Make the next best-selling vidya plot

Make the next best-selling vidya plot.

Hard mode: No damsels in distress.

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It's yet another ayy lmao fps game but this time the humans are invading you get to genocide them and its fucking glorious

Nice try Bethesda. You won't steal my best selling genius!

Mobile phones and the nature of love

you accidentally awaken a few lovecraftian gods and it's your job to save the world with the power of friendship while also being a girl

Your penis talks to you

you are a mexican athlete trying to save his villain from a damsel in distress.

Get this, you're in a game where you're a child and your dad beats you and when he's done he beats you some more. Eventually, you live a life full of anger and depression and come onto a board that you hate everyday nonstop. That's what my game would be.


>beats you and when he's done he beats you some more

So... he's not done.

>A Freedom fighter, a fallen Angel and a social outcast have to stop a madman from turning the entire world into machine abominations

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.


You are an alian life form.
The entirety of your planet is connected.
All of it is meat that can warp and change however it wishes. There is a society made up of creatures so wide in their biology and anatomy that you can as player barely categorize them.
They live in caves because the surface is completely uninhabitable. You are an eyed-one. Your job is to collect images for the collective consciousness. You are not entirely an individual but merely a piece of the whole. There are countless other tools creatures with different functions and abilities. One day, as you were just observing your cave and serving your society something happens. You are cut off from the rest of the bio-organism for a minute. You become a wretched thing, howling in pain and killing anything you touch and all the while try to establish connection again. By the time you are about to reached your goal you already develop an ego. You are now really an individual but a very primitive one. You look around and start seeing hunters arrive(hunters are like white blood cells that kill foreign material inside our bodies) You save your hide barely and reach a small hole where the sun shines down. You turn into a snake and escape to the surface.

You're a funky cosmic metaphysical entity that can posess people in a small 1950s town. The people in the town are all fully characterized each with their own problems and various solutions to their problems. People in the town have unique schedules (ex. on weekdays Mr Robinson will go to work and Mrs. Robinson will get rammed by the milkman while he's out). By doing certain things to certain people at specific times you cam trigger widely different reaction.

The game is a sandbox. You can choose to help the townsfolk, help some towns folk, fuck over the townsfolk or stay outside of a host and just pick off the town's folk in your surreal as shit true form.

By the way, your true form would be designed in a character creation menu at the start of the game. Options would include being made of tracking lines, being 2d, looking like a biblical angel, having glowing and smokey effects, looking like an LSD inspired artpiece from the 70s or any combination of the above.

Already a thing.

>be woman who just got into fight with hisband
>go to bar to blow off steam
>in comes sexy man
>many drinks, he seduces you and gets you to come home with him
>fade out to nightmare of death and hellfire, hands pulling her into it
>wake up man gone
>walking home, hallucinations of demons following you
>get home and realise there's hand marks on ankles like someone had grabbed her
>consult internet, finds others who experienced similar things after sleeping with some guy, every description of him different
>can't contact any of them, they've since died giving child birth
>turns out dude was Satan and had planted his spawn in woman
>Have to research and find priest who will perform exorcism sessions
>Every session throws you back into the hellish nightmare having to fend off and escape demons
>All a metaphor for guilt and coming to terms with one's actions
That's all I got. Not sure what the gameplay would be like, probably more cinematic, but it could be a good setup for something. I know the whole antichrist story had been done in movies but I haven't seen the likes of it in a game.

You are a part of group of bandits. You roam the countryside and do all kinds of shit for money. Slowly you gain leadership. You travel with a succubus (male) as he slowly seduces you. Basically Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Gameplay from Dishonored/Thief. Sneaking around, looting stuff, killing people. Gradually discovering a greater plot where the world hangs in balance depending on your choices. The final choice is to denounce homosexuality and leave your criminal ways behind for greater good or have a bad ending and stay as you are and leave the world in a state of chaos.

Interesting but the concept has been done in a book called anthem. It all starts in the perspective of a collective but eventually individualism breaks out

Yawn. Take your gay fan fiction elsewhere

You're a detective solving a murder mystery and at the end it turns out you were the victim.

