Did you rike it?

Did you rike it?


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Holy fuck, please get laid.

Done, now what?

>mad roastie feeling threatened by 2D

I only spend my money on good video games.

>main character looks beautiful, is athletic as fuck and would have been in a billion different social situations because of her being taken around on her father's job trips (he's covered wars you know)
>but she's a shy, unsocialable girl for literally no reason

Why can't people make real women for these games?

Because real women are disgusting.

This genre is currently having a massive surge of literal cuckshit, there's games in the genre where you can fuck 5 year olds or 50 year olds, where you can romance demons, angels, monsters, inanimate objects, birds, and just about anything else inbetween.
This genre panders to every fetish under the sun except people who want to romance / date / fuck an imitation of a real, disgusting woman.

>This genre panders to every fetish under the sun except people who want to romance / date / fuck an imitation of a real, disgusting woman.
You can fuck disgusting whores irl user. There's no need for fantasy in your case.

I played it, but i didn't like it.

Game doesn't encourage you to stay pure.

>you can't have both

She needs a breast reduction

are you gay m8

Well entire premise is to whore yourself.

wow I sure hope steam hasn't censored this one

>B b-but i can get closer to her reart like that!

English translation when?

Already translated

I think he means a real english translation

holy fuck her body is shiny

Take it or leave it, friendo

Well I bought it because it was less than a dollar and I want to show support for lewd games on steam but the translation is worthless


What did he mean by this?

>new """"game""""

Pretty sure they just stuck the chinese translation into a machine translator or something.

Its suprisingly more understandable than some japanese-english machine translations i've read, but its still fucking awful

Yeah, I want a real translation. Not JP--->Chinese--->(Google translator)English.

>Why can't people make real women be like the ones in those games?

More of a dragonia guy myself

why play a game about something you can have in reality?

>falling for the vaginal jew

Guys, guys.

What are some cool H-games or games like Summertime Saga on OS X?

Maybe because it is boring as fuck? If you have a wide variety of creatures and fetishes, why to confirm with the most vanilla shit ?

When is this going to be on Steam?


does she take off her boots ever to satisfy my foot fetish? love seeing women with a size 20 foot

>playing a stripped down, inferior version of this game, with all the best parts of the games removed




I will never understand playing hentai games instead of just looking at it on sadpanda or something.

>almost 2000 yen
I swear to god, dlsite is the most retarded shit

its not removed
they just puted a white bar ti censor it.

A lot of these artists are self-taught so ''quality'' is bound to show up.

if you're a competent artists you dont do RPG maker games

should i get Dragonia or Hell girls?
pls respond

Depends on the game, really. If it's a generic find the cg needle in the haystack kind of game, then it's pointless. Usually though the plot and writing make it better than the sum of its parts. Interactivity is also a big plus, if it's there.

I couldn't take it seriously because of the translation

What games do good artists make then? Nukige?

Instant immersion - you are actually in the sex scene because you as in the player character are actually involved.

Pretty much.

That anatomy is fucking atrocious. Why don't hentai artists learn how to draw a human body?

>redline now pls

I can tell it's a little wonky but it's more often than not it's the shitters who complain the most that knows jackshit about anatomy

I actually bought this since it's a dollar.

Still haven't played it.

Could dump this on Steam without even censoring anything. Just needs a google translate and it's good to go.

>on OS X?
user, please buy a real computer.

I think her spine is broken.

She's made out of rubber so it's okay.

>Wanting a gf
>Wanting sex
Get with the times m8

No idea, it seems the publisher posted several news with literally nothing in it but those are filled with chinese comments so I guess it's something you can only see in China.

>RPG maker porn games

ever played violated heroine?

>RPG maker porn games that have no RPG gameplay in them

where do you think you are

Are the H-scenes the patch adds back in translated?

> I will train these girls to serve me
> by having other men fuck them
jesus christ that was the most boner killing cuckery i have seen in quite some time

Yes. They only butchered the art. Everything is there otherwise.

This is why games where the male is the MC and the dom usually suck.

Femdom can be hit or miss too, unless it's lolidom then it ascends to elder god tier.

and then when you ascend those you get into anime


The MC was a bitch for sure.

>gets beat down by a woman
>has major autism rage REEEE
>runs off to another woman to get her help getting revenge on the other women
>in the end is just a tool to the vagina

Pathetic 2bh.

I'm not fully convinced. Do you have any examples to convince me?

you're all fucking pathetic

what happened to naruko hanaharu after gargantia?

>He didn't play MGQ Paradox
Granted the combat was piss easy but the job system was deep as fuck, if a little grindy

Loli succubus Academy was a great one
Hell, pretty much every monster girl game has lolis, the example everyone knows is MGQ and Jingai Modoki is like the most consistent artist, hell he took the lead role over in Paradox doing the main characters.

