>Game series peaks with 2nd game, every game afterwards is incrementally worse than the last installment
Name one single franchise where this isn't the case and I'll eat my hat.
Game series peaks with 2nd game, every game afterwards is incrementally worse than the last installment
Zelda 2 lol
Europa Universalis, 2 was an absolute mess, 3 was excellent, 4 is too easy.
Dragon Age
Final Fantasy
i hope you have multiple hats...
sim city
Mario Metroid Zelda Deus Ex Quake F-zero Street Fighter Final Fantasy Tekken Bomberman Megaman Monster Hunter Dragon Quest Castlevania Metal Gear
Nearly every JRPG series ever
Nipples drop the ball on entry number 2 for some reason
good fucking call.
>Mario (you can either use Lost Levels or whatever the fuck that was for the second)
>Mass Effect
Resident Evil
Witcher series, DBZ series of games, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Populous, Need for Speed, Counter strike
Street Fighter 2 was definitely peak Street Fighter, but only if we're including the new challengers.
While we're on the subject, Marvel vs Capcom also peaked in it's second one.
Devil May Cry actually got better with 3, and 2 was horrendous.
>Street Fighter 2 was definitely peak Street Fighter
Third Strike is better.
most consider 4 to be the peak with 2 a close second
Metal Gear Solid 2 was shit compared to 3 and 1
yeah no.
Dark Souls
Quake 2 is worse than 1 and 3.
They look better, but I feel that the later Street Fighter games focus too much on the Shotokan fighting style. Street Fighter 2 probably set it up a little with Ken and Ryu, but after that it seems like that's the only way to play. Look how many characters they added now that fight with that style. Akuma, Ryu, Ken, Goken, Dan, Sakura.
No I agree, but 4 has a higher critical claim and is the standard MLG game. 2 was instrumental to 4's success, but they tried to build something up from 2. Regardless, 5 shit the bed
Devil May Cry
You deserve to be slapped if you imply DMC2 is where the series peaked.
Mass Effect 2nd
I did enjoy 4, I can admit to that. I might concede that because I'm just giving 2 nostalgia bonus points.
How horrible
Assassin's Creed
The Sims
The Witcher series.
1st game is the high-point story-wise and 3 is the high-point gameplay wise.
The kind of slap that causes some horrible acute tinnitus even
I only own 3 and play it from time to time on my toaster. But I also played 4 some times at a friend's house. 4 seems to have a lot more options. 3 is very bare bones in comparison. I mean, I probably just suck, but still.
1 was better though, plus it was an actual rpg
I can't into sarcasm right now, I hope you are not implying that Megaman 2 is in any way better than 3 or 4.
ummmmmm.....try again, sweetie?
I know this one will generate some controversy. But Elder Scrolls.
I think it peaked with Morrowind, Daggerfall close behind.
Crash Bandicoot.
yeah, unfortunately rose-tinted glasses do that with a lot of old games. The fairest way to test would be to give both games to a 10 year old who has never played and ask them which is better
Megaman X is better anyway.
Serious Sam, SimCity, Splinter Cell.
>Assassin's Creed
>Elder Scrolls
>Final Fantasy
Nah. The first one is the only good game from that series, and even that is not better than Megaman 4.
I mean that Megaman X is better than all the previous Megaman games.
Made me chuckle a little bit. Every once in a while I'll visit my buddy who lives in a different city and he has a son that likes to play games. I have a SNES emulator and would play games with him.
I was such a douche that I would secretly add in hotkeys to do all the moves, so when he'd fight me in Street Fighter 2 I would just be hitting him with Dragon Punches and shit all day enough to make him rage quit.
>Assassin's Creed
Well, that series does not have a single good game.
Sure, there are some games that are better than others, but none of them quite reach the "good" threshold.
Well, and that is where you are wrong. The classic Megaman games have a much better sense of level design. And let's be real, the games did not need such an extensive amount of story.
But I suppose that is just your opinion. Just hoping that you actually played the classic Megaman games, and don't just base your opinion on some Egoraptor video.
Souls series the best are
>Demon souls
Very gothic and bleak aura no fucking around a lot of horror elements taken from manga and western sources
>Dark souls
Tones down the gothic elements a little bit but not a whole bunch a bit more romanticized borrows more elements from myths and even has it's own god pantheon for you to kill
A love letter to gothic lit in a way the other games cannot compare. Drawing inspiration from authors and movies shamelessly.
These 3 are the best games in the series because they are not direct sequels all dark souls 2 and 3 did was cater to a very cancerous fan base, fuck up invading and gave us more of the same.
>The classic Megaman games have a much better sense of level design.
Baloney, their level design is much simpler and even have trial and error bullshit here and there like elec man's stage which makes you backtrack if you guessed the wrong path. Bosses are worse and more shallow too, for whatever reason they made half the bosses in Megaman 2 be weak to metal blade.
Megaman X also has more focus on secrets and getting suit unlocks, more abilities too. More immersive story and characters to boot which is why people are glad that X was in MVCI instead of og Megaman. Also obviously better graphics and sound.
2 was the best, without a shadow of a doubt.
>not 3&K
Fallout 2 is on par with FO1, it can be argued which one is better.
>every game afterwards is incrementally worse than the last installment
Nope, NV is better than 3, if only for better weapon variety and combat with an arguably better world (at least I think so.) 4 I would say is slightly worse than 3, because it transitions away from ARPG to a "wacky shootan game" with RPG elements (and 3 is obviously massively different from 2 already.) If you count FO3, NV, and 4 as a different series than 1&2, than I'd say that it looks like it could follow the trend you describe, if FO5 is worse than 4, but hopefully Bethesda learns from their mistakes.
Well, yeah, Megaman 1 and 2 are pretty mediocre games, I should have clarified.
Megaman X' exploration was cool, but the levels themselves are more entertaining spectacle than actually well-designed platforming challenges. The wall jump and dash trivializes so much of the game.
>Crtl + F
>No Kingdom Hearts
KH2 is better than KH1, and all the later installments are amazingly forgettable.
Final Fantasy arguably. Not that I've played, I just like to be a contrarian.
That one arguably peaked at 6 or 7 though and then dropped off from there.
Definitely Pikmin
Dark Souls
Mario Party
What about the franchises where they shit the bed on game 2 and they focus really hard on making game 3 not-shit to compensate?
Lol you wish sweet hart
Etrian Odyssey
Mario Party
Dead Rising.
Dark souls 2
Oh wait, I got it backwards, nevemind then...
Uhm... Metroid, there you go
Souls, unless you count demon souls as the first game and dark souls as the second,
but that describes mario party perfectly