When will it die?
When will it die?
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Legion advanced its demise by light-years.
Seems to be doing ok!
these metrics count all those china farming bots
About 6 years ago.
there must always be a skinnerbox.
FFXIV Stormblood just scored higher than Legion on every major review site.
Pity it sold like shit, prove me wrong with Squares happy tweet showing off about sales numbers like blizzard did.
It was on page 8 of steam sales lmao!
I think the majority of people who played it in its prime consider it dead, or at least a soulless husk of its former self
Every MMO is a skinner box, but the fact that this game ruined the entire genre and still holds it back is just awful.
>if it doesn't sell the same as the #1 MMO in the world then it's a flop
I bet you think every phone except a iphone is a flop too.
Jesus just relaunch the fucking game. Blizzard will remake every game before they went to shit. But God forbid they relaunch vanilla, bc , and wrath
You play a small niche mmo, it's ok.
Like less than 5% of players bought it on steam.
When will WoW get controller support?
>Legacy servers come out
>Moved to Europe
>Have to play with shitty EU players
Wow is still their biggest earner, eclipsing overwatch.
Link me to the proud tweet form Square Enix about sales. Prove me wrong, you can do it!
better to play a niche mmo not ruined by the greediest publisher in the world (activision)
This is a joke right? Blizzard stopped adding cash shop content when players complained.
FFXIV players complained about that, they added more and more and more! it's bigger than GW2s cash shop now lmfao
it's clear you don't even play both games as expected from europe time Sup Forums
I've played both, compare the size of the ((optional items)) on the cash shops.
There are barely any on blizzards, there are about 20-30 pages on the ff14 one lool
And it would be even higher if they legacy servers to go with nu wow and its nu players. Why is this so hard to understand?? Also don't give me the server cost bs. You know damn well they could stand to merge some of those dead ass servers to make room for 2 legacy servers
rate my mog
blizzard sells gold for real cash which people use to buy endgame carries for easy pve/pvp loot.
meanwhile ffxiv sells in-game obtainable dyes for cash
which one is worse in your opinion
Why aren't mods deleting this general thread?
>including trials
Here is wows cash shop.
The picture to the left shows the one in ffxiv, tell me which is one being greedy.
287 cash shop items in a subscription mmo lmao
WoW cash shop:
>30 euros for a faction change
>25 euros for a server change
>50 euros to level boost
>you can literally buy in-game currency with real cash and use that to buy any endgame carry from a raiding or pvp guild
WoW cash shops seems a lot more expensive and greedy.
>$25 job boosts that people only use to bypass PLD's horseshit leveling
The principle is still bad but it's way better than WoW's $60 level boost.
Hearthstone must suck then, didn't even get on the list. Overwatch will surpass WoW soon.
38 items on a 13 year old mmo vs 287 on 6 year old one
Also both are shit, paying a sub, buying expansions and them penny pinching with a cash shop is bullshit. However Square are taking the piss more with theirs.
Fuckin gooks
>items that literally affect server communities and economies (blizzard selling gold for cash, faction/guild changes, etc)
>optional cosmetic bullshit
Dead game/10
MMOs were rendered obsolete by micro-transactions. The high budget was made up for by subscription fees, but now people are so shameless that they will happily pay hundreds of dollars in frequent tiny micro-transactions for fucking cosmetic garbage. No reason to bother making an MMO anymore, just make a shitty phone app and let people buy a dog skin for 5 dollarinos. This cosmetic shit is leading the industry into a new league of tired mediocrity and it will be the death of video games.
>>>$25 job boosts
WHAT? I've been trying to level up my damned character but didnt know there were boosts
>you can literally buy in-game currency with real cash and use that to buy any endgame carry from a raiding or pvp guild
Yes, you can pay people to run the content for you, after it has been outgeared and is on farm. Why is this such a problem, exactly?
ffxiv sells inventory space with retainers and demolishes your house if you unsub
It'll never die because people still love sucking Blizzard's dick. Watch the cycle repeat as a new expansion releases and WoW shitposting will start only to die out completely until the next expac while XIV gets daily threads with every patch.
Wow in 2017 is still one of the most profitable games in the world, so maybe in 20 years.
Because it is literally pay to win. It diminishes the "value" of say beating the raid on mythic when you see this guy in your order hall with the title who clearly bought the kill. The only difference from shitty korean mmos is the process of being carried instead of buying gear directly from developer's shop. Selling boosts for money should be illegal and bannable like gold selling once was.
>Because it is literally pay to win
Do you "win" when you kill a scripted boss months after everyone else? What do you "win"?
Do you think that guilds don't and wouldn't accept real cash rather than gold? (some tards got banned for this because they streamed doing it, plenty more that do it all the time but aren't blatant)
I pay for subscriptions in MMOs, I neved paid for "cosmetics" in iphone apps.
Once retards stop giving Blizzard money, so never. Fucking XI is still alive.
What happened to Nostalrious?
>Do you think that guilds don't and wouldn't accept real cash rather than gold?
So it's okay if Blizzard RMTs?
The chinese drove the laowai away.
They're both greedy. MMO's by nature are greedy.
Seriously, give me a real answer to why they need a subscription fee.
>So it's okay if Blizzard RMTs?
I'm saying that being able to buy gold for carries is a complete non-issue if high end carries are available for cash that is completely outside of Blizzard's ability to control or manage.
If Vanilla was around today with today's playerbase you'd see exactly the same damn thing occuring.
There is nothing you can do about people selling shit for cash, at least they can't advertise themselves in-game and there aren't too many of them. However blizzard specifically stating that carries for gold are legal and selling gold for cash clearly fucked up the game. Trade chat on my server is like 90% heroic/normal tomb boost ads. Premade group finder is also like 30% 15 key boost ads. This annoys me and I can't get rid of this because they keep making new characters or accounts.
I don't think you understand how shitty the mog station store is laid out.
There are individual "items" for every single dye, and then another for each to buy them in a pack of ten. You have "items" for each classes level boost, a lot of cosmetic sets let you buy a single piece from it etc.
Add into that that almost all of the items on the store are just old event items you could've gotten for free there isn't nearly as much stuff on there as you'd think.
I'll take 10 dollar race changes and 40 options for dyes I could get in game anyway over WoW's ridiculous service fees.
defending a cash shop in a sub game
Well the cash shop is ridiculous but sub fees pay for servers and continued development on the game. Otherwise you'd just get 1.0 and no patches other than maybe some bug fixes.
>trying to bring everything down to WoW's level
>#2 pay2play = niche
You fuckers are hilarious.
I wish you were wrong, but microtransactions make Square 3x more money than their MMOs.
So how come games like Overwatch don't have a sub fee? It's getting more content than WoW currently.
I want to take this opportunity to ask how would you anons make a new mmorpg, that'd add new elements to the genre and make mmorpgs fun again.
But I fear it'll result in the same answers and shitflinging the last 387687872498 times someone asked this question caused.
What's the point? Pld has instant queues, leveling them is a breeze.
That's like coming 2nd in a race with 2 people.
Well done.
Yeah, I should be congratulating first place. WoW only had a 7 year head start and keeps bleeding out along the course.
Not defending paid level boosts but leveling in WoW is fucking trivial now especially with all the exp boosts you can stack. Dungeon finder plus heirlooms plus whatever seasonal exp boost there is spoonfeeds you levels. The leveling system got so bad that a few expansions ago they had to add all the new crafting shit to its own tab that requires no skill experience because profs are impossible to level with your character because of how fast you outlevel all the content.
XV's leveling isn't quite as ridiculous since the cap is lower, but it's still incredibly easy. You can afk in pvp and get 1/4 a level.