Isn't that murdered soul suspect or spinning?

No other game would give you a better reason to collect coins than having a jew character.


Three kittens avenge their mother's death.

theres an abandoned asulim hospital and blod everytwhere and then a skeleton pops out

I've wanted to make a level-less SRPG for quite a while that incorporates base-building, the idea being that you're the princess of a fantasy kingdom that has been overrun by the forces of evil. The chosen hero who was supposed to save you was killed, so it's up to you to reconquer the kingdom with your own two hands. Every map is littered with things you can interact with in the environment, and instead of it being a numbers game, it's more about using each unit's skills (innate, trained, and via items) to outwit your opponent. You start out with a band of humans but can recruit members of other races as you progress. Each unit has their own innate racial skills; on top of that you can train them to have skills during the base-building portions, and you provide everyone with an equipment load-out (think LoZ-like dungeon items, not just weapons). Maps get increasingly more complex as you go on.
Once you win a battle and conquer an area, freeing the people captive there, you can recruit and train them. You also have to leave some of your troops to defend there, and areas can be re-attacked by the evil forces. When that happens, the evil forces enter the side of the map that you attacked from originally and vice versa, so that you're now "defending", meaning that you have to switch up your strategy accordingly.


>Not sure what the gameplay would be like
Modern vidyer. You are the cancer that brought us here.


>You get captured by a tribe of futa orcs and musk escape

this just sounds like genderbent Catherine

You are a man in an age where virtual reality has reached its peak. Not only does all senses get properly transferred during the log-in process, but fail-safes prevent 99% of 'possible accidents' so you can explore, fight, and log-out in ease. Your job is to investigate the 1% of the time accidents occur -- unexplained deaths during access, users unable to regain consciousness, pain inhibitor gauges being completely bypassed (or even put beyond normal values), your job is to figure out why these things happen and how to resolve the situations. Over the course of the game you will fight against those who create viruses that affect the systems of whomever they "defeat" in VR, causing the firewall to be bypassed and the user to become infected. These issues will range from players who end up feeling like they really were stabbed to girls who were kidnapped in VR and forced to remain as slaves for the rich -- the end goal is to completely eradicate the last 1% chance of anything happening.

You can also make yourself a cute magical girl or aging kitsune baba in VR with all the mannerisms you've come to expect.

>All these retards trying to make 2deep4u stories

Just Stop. Zelda 1 and Dark Souls are the apex of story telling in video games because they didn't try this shit.

This makes a shitty game and is better as a movie, except it would also make a shitty movie. Making >>>games


You are a boy equipped with a VR headset specially designed to neutralize anything that moves. It's a stealth game.

Why does Sup Forums have the worst memes?

>he is gifted with by a deus ex machina

You crash on an uncharted habitable planet, must salvage what you can from your escape pod/shuttle, somehow travel to a distant crash site, run into locals and hostile aliens on your way, blow the fuck out of them while expanding your arsenal (from less-than-lethal crap you start with to flak cannons, miniguns, exploding/ricocheting disks and grey goo launchers), and either repair a crashed ship using RPG and crafting elements to escape, or find the alien mothership, fight your way through it and hijack that shit.
A cross of Unreal and Subnautica, to put it simply.

butt babies are no joke user

>this coming from Sup Forums
>the board that gave us Gamergate

You're the last man alive in a world filled only with women, and they want you to kill you or to fuck your brains out. You have a pet monkey and you have to search for your girlfriend in the other side of the country.

Has Fuudo found a way?

>they want you to kill you

Every idea has been done to death to the point where even quirky ironic and meta parodies of these are commonplace and boring. There is no space for original scripts or gameplay without being gimmicky. Prove me wrong

Makes sense to me.

Shit cme out of nowhere
you are there to kill it

Now lets discuss how to enhance gameplay

An assassination game where you play as a cat. Use your superhuman cat agility to fight against targets twenty times your size, or maintain the guise of a harmless pet cat while setting up fatal accidents.

