Looking back at it, the GBA was a god-tier system. So many great memories I've had with it. Let's have a thread for it. List it's best games, and don't forget any hidden gems and whatnot
GBA Thread
GBA era was great, although system wise the SP rendered the original GBA irrelevant.
At the time, yeah, but nowadays you can find backlit OG gbas on ebay.
I went and glanced over the library and seems that outside of the big name franchises, almost everything on it is fairly shallow. And some of the big ones can be fairly basic as well, just take for example for a relatively simple game. In terms of depth, I'd say the Battle Network games easily trump anything else on the system that isn't a SRPG.
I almost had a GB Micro for 40,- €. It even was in good condition and had the charger. Unfortunately, someone snagged it from me.
Wanted to get a GB Micro and then a flashcard, so I could play the entire GB / GBC / GBA library anywhere on the go. I do have a GBA, but I have the original without backlight and I don't like that.
Couldn't find another cheap GB Micro. Not gonna pay 100+ € for it. I'm better off saving the money and getting a Switch sooner or later.
That's cool, i prefer the shape of the original one.
Daily reminder that Chain of Memories is by far the best looking game on the GBA
Thats what he say nigga
The Battle Network games are elder god tier. They're insanely fucking good.
Opened this thread to post this. A fucking masterpiece RPG
Shining Soul II is my favorite hidden gem. It's an action rpg dungeon crawler, a bit Diablo-style, with many different classes to choose from and loot drops and a basic crafting system and the whole bit. Tons of fun.
I also really like Tactics Ogre.
Yeah I mean even excluding all the SNES ports it had a lot of great games.
The first one was amazing.. My second one had a bug that prevented me from being able to access the final boss. Didnt follow the series after that because I was too salty
Well you're in luck, the games now have VC versions (with equivalent ROMhacks) so that 2 & 3 are completeable without the stupid multiplayer shit, the only thing I could hold against 'em. 6 also has a patch for the Japanese version so you can play the game with the unfucked localization. Definitely skip the vanilla versions of the games if you get to them now.
That's.. kind of a dumb reason to drop the series. Especially since the games after are 10x better. If you thought BN1 was amazing then wait till you play 3 and 6.
This and the 2nd one is still my favorite games ever played.
There's probably some gems on GBA including licensed shit but after I played all the main 1st/2nd party stuff I'm too lazy to look for it.
the goat
I got myself a the famicom micro and it's just a great thing to have with me at anytime with a flash cart. Anytime I'm bored just go load up Wario Land 4
I recently bought a gamecube with the gba player. It's fantastic for long sessions to remain faithful in playing it without emulation while not crippling your hands. Fantastic purchase
What games do you play on it?
I always thought the micro just looked fucking shitty, lol. Get a actual GBA
It's for portability m8. The thing can hang off my keychain for example
It was shit desu. Nothing but ports, 2 Metroids and one solid Castlevania game.
posting the GBA's most underrated game of all time
seriously, I've never seen anybody talk about it, it's actually good and unique
>play this when I was 10
>can't beat the game because I reach a point where too many characters are dead, no grinding mechanics, and I literally can't win
>restart the game, beat it by playing carefully and not recklessly leaving vulnerable
>become the only one of my friends to beat it
>fast forward to today
>see 8 year old cousin playing the new 3ds one
>he literally just rams them into the enemies
>"hehe you'd be wise not to let your heroes die like that"
>they come back to life at the end of the map
I guess they had to remove all the casual filters in order to make money, huh?
No one in their right mind would play anything GBA outside today lol. Since that's the case, you might as well buy a GBA tbqh fampai
pretty sure every time i post on Sup Forums it has something to do with Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak
and drill dozer
Mah nigga. Medabots RPG is great. AX was just okay though.
did anybody else like those shaman king games?
that's only if you choose casual mode. in classic mode, they stay dead.
>The direction this series went with every game after the first.
I just wanted some more Donkey Kong GB platforming, dammit.
holy shit this is me rn. except the incredible sadness part. i'm boolin
GBA mini when?
why was this so good?
I'm not even a pussy yet this was so comfy
Spat did nothing wrong, pfpth.
one of my friends snagged one of those when it came out, I tried it and remembering being really surprised at how good it felt and how nice such a small screen looked
how am I even supposed to get 700exp on chapter 23 of FE7? who thought it was a good idea to make that the gaiden requirement on an extremely open fog of war desert map with a green unit mage that fucks everything up
BN1 is mediocre for the series though
literally all the games except maybe 4 are better than it
i always try to replay it, but i never get around to finishing it. it's still one of my favorites though.
Any of you guys emulate GBA games on your phones? Been thinking about doing this for my commute to work.
Yeah, it's why I still use my xperia play.
friend keeps shilling this series to me. how good is it?
It was a very good RPG with a shit gimmick attached to it. I remember trying to play it outside to catch the sun on my original GBA and I couldn't see the screen.
Worst Nintendo handheld by a mile. You couldn't see shit on that worthless screen, I bought 6 games for it and all 6 were trash. Not only that but the battery was fucked in both harmony of dissonance and mega man zero so I couldn't save after the first two years.
Even my original Gameboy had 30 games and only 2 were bad.
Advance Wars
Astro Boy Omega Factor
Boktai 1 and 2
Gunstar Future Heroes
Fire Emblem 7
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Golden Sun
Kingdom Hearts Chain of memories
The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Megaman Battle Network
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Zero Mission
Mother 3
Pokemon Emerald
Sanic Advance 2
Sgreed, can still remember getting that sweet Arctic Blue one for my 14th birthday alongside Circle of The Moon and playing that bad boy all day and night.
Also was playing Advance Wars with the charger plugged into the wall and Daddy knocked it out by accident and I screeched at him to be more careful and that the sacrifice of hundreds of soldiers was all in vain.
Sweet Times
>44 Medals
Feels Breedy gud
Yeah. I've thrown on some games which don't require precise controls
Is a Kojima game before MGS4, take that as reference.