>not even last night's storm could awake you
Morrowind Thread
Nah, this is an Oblivion thread now.
>ywn fight robots in some guy's basement ever again
>clean out every dwemer ruin
>clean out two dozen smuggler hideouts
>find a grand total of three bracers and one pauldron
>meanwhile multiple full suits of ebony on random assholes you can find and kill at level 1
I want a gundam armor for my cat and by Jove I will have it
Whats the best equipment for a warrior Before expansions, and after
Guys, serious question.
If I loved Oblivion so much, how come I CANT enjoy skyrim?
I just cant.
Name one(2) better boots than Boots of Blinding Speed.
same my man.
I tried various times, but it's not the same...
Inferior quests, bleak atmosphere
this + skyrim is not really a RPG
You're irish and love potatoes.
Skullcrusher, eleidon's ward and whatever artifact heavy armor you can carry.
Because skyrim sold out to casuals
Pretty much everything that doesn't break the moment you get hit by something.
>getting hit
They're the boots of blinding speed. The entire point you wear them is so you DON'T get hit.
Still Daedric I think?
I don't really care for maxing stats though, I roll through most of the game with bonemold and chitin if I'm an armor user. Great fantasy armor doesn't have to be edgy World of Warcraft tier sets. I hate the "fancy ornative armor is always better" video game trope.
>not wearing nothing but artifacts
The issue with armor isn't stats as much as durability. I usually go main battle tank because then I don't have to lug 10,000 hammers around to repair my armor after every fight. This can offset the weight advantage of medium sets quite a bit. Also all the healing supplies I don't have to carry because I only ever take scratch damage. If you gank Trebonius for his hamulet you won't actually need non-emergency healing, ever.
I already have a ring of constant invisibility for that.
Why was it so easy for me to go to ghost gate and get full glass armor + auriel's bow? c'mon Jamal, square up
Yes I agree, also there's enchanting value factor.
>oblivonfags pretending their game isn't the worst in the series
Then how do you talk to people or go to the bathroom?
At the same time.
imo morrowind is perfect, too bad stealth is underpowered
It's a simple fucking line.
>Claims perfection
>States imperfection
How do I make Morrowind not look like total garbage?
Oblivion had a beautiful, vibrant atmosphere that often hid something sinister in someone's basement. The quests were much more enjoyable, too - even if you were supposed to just go somewhere and grab / kill something, the story behind it was a bit more engaging. In Skyrim, even the fetch quests that aren't generated feel boring and monotonous.
And, well, while I could put quite a lot of mods into Oblivion and not have it crash by using 4GB RAM Extender (since it's just a 32-bit program), it's not nearly enough for Skyrim. There's the Special Edition or something that's 64-bit, but SKSE isn't compatible with it, so what's the point?
The only thing Skyrim does better than Oblivion is dungeons and graphics. Everything else is pretty much a downgrade.
Not if you are a stealth archer
The idea of 'Stealth' in Morrowind wasn't to be all about combat, but rather avoiding it.
Skills like Mercantile and Speechcraft are intentionally added under the stealth umbrella term to give you a better idea of how it's implied to be played.
Do you have something you wish to say, Sup Forums?
Where's Todd? What's with the monkey?
Todd is right in the middle.
>What's with the monkey?
That's Kirkbride.
Arena is the worst in the series. Boy are you in for a ride if you think modern Elder Scrolls are buggy. It doesn't have much going for it compared to other entries. Its just the one that started it off.
Actually I can't find Kirkbride in the group. Only Ken Rolston in the background, like some strange santa claus watching over all of them.
So he was lying to us about, well, everything, right?
Why would yakety yagrum lie?
>getting hit
You don't need the boots for that, my train man.
You only need spear and good speed/athletics for yourself. The boots are to boost your self-propelled fast travel with custom Jump spells.
>roll pilgrim
>level 8
>sent by temple leader to kill leader of vampire clan
not feeling confident about this one my n'wahs
>using melee weapons and not just tossing assloads of darts at someone while circlestrafing them
Finally going to download this game, what are some essential mods?
I'm a massive Morrobaby. I grew up playing the game, I took shit from Daggerfans on forums before most of the kids in this thread were born, before their parents lost their virginity.
And the most exciting thing about Oblivion was the combat where you could swing a sword and fucking hit something without min-maxing your goddamn build.
But then Oblivion fucked that up by making level scaling. You don't need mods to git gud in Morrowind, but Oblivion fucking requires a leveling overhaul at minimum. Morrowind, you install Talrivian's Stat Based HP and you're golden. You don't need anything else (aside MCP obviously), but for Oblivion you need all thre UOP's, Wrye Bash, you need OCO so you don't have play Down Syndrome World Simulator, you need a leveling overhaul, you need the Unique Landscapes compilation, and you need something that either randomizes leveled lists or get one of the big overhauls.
