New game just released.
Have you escaped reroll hell, user?
Fate Grand Order
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Servants don't get bonuses for teaming up do they? They should.
Rerolling is for nerds.
>New game just released.
You are trying to trigger the mods arn't you user
doki doki
If you own certain servants (such as Waver and Alexander [old]) it adds unique my room dialogue
That's a trainwreck of a team up though
>Just finished Rome and Okeanos is locked
>Out of AP
Shit, what do I do now
I'm trading Jeanne+ Martha for Waver and Herc
I want to pick the cat over Herc only because my dick. Why shouldn't I?
Who else /whaling for Gil but then saving up for Mom/ here?
Time for just 5 hours of sleep so I don't AP waste.
140 AP can't come soon enough
Wait and grind dailies.
no reason not to, dick picks works fine for FGO
With the craft essence that gives +75 friend points on summon, Do I put that on my support formation or in my main formation?
>Defeat 3 shadow servants in training grounds
>Acquire 1 piece or monument from daily quests
The story reminds me of Strange Journey.
She's cute and clears waves with her NP, that's the only reason I need to keep her.
so after getting the slut you wanted, whats the game plan here?
Then you'll have to sleep for 10 hours.
But what do I do in the meantime?
Yep, got my Waver. His level 60 ascension looks like it'll take a while though.
That's cool enough
Fair, but with sane Lance it should be fine
But really, a slight attack buff, or a unique extra attack would be rad. The latter may be asking a lot.
Level up, level skills, grind ascension materials, free quests for extra quartz, wait for events
I wonder if any nips decided to try NA GO, if only for a reroll high
>have cat
>use NP
>"muwwaaaa Good Morning~"
Yep something's awake alright.
DW would go bankrupt, please understand.
Though yes some kind of team up mechanic would be fucking amazing.
>waver will never be the strategist for Alexander's Ionian Hetairoi while he leads from the front
Any Servant even those in the backrow and in conjunction with story NPC you get 275 FP a battle
I have a few friends with japanese names. I wonder how long they will play
No, then I can sleep as long as I want. Wake up, do my dailies, and commence my day, just making sure to not let my AP ever get full. That's the nice part about 140 AP, is that you never AP waste. (also that leveling up gives you a TON of extra AP for dailies / story / free missions)
Night Fate Goers, good luck on those rolls.
How do I secure a good amount of free quartz or summoning stuff for Tamamo in time?
hmm i guess i have some reading to do
is there any way to read past chapters? i skipped everything for the sake of faster rerolling
Both can't be done with the current dailies. You need the event quest to change over to the ones where you fight shadow servants. No idea what days that happens on though.
What the fuck is this shit droprate? I just did the Thiers free quest 10 times and didn't get a single dragon fang.
go to my room > material > singularity log
>tfw jp version is and will always be 1000000% better than NA
We are getting literally the exact same Kuro. What are you on?
Okay so what about extra crit stars then. Or fuck maybe extra bond points.
These legends are made and broken on relationships.
>he unironically uses Altera, the worst 5* in the game
Explain yourself.
Friendly reminder to anyone speculating.
>Aniplex added that it plans to run events and campaigns according to each specific region. Shiokawa said, for example, the game might have a campaign for the anniversary of the launch in North America in the future, or there might be a campaign or event for American holidays such as July 4.
Saber account:
Can you even farm Monuments yet in NA
I can guarantee you the 'event' for July 4th is just us picking our 4* servant
Nigga I had a 60 Altera yesterday who solo'd the 40AP shit. Fuck outta here.
DW would go bankrupt is just a meme. Nah I'm on board with what you're saying though. Cool double teams or small bond bonuses or penalties depending on who you take out with them would be cool. And it'd give extra meaning to the people like redman who say "please don't send me out with these guys" (except he's totally just tsun for lancer)
>non-filled Friend List
I got a level 60 Waver if you're not already full of him from other people.
>July 4
Surprise Edison rate-up
>dragon fang
Oh my friend you are in for a fun time. Is it for Artoria? Cause it was Artoria for me at original launch. That shit is like 10% chance at best.
