How exactly does the funny scream sound like?
How exactly does the funny scream sound like?
Other urls found in this thread:
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme
mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe
which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
these threads are the best because they always bring dozens of buttblasted friendos to laugh at
You sound upset
i always imagined it being this
Yeah totally, that's why I'm a GaijinGoomba fan. It's so funny to see people say I have shit taste and that I'm a retard. It's the best. GaijinGoomba forever!
This pasta is so good. Nobody can ever post anything that proves it wrong, so they just fall back on "u-u mad?"
Oney's DS1 playthrough was so good. What the fuck happened to him? Are those 2 screeching faggots who tag along with him now the ones to blame?
this isn't far off anymore
they kinda have run out of shit to talk about so it's just noises
when it was chris by himself (specifically harry potter playthrough) that's when it was GOAT
Supermega is vastly better
>it's a "julian and dingdong talk about video game development like they're experts because they know words like 'shaders'" episode,
I'm going to post this in everyone one of these threads
I can't listen to oney's fake american accent. Isn't he supposed to be irish?
>user what is this text docon your deskop called "absolute fucking faggots"
>this is too agressive and offensive user i raised you better than this
Why do oneykids threat Sup Forums like an oney fanclub? Every single other eceleb who gets posted here gets shit on, but when it happens in oney threads the defense force shows up and cries about it.
I don't understand why they don't just go to reddit. Not even in a "GO BACK" way, but in a serious "you will be able to discuss your favorite ecelebs without interruption in a place where it's actually wanted" way.
But of course, they believe they're "too good" to go there, so they'll keep posting it here even though it doesn't belong and they can't even discuss it anyway because of everyone telling them to fuck off. And yet they remain. Hell, there'll be about 20 more oney threads made today. At LEAST take it to /trash/
U sure showed them user!
now they won't watch phoneyplays ever again!
they're finished, completely annihilated they will probably kill themselves now :))))
He realizes that Irish people are huge fucking retards and that their accent is bad. I can't blame him.
Great post. Now link to an Oney video that isn't like the pasta describes.
cause dingdong and julian posts here or atleast browse this shithole
why would i have to prove you wrong?
i like autistic humour
aside from the random shit they talk about you may be completely right
that doesn't make you any less of a sad fucker for not just skipping the thread and whining like a tiny weener
Everyone take a good look. This is Sup Forums now.
i like oneyplays
i think they are 3 funny boys
i don't even like chris anymore but man you people are insecure
the sign that you're a sad fucker is how you act like you have the majority's hands on your back as you type, when the reality s that alot of anons like oneyplays too
that's the reality and all you can do is suffer autistically over it
Reported for blatant advertising. This is what like the 3rd thread today?
It's nice that you still feel obligated to white knight for someone you no longer care about
I like Oneyplays but this most definitely annoys me
user you are repeating exactly what he said
>this is Sup Forums now
>lel you think Sup Forums hates random shrieking ecelebs but Sup Forums loves them lel
>Chris is someone you no longer care about
You wish you could say the same about yourself.
not Sup Forums
Sup Forums is not a person , newfriend.
"alot" is the keyword here
it doesn't mean all, it doesn't mean none.
>being a rulefag while breaking the rules
But alot isn’t a word.
T-t-t-this will show them!
well it sure as hell still means something
ding dong just accidentally showed his name on stream
ding dong is chris confirmed
>This is Sup Forums now
Sup Forums has always been a bunch of autistics who like autistic humour while getting mad at shit like autistics.
holy shit this so much, it's so annoying when they tend to shit on things like they're some sort of experts
even the captcha is laughing at how mad you are
>its another "I dont even care about _____ but im in the thread posting anyway!"
why people take let's play channels so seriously
I know, bro. I tried to make a thread about how epic jackskepticeye is and everyone told me to fuck off? lol I mean why get so serious? Sup Forums just needs to chill out and love ecelebs without criticism already.
Sup Forums loves to hate things
>a bunch of teenagers calling each other insecure over their opinion of some late 20's guy who plays who video games
say it with me now
Nobody wants to talk about Jack-septictank
More like some Anons point out criticisms of oneyplays and the fans have no rebuttal whatsoever and then get upset and wonder why Sup Forums is such a meanie. If any fans want to make counterpoints then these threads might lead to good discussions, but they don't because the channel is genuinely indefensible garbage, and the people who watch it can't provide any proof otherwise because it's all exactly like describes.