Still, the stealth in Oblivion is light-years ahead of Morrowind. Try playing a strict thief/assassin in Morrowind, it's practically impossible early on without any magic; Oblivion made stealth viable in the TES games, but then again it neutered magic.
I don't know what to say, just that Oblivion gets a lot of shit from nostalgiafags who haven't played since the console version dropped.
>>not just tossing assloads of darts at someone while circlestrafing them
>not dropping weakness to damage effect/damage effect spells on them from above
Do you even rain death, Trainwiz? Bomb them back to the merethic and let the gods sort 'em out.
What armor type is best for someone that isn't going to use a guide to find all the best endgame artifact shit
>forcing your enemy to flee
>not knocking all their initial spells out of the air with darts, then setting their strength to 0, disintegrating all their equipment, and leaving them sitting there
physics enabled pussy lips that properly deform on penetration.
>Doing a bunch of complicated shit to kill an NPC wearing mediocre armor and no good loot
>Not just running up on them jacked up on Sujamma and murdering everything in half a hit
well i don't think the dwemer were decked out in ebony and the smugglers aren't going to be either
is this advanced shitposting?
install it
What no he's saying he's having trouble finding a full dwemer set.
>Doing a bunch of complicated shit to kill an NPC wearing mediocre armor and no good loot
That's why you break their shit.
>Wealthy nobles have full suits of luxurious armour.
>Random bandits eating mushrooms in caves and ruins don't.
Working as intended.
Is there a good mod that replaces the animations of the game. Is it impossible to fix?
Animation Compilation
Random loot is level dependent, around level 15 you'll find more dwemer armor in crates.
Or you could just kill one of the Redoran henchmen in Ald'Ruhn for a full suit, but you'll probably die trying.
I'm the opposite.
Oblivion was my first TES game and I enjoyed the hell out of it, even unmoded, but nowadays I just can't, I already know all the good questlines and the rest of the game is shallow compared to Morrowind and overall clunkier compared to Skyrim.
It's a middle ground that has no appeal to me, I end up using Skyrim to masturbate and Morrowind for actual playing.
Why did fast travel have to replace Mark and Recall again? I mean it's not like they couldn't just have the guild guides and silt striders/caravans in the later games. Or write actually good directions that makes you think about where you're going in the world rather than quest markers everywhere.
WHY. Just tell me why we can't join Dagoth Ur.
I want to join Dagoth Ur.
Vivec is a hippie.
Come on, there's no need to get violent!
Fast travel already existed in Morrowind.
Nothing replaced anything, they just removed Mark and Recall because reasons.
>>Vivec is a hippie.
>lies about desiring power while ruling
>ruins his world when he finally gets told to fuck off
Sounds about right.
Dagoth would shank your ass the second you hand him the Tools.
>no mission markers
Fuck off with this shit.
Yep. There's an ancient anime-looking one back from like 2004 as well but you don't want that.
Ok, guys. Just reinstalled Morrowind and I'm doing a run playing as our beloved Jiub. What are the best questlines? Fighters' Guild? Mage's Guild? Imperial Legion? Imperial Cult?
All of them
Because Fast Travel is a good mechanic unless you're completely autistic and retarded.
The quest in which you go on a crusade erasing the blight of cliff racers from Morrowind.
I liked going for relics for the Temple and the Cult, other than that not many quests are remarkable.
Simple murderer or vindicated rebel?
>he liked arena or daggerfall
Stop posting anytime
A dunmer savage.
Around mer never relax.
Tribunal Temple
arena gets a pass cause it was the beginning of the series and daggerfall is 100x better than oblivion
so my post still stands
>daggerfall is 100x better than oblivion
Ya, naw.
100 * 0 = 0
The murderer has been dealt with, but I'd ask you to refrain from such vulgar phrases.
Xenophobic hick who was just doing what he was always told to do by his grandpap. Couldn't wait to jump that pale-skin cyrod. I bet he shouted REMOVE MAN while he did it.
So this is the power of ALMSIVI
medium and unarmored mix, because you are playing the best race, arent you user?
This is actually embarrassing. Little fucker got the drop on me.
Is Tamriel rebuild worth it?
k y s
I always put it in my modlist and tell myself, "As soon as I'm done with these quests on Vvardenfell I'll finally explore the mainland".
Obviously I've never touched it.
Everything there is top notch in terms of quality, but it's not all there.
If by best race you mean dunmer, yes
He left in the middle of Morrowind's development so maybe that's why he's not in the pic.