknown, so I don't know where you got "filler flashbacks" from as literally nothing is known about DLC pack 2 other than the name and that it'll be about the champions in some way, and will have a dungeon.
What do you want to see for DLC 2?
More of Zelda's ass.
More cute Zelda scenes
Probably asking a lot but I'd like to see new areas, preferably in the form of an actual dungeon or two