What are some games where I can dive 1000 depths?
What are some games where I can dive 1000 depths?
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Cell a shit. Frieza is better
wtf is this
I don't play street fighter
pls explain what this is
Goku is getting a new transformation in the current Super arc. It's been teased in the opening for a while.
Ultimate Gohan is back and is equal to Blue. Before the tournament, the Elder Kai suggested unlocking Goku's potential, but they didn't have time to do it.
>another form
Please make it stop.
again? wtf man
I thought Akuma was going to join or something
Same reaction i had with DaS3 bosses.
DBS is so fucking shit
I'm convinced anyone who likes it is retarded
>new form
>it's just his normal form but his hair sticks up a bit
Good thing it seems he's not getting a new hair color. Black hair Goku is best Goku.
It's so they don't retcon End of Z and GT. This replaces Blue.
GT isn't canon
>blue hair was just a phase
>implying super has a problem with retconning Z
fucking lol
>ultimate Goku
Tipping my fedora to you
>new form
Ho hum. What are some ways we can make this franchise as batshit clownshoes crazy as possible?
Let's give each person 14 different transformations, each one making the last obsolete.
Lets make up bullshit excuses to make certain characters relevant again because we painted ourselves into a corner by making it the Goku and Vegeta show.
Let's take old transformations and "flesh them out", and while we're at it we'll ignore certain fundamental things about them
Fuck the DragonBall franchise. That shit should have died at Z, instead of dragging along like an elderly man shitting the bed.
>dive 1000 depths
>instead of dragging along like an elderly man shitting the bed
Nigga its bringing literally 300 millions a year with only merchandise of Super its still top 3 most money brining manga/anime in the world
Tell me about it
I cringed so hard when gohan went past super saiyan 2 into his ultimate form. That shit was thoroughly retarded and showed the people making this truly didn't understand the mystic form AT ALL.
I also cringe whenever goku transforms into anything other than his god or blue form. What's the point, seriously...? SSJ3 got knocked out by a flick of the finger by Beerus, all those transformations are literally worthless.
Not even going to rant on how ridiculous it is that roshi is relevant.
BR here. Even my felow monkeys have been getting sick of DBS and the direction it's taking. What is it like for you gringos?
Power level fags are the cancer killing Dragon Ball
>SSJ3 got knocked out by a flick of the finger by Beerus
Good thing most of the guys in Super aren't even close to Beerus then
How long do we have to wait until my main man Piccolo gains some kind of Namekian God power up letting him reach SSB levels of power?
Nobody gave a fuck before the Black Saga. Now everyone its on Supers dick
Goku was by the end of that movie. He was strong enough to make beery actually fight and not flick his finger, which makes your point completely null.
He also didn't even have blue yet
No, only you spics who hate it without even watching it are retarded. Not to mention you're beyond retarded when you try and explain how Z was some sort of masterpiece and how Broly is the most complex character ever created.
At no point during the movie was Beerus fighting seriously
there's power level fags and then there's making roshi relevant in a battlefield of gods. DB was always based on strength and knowing how characters stood in comparison to each other.
This arbitrary strength shit is absolute nonsense.
They retconnected Beerus strenght to not even trying when he was fightning Goku
>DB was always based on strength and knowing how characters stood in comparison to each other.
See, that's just power level fagging
He was infinitely more serious than when he fought ssj3. Are you denying this?
By simple transitive logic you MUST KNOW that goku's god form is infinitely stronger than ssj3, so much so that it makes it obsolete.
Hype to be honest. Seeing 17 & 18 fightning together is great.
And of course based fucking Freeza
>Goku DYEL as fuck
When will manlets learn?
REEEEE it should of been Cell who came back
Well it was going pretty slow and the recap arcs can honestly fuck right off. I only picked it back up myself after the multiverse tournament ended and started from that arc. Burakku was pretty okay, with the whole "evil for the sake of being delusional beyond all reasoning" shtick being entertaining imo, but god damn the ending was ass. And now the tournament of power is finally starting, with its buildup being chock-full of plot holes and scaling retardation just because and that's really giving me bad vibes
>should of
great ape
Ssj 1
Ssj 2
Ssj 3
Ssj 4
Ssj God
Ssj 4 Gogeta
Anything else I'm missing here? Holy shit this stuff is getting retarded.
>DBS retconned their own origin
Wish I could say I was surprised. This is irrelevant anyway, pretty sure Whis said Goku and Vegeta together could take Beerus recently.