You live as a cancer patient re-living his life through a coma.

Spoiler. You die at the end.


A hitman clone where you play as a yandere girl and must elminate girls who try to approach your love interest.
Oh wait.

The game is actually good....

You're in a videogame but when you die you die in REAL LIFE

It's a platformer game with retro 8-bit graphics and deep plot nartrated through text dialogue.

Black hispanic hebrew trans pansexual demikin disabled woman that doesn't need no man goes on a epic quest to educate shitlords and kill the evil nazis of the GGG (like the kkk but it's gamergate) led by the monster in chief Donald Trump

The setup of Salem's Lot, without Stark or any 'head' leech.
You're just a normal guy. You don't have a chance going toe to toe against the vampires yet you must still find and eliminate them before they turn everyone you know and hold dear.

So Magic the Gathering?
Streamer bait/10
Might buy if its less than 5$ and is well made
Me likes. In fact, go and start making it right about now.
If there are stealth options relating to the avatar and having your employer spoof the "official records" of your account i can see it being quite fun, stuff like faking yourself a little girl to infiltrate a den of pedophiles that are in some way related to the plot as a whole, this sort of things
Mite be cool, though the FPS part needs to be much more developed than the "early access survival crafting" part to break the mold in any meaningful way.

>FPS part needs to be much more developed than the "early access survival crafting"
Of course, I imagine Unreal-tier combat in the game. Unreal had a simple inventory system, and plenty of late 90s 3D shooters had limited RPG elements that later evolved into muh crafting - these elements shouldn't take away from the action or make it more RPGey.

ww2: remake of remake of remastered. now with lgtbbq dlc.

Brace yourselves.

Been foaming at the mouth with incoherent but cool as fuck (imo) ideas for almost 6 fucking years now so I'm gonna try to string these together.

>In the beginning, a god awoke, and gave life to two dimensions, home to about 20 people each
>both dimensions knew about each other
>the god creates two other dimensions; a magic punk dimension that starts in the middle ages and later becomes a magic punk modern era, and the dimension of magic and space exploration
>both dimensions are part of a balance -- one will advance into its future from nothing, and one will regress from its prosperity into nothing
>the cycles will repeat
>There are three brothers, one who wishes to keep the worlds separate, one who wishes to rule as the god over them, and one who wishes to destroy them, and then the god himself.
>the third brother collapses both dimensions, killing everyone but his brothers
>he goes off to the realm of man to control everyone, create an army, and destroy the god, known as "The Creator"
>the second brother is consumed with rage, knowing that the third will destroy 'his' worlds that he's 'meant to control,' and goes down to build an army himself to destroy the third
>wars ensue between the two, and the magic they use begins corrupting people
>the second brother sees this, and creates a shadow realm for the corrupted to live in peace, as they're shunned by society
>the first brother sees the fighting and how it's destroying the worlds, and plans to kill both of his brothers to put an end to it
>finds a legendary soul-powered sword, and five children of the most powerful family of mages at the time
>not strong enough to destroy his super powered brothers, so, against his morals, he consumes the five souls to power his blade, and strikes down the second brother
>it wasn't enough, and now he's pissed
>portals open around the world, and his armies start flooding through, consuming the lands.

>detective trying to find out who stole the bread
>turns out bread doesn't exist in the game universe

A man from our/a modern world gets transported to a fantasy world and becomes a sorcerer's apprentice in the vain hope that magic will aid him find a way back home.
He spends the next 400 years traveling the world learning new magics and becoming a hero before his apprentice masters space/time magic and invades the protagonist's world to unleash an ancient evil locked in the protag's world's moon

You play as a sentient truck, which is actually the guardian of the multiverse, sending random Japanese businessmen into different dimensions in order to counteract the forces of evil

The setting is a Kaizo super Mario level.

A family torn asunder by its dark past, coming to terms with the reality that beseeches them.
A father who makes the ultimate sacrifice for an unappreciative son, a friend who betrays his liege.
A nation under fire from an empire that seeks its prestige, a modern society built upon the songs of sword and sorcery of the crystal which sustains it.
A story of love lost, withered ties, and unbridled tragedy.
This is a fantasy based on reality.

