Boot up multiplayer game

>boot up multiplayer game
>heart rate increases
>enter lobby
>palms start to sweat
>match begins
>entire body starts heating up

Why does this happen to me?

Because you're the chosen one.


You suffer from toomanyshittyteamatesis. I suggest you a cure of single player games.

More like he plays too many single player games and probably has little social interaction. I used to be like you OP until I played Souls games and found the pvp enjoyable so I blue'd a lot. I still didn't really like multiplayer games but bought overwatch and Arms and have been forcing myself to play them. At first I was just afraid of losing or sucking but I realized that's a bad personality trait to have, especially if it even affects vidya out of all things. I've come to enjoy the thrill of competitive matches. Just do it user and realize it's not all that bad.

not OP, but you're right.. thanks doc.

>the pvp enjoyable so I blue'd a lot

>10 minute overtime in rocket league


Keep going into it, understand that the people you play with will forget about you, even if you sucked, within the hour. I used to get nervous to play smite ranked but I just got over that after I realized I don't fucking care about any of these retards

Probably social or performance anxiety or some combination of the two. You likely have an anxiety disorder if this actually happens regularly and in other situations in life. Talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Never liked the concept of invading and ganking noobs. My favorite covenant though honestly was probably purple in 3

>hands are shakin'
>still getting headshots

it's just your hormonial teenage social anxiety setting in

it'll get better once you stop being a faggot

Smite rank people (at least not during early elo) are often more chill than fucking casual. There is a point where you fucking mature the fuck up and remember it is just a game all over again. People who think they can literally win every match are idiots when assuming you are on equal terms with the other team than your odds are 50/50 at best. Games like that you are guarantee to lose half of the time with no error on your part assuming it was a good game. People who just want to curve stomp their opponents should stick with single player as other people would lit to be shit on as much as they would yet they can't get that through their heads.

It is fucking weird when you see the different types of people playing in the same side though. Often the tryhards are the exact people who end up feeding.

I get this anytime I start doing really well in a multiplayer game. Back when I played CoD, if I was on a winning streak I would have to quit after a few games because I'd get too nervous.

It's the eye of the tiger.

Thanks doc!!!


I get like that sometimes with games I don't play often. Once I've played enough it's no big deal.

Social Anxiety

>invading and ganking noobs
If you're invading, you're the one getting ganked

it's your body entering the fight mode
Adrenalin rush is best things of multiplayer games honestly

You have extreme social anxiety or just general anxiety. It happens to me sometimes when I'm the last one alive on Counter Strike or I make it to top 3 in H1Z1.

just nut the fuck up nigga

>play unranked
>bad but somewhat tolerable

>enter competitive
>feel like i'm going to have a heart attack before the match even starts

I usually end up muting voice/text chat because getting called out for doing poorly makes me shut off the game

I remember this happening on my first cs:go comp game after 100 hours of only playing casual hostage matches. After a couple games comp just feels like casual and it loses it's appeal after 800 hours.

Do you feel the same when you co-op against AI opponents? If not, it's probably that you're afraid of committing to something that you can't back out without consequences.