The point stands, the god forms are incomprehensibly stronger than anything from Z, which makes goku transforming into any of them absurd.
>counting fusions
But yes, you're missing:
Golden great ape
Ssj God Ssj (blue)
Fake Ssj (if counting movies)
>Androids teaming up again, like the best part of the Android saga
>Gohan and his papa Piccolo forming a tactical duo
>the humans actually doing something, even if it probably won't be much
I am all about this arc
being powerlevel fag in 2017
fucking retards
Somebody explain to me Toriyama's time travel mechanics. How was Goku Black allowed to happen when Beerus killed Zamasu in the present? And why does Trunks time machine make him travel into another worlds past that isn't even his own?
The forms are just multipliers. Their strength is not set in stone.
The forms aside from SSG aren't really some genetic shit.
SSB is SSG with KI CONTROL and SSGKK is kaioken added on because ki control allows for it
this would probably be a "limit breaker" where he just consolidates his energy into his base form
>How was Goku Black allowed to happen when Beerus killed Zamasu in the present?
Because this happend when Black already was created in another timeline?
DBZ has always been about powerlevels, deal with it.
There are tons of ways around this, which every fucking shonen does, which is having each hero fight a villain of around their power.
DBS is just too retarded to do this so instead everyone has been "secretly training" to the point that they're literally a million times stronger than they were.
When is she going blue?
Great Ape
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 3
Super Saiyan 4
Super Saiyan God
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Blue)
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken (Blue Kaioken)
Super Saiyan Rosé
>not realizing that some people are stronger than others
>not realizing that this disparity in strength causes comparison
>not realizing that everything about DB is about power levels, even if it's not simply the number comparisons
>being this retarded
Not him but seriously holy shit, you've got to be kidding me. Call me a powerlevel fag but your autism level is well over 9000.
>DBS is just too retarded to do this
You're a complete fucking moron. Not everyone in the tournament of power is Goku level.
They're doing exactly as you're suggesting they should do, but you're too blind to see it
>DBZ has always been about powerlevels, deal with it.
But Dragon Ball wasn't.
Sure, by why bother with a 50x multiplier when you have one that does 1000x?
Black had a time ring, it allows Gods to remain unaffected from being fucked with in the past.
Normal mortals usually just get shoved into another timeline if someone fucks with their past unnaturally (via time machine, time rings are natural and can't go to the past)
Parallel universes. Same way they killed Cell in one timeline while he still existed in the future of another.
>DBZ has always been about powerlevels, deal with it.
But the whole series was specifically about making a point that Powerlevels don't mean shit.
>Super Saiyan
>Super Saiyan God
>Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
>Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken
Please let me die.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god this is what super retards think
So I guess 17 and gohan didn't fight on par with blue? Oh and frieza who trained his mind is now stronger than goku as well.
Bringing roshi to a fight of this scale is flat out retarded, you might as well bring saibamen, they would do a better job.
The whole thing about power levels is that Frieza's race thought they were set in stone. That's why they make a big deal about earthlings being able to change their power levels.
SSB + Kaioken isn't an actual transformation.
SSB is just SSG with proper control. It's not "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" powerup via rage into SSG2 or some shit.
Good thing he said DBZ and not DB then, isn't it?
The back tingling shit pissed me off to no end. How can some random cunt just turn ssj2 within 2 minutes of learning that ssj even exists? Fuck DBS.
go watch it instead of spouting nonsense. This gets said a lot but it's just blatantly false. DB just had more adventure and less fighting but powerlevels were very much a thing. Characters got stronger by training.
Goku was always just flat out stronger and powerlevels were known. There was no doubt on who could beat who in a fight.
So...he's getting that moment right before his hair changes color when ascending as a new form. Considering the red aura it's probably Kaioken based.
>So I guess 17 and gohan didn't fight on par with blue?
Even THE FUCKING CREATOR stated that Goku was just testing them.
SOMEONE TAHAT MAKES THE FUCKING SERIES EXPLAINED THIS yet you faggots are dense enough to push your headcanon.
Btw even if Goku was fightning for serious 17 and fucking insane unlimited potential Gohan are guys that i actually would be okay with being strong enough to deal with him.
17 was stronger without training than SS Goku, like a lot stronger
Why shouldn't Gohan fight on par with blue? Mystic Gohan was fucking strong. And I'm willing to allow that 17 training hard was enough to get him stronger too.