Are those green dailies supposed to drop ascension material or what? I'm only getting berserker gems.
Ah thanks. Can finally relax and play story.
You can't really farm material needed to ascend becuase we don't have the dailies yet, so wait for events I guess.
I could see that. I forget it's still upcoming.
Yep, trying to ascend her again. I still need 9 fangs and 8 saber pieces.
She's cute
>Is perhaps the only Artoria Alter who is still fundamentally Good
>Is closest in personality to the original Artoria, save for being more of a realist and a bit of a hardass
>But she's also a big-tittied NEET when off duty
>Also has body image issues, and takes offense when people make fun of her figure, flaunting it almost on reflex
>Hand-crafts you a white chocolate Rhongomyniad replica for her Valentines gift to you
>which she kept wedged in-between her tits before she gave it to you.
Why is she the most waifuable of the alternate Artorias? I'd love to just chill out with her, and watch animu and play vidya with her all day.
This is true
Sup Forums FGO discord:
Pretty sure the monday and tuesday event quests had ascension mats.
I just started the game and I rolled berserker Tamamo thought it was cool though i see she's a four star. Should I shoot for a 5 star roll for starting the game just to get one early?
Fuck off.
Gonna save every last fucking piece of quartz I have for Jeanne Alter, Saber Alter, and Lancer Artoria Alter.
I will protect them.
first roll is limited to 4 stars you need to check your mail to pull a 5
Fuck off Reddit
It's worth doing. But you by no means need to. You'll be able to pick a 4 star before too long so you can get your cat again. And as always if you're happy with an account either just roll with it or back it up in case you get bored.
They're running the old shit dailies and the new ones are much much better, I hope they switch them soon.
When is angry manjew will be available?
Yes. You can always pick up Tamamo again with the free 4* event in a few days.
Yeah that took me an aggravatingly long time. I think Nero coliseum event has fangs as a reward, but waiting that long is bullshit.
Are those the jap dailies?
They're not even fully running the old dailies, they're running mostly new quests and old mat dailies for some (okay they're almost certainly just trying to stop people max ascending their team before events start rolling in) reason
If I don't roll Jack come London I I am uninstalling this game.
>check my friend requests
>there is another fag there who named himself gilgamesh
Is Vlad actually any good? It seems to me that he gets outclassed by Herc in almost every way.
Is this the new candy crush?
He needs Tamamo to shine.
>doing 40ap ember gathering
>battle two, entire party is reduced to blueman
>he then solos everyone even with a type disadvantage
Never doubt the Gay Bulge
Caster or Berserker?
Hope you get her.
No it's the new angry birds
He has a very specific niche on an Arts Team with Caster Tamamo and Waver where he gets constantly buffed and spams his NP
When's the next daily with saber and archer pieces?
Caster. She buffs the shit out of arts focused servants, and he's the only Arts berserker.
Caster, mozart can act as a ghetto support for him now, 20% arts buff is pretty solid. But if you get the right support Vlad is a monster.
Also, who's a good teammate for Herc? I'm a total newbie to GO.
Ya I meant it is like a mix of old and new, also some people have old animations and some people have new ones and that is fucking weird too.
Yes, for the Green materiel dailies, but we have the older ones right now for those to gate us.
Yeah, there's quite a bit in missed opportunities that would add so much with so little.
>20 frs
Having a lv 60 Servant can be suffering. Everyone uses them as a beat stick to carry them.
Me too, I am saving up everything I got to roll for her when her Rates are up come London.
Any hope for rooted devices?
>some people have old animations and some people have new ones and that is fucking weird too.
That's not actually weird. They probably just took the build that was active when they started developing the NA version and kept using it so they didn't have to constantly go back and scrub out everything over and over again. (notice a couple of the QoL improvements I think are from the last few months aren't in, like the lock button on the enhancement screens) They'll probably be working on patching them in already.
Hope you guys get her. I'm saving up for Tamamo myself.
We're gonna make it brehs
>normie social media on my secret club
gtfo nigga