>in response to this, the first brother makes an army of his own -- one of not only magical superiority, but technological as well.

>the second brother's son defects and joins the first brother, after seeing the monstrosities he creates

>submits himself for testing for a prototype super soldier program to create super soldiers powered not only by the most advanced technology, but the most advanced magical enchantments as well

>years pass, the testing succeeds

>enter the Valor Program, a program to create super soldiers in enchanted power armor, sort of like a magic-fueled combination of the Power Suit and Nanosuit

>first brother's army resides off shore in a facility in the ocean, sort of like MSF, to work as a global paranormal defense force, staying out of normal human politics and wars, but stepping in to stop the second and third's brothers wars, or attacks on humanity

>you are the first true Valor unit, known as Echo, based on the prototype, given a magical grimoire, known as an Armagas, able to conduct magic, convert it, control it, and more

>also the first to test a prototype weapon system known as the Matter Generation Engine (MGE), capable of reproducing weaponry found in the field (like Vanquish) without worrying about magazines, ammo, and so on

>the catch is, it requires energy to function, and must recharge

(may also include overheating for stronger weapons as well, but basically it's universal, recharging ammo)

>third brother's army attacks the first's, sending you into the dimension of space and magic

>there, you stumble upon a conspiracy to destroy the universe, uncover the twisted nature of the Valor program, and the child soldiers stolen/created to be led into it (like the Spartan program) and an ancient civilization trying to force their way back into the world

I want this to be a very open franchise that can have a lot of things from it, such as fighting games, first person shooters, and even urban horror shit.

This makes me sad


An old hero is reawoken and wishes to go back to sleep. In order to do so, he must go on a long tedious quest to save the world. The game ends with you deciding to either plunge the world into eternal darkness to make easier for you to sleep or burning yourself alive to save the world and kill yourself, putting you in a permanent sleep forever.

Check out my ideaguying.

In not-Roman Empire, you are an agent of the law, which means you may lay claim on investigation of high-profile murders and get financial rewards from prefecture for executing the criminals. After you decide that you have enough evidence for one murder case, you have to convince local praetor on key details of how murder took place. Other agents will try and hinder your investigation and debate with you during accusatory speech to gain access to your territory of work, so you have to make them fuck off. If you've been a good boy and collected all crucial evidence + fingered all of the correct criminals + proved beyond reasonable doubt their involvement in each case, you get lore on how it was ancient evil that was influencing them to do the deeds in exchange of higher powers. The last murderer is your mentor, and you chase him into the sequel where you travel the world to stop him and other people awakening their powers.


that cancelled FPS XCOM game set in the 50s but with mythological creatures instead of aliens

Hey thanks, man. It actually stemmed from a gameplay idea I had of a detective game that doesn't hold your hand all the way through, since I needed to explain how the fuck can you be a shit detective but still progress through game. The ancient evil bit is mostly me trying to rip off Twin Peaks also Jojo references.
But this idea ain't gonna be used because it's actually hard to make video games reee.

>you're the princess

what are you, gay?

>you get into a goverment position
>find some shady shit
>release it to the public
>possible wars and conflicts
>become leader of a new faction
>lead people to expose other goverments shit
>do whatever the player choses to do after that

Mazer Rackham pls go

Through your own efforts you rise from literally nothing to tryannical but charismatic conquerer. Ultimately you are defeated but it is a glorious defeat that towers over others successes.

Somewhat cliché towards the end.

but it wasnt cancelled, it was just bad.

Forgot to mention, your name is Roger a Muirebe

>A powerful cosmic being that dies and is reborn after a set amount of time
>With it the universe and all of it is reset
>He attempts to pushes this limit, ergo the universe until he can survive the shift
>You can help him, stop him forever or completely ignore it
>Game doesn't tell spoonfeed so you have to explore, but if it does some things alter/progress isn't exactly lost, just changed

You play as a character from someone who's currently in a comas dream, and you try and stop him from waking up.

