My cpu cooler leaked and my motherboard is fried

My cpu cooler leaked and my motherboard is fried.

What phone games should I play till payday? On android


Did that Witcher 3 card game ever come out?

The world ends with you, the only correct answer.

Free is preferable. Thanks though

Not on mobile.
It was pretty fun in alpha, balance is fucked up completely now, though. I'm waiting for mobile release to start playing again, personally. Hearthstone is not bad if you stick to tavern brawls and daily quests.

How the fuck can a fan and a heatsink leak? didn't fall for the liquid cooling meme like an absolute fucking retard, did you?

>fell for liquid cooling meme
Yeah, looked cool before it wrecked my shit at least


>he fell for the liquid jew meme


Make sure to join Enlightened though

Do you have any bluetooth controllers laying around?

If yes you have a wide world of emulation at your disposal. Personally I'm emulating some psp games on my phone with this HORRIFIC "phonejoy" shitass controller thing.

Was thinking about picking this up when it releases later this year. I've tried bluetooth controllers but they all fucking suck and have input lag out the ass.

Looks fun. How much?

Clickpocalypse II

Downloading these two now. Keep em coming

$80 you can only use it with a moto z phone though

Nigga, stop using watercoolers

Plants vs. Zombies

>stop using water coolers

They really are hot garbage

Phonejoy guy here.

In this case it's not bluetooth input lag it's just shit feeling buttons/joysticks.

The 'B' button sticks after playing for a while. To the point I filed the case out a bit to stop that. The joysticks have big deadzones and all of the buttons are too stiff. The Dpad is xbox 360 pad tier bad.

The moto controller is an official product and doesn't look cheap and people who have used one at trade shows say it isn't cheap feeling either. Also since it's connected directly to the phone there's 0 input lag so maybe this is the one. The other moto mods I've owned were pretty great

Sounds like a good time to have a motorola phone.