Other than that there's tons of other scattered examples, ask /hgg2D/.


Three hours later, but I wonder if this guy knew what genre this even was. Hint: It is a nukige. Literally a masturbation aid. Its there to help you jack off and return to your normal life of ramen and anime. If you wanted something with romance in it, pic related is more along that line. Its a visual novel, not a nukige, despite having naughty bits.

Go to /hgg2d/ on /vg/ if you want REAL high quality hentai games.

How much nudity is in that game?

>How much nudity is in that game?

>game where a girl has to whore herself out
>starts by getting groped
>then immediately becomes town bicycle in 10 minutes

That is all I needed to hear.

How vanilla is this game? From the community screenshots, it looks like it only has a few CGs.


White roastie detected

t. roastie

What the fuck? is that image real?

Yes. It is.

Why do women hate other women so much?

Why did most of them never inherited the last name of the father? some didn't even inherit a last name at all.

That Kagura chaarcter had 16 kids? wtf is even this some sort of vn series?

I did.
Should I get Dragonia?

Bastards. And a lot of cucking. And daughter fucking.

Yes, its an entire series. 8 games worth to be exact.

Think about the role women have for our species.

They are designated to bare children and in order to find a suitable mate they are supposed to be attractive or show features that prove they would be good to bear a child.
Women are constantly at war with each other over looks because if they believe they are unattractive they have essentially failed. Best ways to fight against people that are better than you at something?
>Act like it's not important
>Degrade them someway
>Bring them down to your level
>Tell them there are people out there better than they are.

>Tomaru Sawagoe + Kagura Inou = Hajime Inou
>Tamaru Sawagoe + Hajime Inou = Rio Inou
>Tamaru Sawagoe + Rio Inou = Risa Inou
>Tamaru Sawagoe + Risa Inou = Rika Inou
>Tamaru Sawagoe + Rika Inou = son

lol what


>that hideous art

How can anyone fap to this? What the fuck is wrong with her arms and legs?

Tomaru: *Sigh* That kid. When I was his age, I’d knocked up more women than I could count on both hands, and yet look at him, so timid…
Tomaru: Oh, well, it looks like he wound up with a girl he likes, so I guess that’s good.
Tomaru: Man, looking after a son is hard work.
Tomaru: Right, Rio? Rina?
Rio & Rina: Yeah!
Rio: What do you mean, “look after a sun”??
Rina: I don’t get it.
Tomaru: I see, I see. You’re both still children yourselves, after all.
Rio: Yeah. I’m a kid! I’m 7 years old!
Rina: Me, too!
Tomaru: I see, I see. …By the way, have you two ever had blood come from your crotch?
Rina: Nope.
Rio: I’ve never gotten sick like that!
Tomaru: Hah hah hah. I see, I see. I guess I’ll just wait patiently until it happens, then.
Rio: Huh?
Tomaru: You’re Kagura and Hajime’s daughters, after all. I bet you’ll be early bloomers.
Rio: What’s that mean??
Tomaru: Ah hah hah. Don’t worry about it. You’re a bit young yet.

Rina: *pout*…Mister?
Tomaru: Yeah?
Rina: I’m bored with this car. I’m going home to Mom.
Rio: Whaa? …Me too!
Tomaru: Ah hah hah. I’m afraid you can’t. Because I’m your father. I rewrote the records and took custody rights.
Rina: Mmm?
Tomaru: Hah hah hah, it’s probably too complicated for you to understand. Anyway, I’m your Daddy. Let’s go live together. And bathe together. And sleep together.
Rio: Whaa? I’m going home to Mom…
Tomaru: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll call her to come join us later.
Rina: …Really?
Tomaru: Of course.
Rina: Oh. Good. Okay, then I’ll stay on this drive with you.
Tomaru: …Though not until your tummies are nice and big.
Rio: Huh? Tummies??
Tomaru: Ah hah hah hah. Don’t worry about it. I said something else you wouldn’t understand yet. Ah hah hah hah hah!
Tomaru: …We’ve got lots of fun ahead of us.


I played this game and I like it alone. The oppai loli was hot as fuck but sadly every monster girl is the same formula. You play with her a bunch, then go for 3 scripted scenes and every loli rapes you on the third scene in a cowgirl position.
Also, it's way to hard to "conquer" half the girls since the indoor games are traditional japanese games that is required to know understand kanjis.
On the other hand, it has a shitton of combination of girl events depending if you go the romance route or the cold route.
Would recommend when english patch is released.

Even when taking price difference into consideration it sold 5 times more than on dlsite.

Well to be fair she looks like an average flat chink.