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

Her? Black Mirror but even more pretentious?

You play as a gamer that is playing a game where you pilot a giant vehicle (you have a wide selection of chassis/skeletons for tanks, aircrafts, giant robots, etc and you can customize and tweak them in any way you can imagine) and fight with other players in order to reach the very top of the leaderboard and win a tournament so that you can get enough money for... Something, dunno, the gist of it is play to win to get mad dosh at the tournament.

Between the game sections you can also socialize with other players and characters, extremely large amount of dialogue options, talking about Arcanum or Planescape: Torment levels of dialogue.
>tl;dr .hack without the chosen one super ai mysterious comas etc etc anime bullshit

Somebody post the one about you being a sort of god of vectors and have a city filled with balls of lard to throw around

Silent Hill, but on a Cruise Ship

Your mom gets kidnapped, nobody cares.

A game where you can't die and there's no game over screens, no immediate checkpoints, only save game and you can't load previous saves (unless you fiddle with the console's data)
The goal is to know why you can't die, and at the end of the game you figure it out, and then you get the only game over in the game, post-game you can revisit your grave and replay old chapters or missions with good stuff or approach them differently

I'm thinking it could be a kinda open world game within closed zones on a moderately sized town, where it's always cloudy and with pine trees, where comfy fags would like to live

You get to read diaries, main game cutscenes and optional side quest have cutscenes too where other plots are explained, killing would be optional and you could have some minor spooky stuff in it

I've just realized that maybe I'm describing some Silent Hill type of game, weird 'cause I've never played them but that's not what I'm aiming for

This sounds great actually.

Here's one:

A piece of shit dev team are looking for ideas for their next game. Since they have no creativity or imagination, they use Sup Forums and make a thread instead of proper crowdsourcing for inspiration.

Your game will fail.

t. Bioware montreal ex-employee


Rule 34 porno game of that jester guy.

It sounds fun but it's a setting, not a plot.

Literally Catherine.

>african warlord simulator*
>start off ith a few tribesmen and some machetes
>make your way up the ranks capturing villages and establising trade, goods and services
>have to occasionaly fend off external powers who are way better equiped
>loot villages and cities
>upgrades, purchasable equipment, weapon degradtion, base building
>establish your faction and its politics - facism, communism, capitalism, libetarian
>resarch and develop new items and gear for the raid bosses
>can find ancient african artifacts
>can go from the poorest and deprived areas and chose to develop them or keep them poor
>get to go to egypt and fight paranormal shit
give me one good reason why this hasnt been done yet? setting is kino!

You take the role of a raider who approaches a desolate space station with apparently no signs of life. Armed with a recycling laser (that turns shit into materials), you enter the station to raid it for useful shit. However, soon after entering the station, your ship explodes and you're stranded. You are then contacted by a mysterious girl in a wheelchair who tells you that a strange incident happened on the station and that the deeper zones where the escape pods are located are blocked by other ship systems and mysterious creatures roam the station. The girl tells you she's the only survivor of the weird incident that occurred and asks you to clear a path so you two can both escape.

The game then plays as a standard metroidvania. The ship is divided into sectors which contain upgrades that help you progress and bosses and enemies that protect them. Enemies are weird alien-like creatures. However, you find notes that describe that weird experiments were being held inside the station: genetic and psionic. As you progress, you'll also find NPCs in the game. They can be talked to and functions as vendors and living guides, but they also have a few sidequests. However, most of them mention that they weren't conducting any weird experiments at all.

As you progress, every sci-fi clichè possible is encountered and the NPCs even comment on how your exploits seem a "carefully crafted story". Finally, when you get to the final boss, an explosion suddenly occurs, killing all NPCs save for the wheelchair girl. The final boss caused the explosion and you kill it in a classic epic battle before escaping the space station with the girl. The game ends and New Game+ is unlocked.

When you start New Game+, the game starts off normally, but there is something off. NPCs will act more paranoid this time around, saying that they sense something bad will happen to them.


Do you have to confront your homosexuality?