You know what to do

You know what to do



everything on story and gameplay. modders would fix everything else


Max gameplay
3 in everything else.
Want a good story? Read a book.
Want fancy graphics? Go watch a movie.
Want good music? Go to a concert.
Want good sound effects? Fuck you average is good enough.
Want good art style? Go to art gallery.
This is a game. You play it. Gameplay matter. Everything else can be average.

Where is level design?

Probably this.


Why would you ever not put 5 in gameplay?

This is objectively correct. Only acceptable deviation is reducing one point from something that isn't Gameplay to buff up either Music or Graphics.

literally a book


Correct answer coming through


what game is this?

>retards putting points in audio
need those WAHOOs or they cant play

5 Gameplay
5 Story
5 Graphics
4 Music
0 Audio
1 Art Style

It's not a game. There's no gameplay.
It's a movie.
It has story, graphics, music and sound effects, there's art style. It's a CG movie.

I would put all the points in Gameplay because gameplay is literally the combination of everything else.

5 on gameplay, the rest depends on the genre

A 0 means an unredeemably shit X, not that X doesn't exist.