And you're still under the impression that every opponent in the tournament is at that level. Which we already know isn't fucking true. Roshi will have dudes to fight, and Mafuba will let him punch way above his paygrade since he only needs to get ring outs
> no ssj 1.5
>powerlevels don't mean shit
>friezas 2nd form powerlevel was 1 million
>piccolo fuses with nail, whips his ass
>frieza transforms again, powerlevel goes up
>whips piccolos ass
>final form, powerlevel is around 10 million
>kills vegeta with a single beam
>whips gokus ass
>goku goes super saiyan
>powerlevel is 15 million
>demolishes frieza
>hurrr powerlevels don't mean shit
I think a lot of people don't realise that Ultimate Gohan is a godly transformation like Blue.
Please stop saying things.
But he was doing so in his blue form. That's like if you took a legendary blade you crafted yourself from the highest mountain with the help of a God to a bokken battle and then said "I'm just testing y'all."
Rage is even more of a retarded explaination tho.
>Krillin dies 428941289489148914849128 times in front of goku
>But its jut now that he turns SS
Also explain to me Goten and Trunks turning SS while playing with chichi in the woods.
Is chichi secretly Whis tier with her training?
Please stop saying things.
>this in the series that Goten just magically learnt SS when he was four
user, stahp.
Seeing as they will probably go against other Blue level fighters i dont know what did you expect. For them to take a quiz and if you pass you can enter the tournament?
Jesus fucking christ
Gohan is not equal to blue fucking retard, Blue has the best management ki control, juts like Goku could train with piccolo as a normal SSJ and do mundane shit in blue he could in SSB.
If you keep trying to push that shit then you must also say 17 is equal to blue.
as the number of super saiyans at a level increases, the easier it is for other saiyans to achieve that level of super saiyan
Goku constantly tranforms into any of his forms in DBS, yet chose to go blue against 17. If the series needs the creator to fucking retcon it then it's shit, sorry mate.
Mystic gohan is strong but he's not THAT strong. He was beaten in DBZ and as I've shown before in this very thread, those powers are a complete joke compared to any god level power.
But.... he didn't have a time ring on he got killed and didn't get it in before Whis did his rewind, or was this a Zamasu from the slight future?
>There are people who will still defend Super
>He was beaten in DBZ
He was ABSORBED in Z. Buu couldn't do shit up until that point
It's really not, it got beaten to a pulp by Buutenks. Which is MUCH weaker than Buuhan. Which is MUCH weaker than Vegito. Which is MUUUUUUCH weaker than Beerus or any god power.
Goku Black was present Zamasu from the future (the one that Beerus used HAKAI on), who traveled to Future Trunk's timeline with a time ring. He only went to the past by exploiting a hole that Trunks made with his time machine.
>He was beaten in DBZ
Kill yourself and watch the series first
tl;dr black shouldn't exist after beerus kills zamasu but does anyway because he has a time ring that allows him to circumvent that.
Nigger, blue =/=100% power.
Powerlevels are not static, they never have, why people have such problem with this? Retards like you keep screaming about how none weaker should be able to touch someone stronger yet always forget Krillin cut Freeza's tail in his final form, Jajirobe cut Vegeta's tial with a shitty sword, TenShinHan stopped Cell while being just a few tiers above Yamcha.
dude just stfu if you don't know the series. He got pulverized by Buutenks.
>Which is MUUUUUUCH weaker than Beerus or any god power
Nah SS Vegito is pretty damn close. Buuhan would have obliterated Ultimate Gohan the same way Beerus did it to SSJ3 Goku.
>while being just a few tiers above Yamcha.
Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Tien was far ahead of Yamcha at that point
>This delusion
Read the manga, he was getting beating up before Buu went back to piccolo.
Read above you fucking retarded faggot. It's dumbasses like you who like super, because they don't know shit about dragonball.
What the fuck are you talking about? Krillin had only died once before Namek and that was to Tambourine in Dragon Ball. Trunks never trained with chi chi. It's unknown when he first hit SSJ prior to the scene with Vegeta. Goten turning ask while training with chi chi is stupid. I guess the two kids were supposed to be some prodigies but after Gotenks failed to kill Buu the pair just got pushed off to the side like a fucking joke. I'm also pretty sure they should be teenagers by now but haven't aged a day.
Krillin didn't cut frieza's final form, that was the spirit bomb
not gonna argue with a faggot who doens't know shit, get fucked nigger
Back to Sup Forums with you
who fucking cares it all does the same stuff
then once both fighters are roughly equal it's back to namek-tier spectacle, woo hoo