this is cancer, do not play it.
This is cancer, do not play it
Git fucking gud you stupid faggot.
Nah nigga it's fun
RNG got you down?
I don't want to, I sank 70+ hours into it and it's just more and more work.
I should have just gotten a jrpg with a story or something.
t. inept doublenigger
If you bitch about RNG in DD then you might as well shelf any game every that has the concept of crits at all.
I don't even know if it's the RNG, I think it's just that everything takes so much time to get your champions lined up just to throw them away on RNG.
I get it the game is rng management and there is strategy with how you manage everything.
It's just not fun.
Getting crit in a fps game sends you back to the respawn screen and you play again in 10 seconds. In this it can delete hours of progress.
Now, tell the nice policeman where the mean old croc touched you.