Explain to me why oney gets a free pass when other autistic, obnoxious shit youtubers for 14 year olds aren't welcome here?
dingdong is streaming right now on his twitch channel
One of them has been on the internet for over a decade making content and art
The other is some kind of green homosexual abomination
who the fuck cares, the thread was just made because the dude enjoys a thing, is that so horrible? why the fuck does everything need to be an argument
because I'm 25 and was watching Stamper Newgrounds videos when I was in 5th grade, so that whole autistic NG crew gets a pass in my books. Plus Ding Dong is like an actually informed Sup Forums poster
Why are sony.ggers so angry that they noticed the n sane trilogy was a rushed piece of trash?
In other words, we should have Jackskepticeye threads? You don't mind if a bunch of people start making threads about him?
I repeat, why people take let's play channels so seriously?
You're making the assumption that anyone give a shit about him on here
Go on then, if you want, post threads about him and see your threads die.
sure why not if the people here enjoy that trash let em
What happened to your sense of child-like wonder and your appreciation for good honest fun, user? They're not trying to re-invent the wheel or offer any insight. It's goofy and lighthearted; it makes me smile.
I wish I was an eceleb :(
also to double down people already spam offtopic lewd threads anyway so why would jackscepticeye matter?
Porn stars are ecelebs
You could always become one of those
Why do people take videogames so seriously? Would you believe there are threads on Sup Forums right now where people are criticizing videogames?
You're not retarded enough to think that's an equivalent comparison are you?
It's a good thing you don't take let's plays seriously, user. If you did you might be assravaged that someone made fun of an eceleb you liked and then you'd have to rush to white knight them. But you totally don't take them seriously so you wouldn't do that.
Any tiny dicked fat men in demand?
Julian and ding dong are game developers.
You are literally arguing that these threads should not have criticism in them. You think there should be eceleb threads, but any criticism is "taking it too seriously"
If you want to circlejerk, go to reddit, simple as that.
Maybe you could get into the femdom market
Yeah, if you're willing to be gay for pay
Even if you're gay just claim to be straight, since there is more demand for that.
Can my name be Ding Dong?
That's already taken, try something else.
Stamper's fuckin A
A reckless drunk hobo with a big fat heart
Also his street fighter collab is some seriously funny shit.
>look at ding dong's steam
>literally raking in 100s of dollars as we speak
>people still need to feel to spam these threads and defend their honor with their lives
Jesus christ. So this is the power of a rabid defense force.
They're doing just fine without you guys desperately trying to suck their dicks 24/7, fucking get a grip.
shit channel for faggots
>It's a "Julian and Ding Dong attempt to talk about something vaguely interesting but Chris feels left out so he makes retarded noises because he can't contribute to the discussion" episode
Why is OneyPlays so terrible but DingDong, Chris, and Julian are so funny together in literally anything else?
This, Chris can sometimes be the worst part of oneyplays
I miss Stamper. He doesn't do podcasts or shorts anymore does he?
Time to speak to my contacts in Russia to hack his ps4.
That's it. I'm gonna start my own flash video and pretty soon I'll be playing video games for cash. Wish me luck, boyo's
Is there some joke I'm missing? Those nasally voiced faggots are so terrible and unfunny.
>animations in 2017
good luck friend
>literally gets blown by some pervert at the age of 8
>"okay now you do me!"
>"No! You'll pee in my mouth"
>takes off
>guy is in jail now
Stamper's fucking gold.
he does comfy streams on twitch once in a while, but most of the time he's just working on pit people at The behemoth.
No you gotta be friends with an artist. Then agree to do a let's play with them. Then do twitch channels
>i'm a big boy!
>i only listen to intelligent, structured humor for grown-ups!
>this is the only acceptable form of entertainment, everything else is for babies!
That's really nice user but it just so happens that nobody cares but you.
Don't worry it's only to get me in the door to playing video games commentary professionally. I'm sure it won't last forever.
I fucking need to see that "Babe, we're in Minecraft" video.
Thanks bruh.
These faggots are literally rebbit incarnate for teenage kids.
It's absolutely disgusting that anyone here finds them entertaining on any level.
>watching a channel run by a racist and homophobe
What do you find entertaining?
everything is reddit
you are reddit
you too
But I don't watch Mike Matei