Dragon Ball games thread?
What would your dream roster be?
Dragon Ball games thread?
What would your dream roster be?
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An action/comedy game where I play as Gotenks and kill people with my alua-akbahr ghost sperms
I get sagas sucked but enough fucking fighting games
Why has Yamcha never stared in his own game? I would love a 3d beatemup staring long haired yamcha
How is the pacing of Z compared to Kai? I can't decide which to watch. I know I could enjoy Z as long as something is always happening, but I can't sit through 3 episodes of Goku talking to Cell. But at the same time I'm worried Kai would cram way too much into 150 episodes considering how long Z was originally.
Does Z drag is basically what I'm asking? The pacing of Dragon Ball feels very smooth and natural to me, so if Z is fine compared to that, I'd rather just stick with Z.
>Teen Gohan
>Mystic Gohan
>Future Trunks
>Kid Buu
>Fat Buu
>Super Buu
>Kibito Kai
do people still play xeno2 online?
I bought it but never finished it
watching DBZ Kai right now btw
Does the switch version have crossplatform play? If so I would expect a huge resurgence soon
Kai is like the manga, which is perfect. Z is bloated.
Try watching other animes and you'll gobble up the drawn out expositions in DB like cake. Something is always happening in Z.
I can deal with bloat. More dragonball content is always good imo. I just don't want to be overhwelmed by things never happening
Why is it all you Sup Forums rejects care about is roster?
Human characters only. No one stronger than Master Roshi.
Because this is a video game board?
It's not like DBZ characters have established archetypes. A thread about Street Fighter characters makes sense since it's all about their mechanics. This shit is about fan service.
I do because of the new DLC but not much
member the crane school
I think dodonpa was the coolest move. I don't like tien's newer charge up for 30 years gay triangle beam shit
Pacing is obviously way better in Kai but all the best moments of Z are absolutely neutered. Think of any major moment you loved in Z and look up the Kai version. It's too bad because I always HATED the stupid cuts to trivial characters with wacky music during serious scenes and I think Kai got rid of that shit.
I re-watched it all the way up to the end of Cell Saga a couple years ago and the hardest one to watch was Namek/Frieza. Good lord is that saga overrated. It was the worst with dragging and filler and the "5 minutes" will make you rage. Everything else was great though.
So Kai doesn't feel rushed at all? Would you say Zs pacing is BAD or just not as good as Kai?
I've only seen a couple episodes of Kai from the Saiyan Saga and I don't remember it much but I thought it was decent.
Also made this post
Leave Jiren to me.
>want to catch up with Super so I stop getting every interesting thing spoiled that is impossible to avoid unless I completely avoid the internet
>if I catch up I will get spoiled anyway
Everyone in BT3 + the Female Saiyans from Super
tfw when another kid at school had sores on his palms and i instantly knew he was playing budokai
did this happen to anyone else?
>Tfw spend all your Dragonstones trying to pull SSB Vegito
Dokkan Battle. Who's ready for the 2nd anniversary and SSJ4 banners? How many stones do you got? You getting the blue Dragon Stones?
what is this?
Just a promotional for DB Super new arc.
Watch the latest OP in Dragonball Super.
It shows Goku being engulfed by a humongous red aura. People suspect it's yet another transformation.
Don't try to tell me this game still doesn't have the most boss opening in the entire DBZ gaming franchise
Even if it's barely even playable by today's standards
Super Saiyan 4
It's that and the OST that prevent Final Bout from being absolute shit tier.
>US got cucked out of that cool intro song
Why live?
Like Ultimate Battle 22?
>blue Dragon Stones
I stopped playing months ago, what do these do.
Wasn't it the only game to have an intro that used the proper Toriyama art style?
This was the coolest shit as a kid because it had a whole bunch of characters we had no idea existed at the time. I actually really liked the voices too. Very fitting. I'm speaking about the US version though, I liked the music opening as well.
You buy the biggest dragon stone pack from the store and get a blue dragon stone with it. You exchange it for an original god lead.
INT Buuhan, PHY Broly, AGL S.Vegito, TEQ SS3 Gotenks, or STR Omega Shenron.
i lost my original dokkan account i started when the game launched about a month ago, is triple rank xp going on right now? If so I'll probably start up again
Not at the moment but they have double exp going on, at least. If you have Normiebook, you can sync your account with it to prevent stuff like that from happening or getting hacked. Plus you get 5 dragon stones free from it.
Yeah. We were still on, what, the Fat buu saga at the time so there were all these characters and we had no idea who the fuck they were
So we just dived in balls deep and fucked shit up with no prior understanding. It was awesome.
Kai is infinitely better except for cutting out the amazing driving school filler episode.
>Yeah. We were still on, what, the Fat buu saga at the time
Not even close. That was several years later. They were just on the Namek Saga at the time, not sure if Frieza was even fighting the Z cast yet. And remember, they would always start airing episodes from the beginning all over again every time they got to a certain point.
>they would always start airing episodes from the beginning all over again every time they got to a certain point.
I remember, haha. Right before Goku fought Burter and Jeice. I think they were recasting at that point. FUNI. We had the Canadian dub beforehand. Ocean Dub Vegeta is still amazing.
..Boy, could I use that Buuhan. I'm in dire need of a good INT leader.
I also wouldn't mind O. Shenron, but who knows. I might get lucky with the SS4 banners
Honestly, I don't get all the comparisons coming from the Naruto/DBZfags. This game is only 20% complete and it is already the most technical DBZ game in the history of mankind.
Like, I don't think they realize that this game is going to be extremely difficult for them to pick up and actually be good at it. They wont even play it for week because it'll require a lot more brain power than Spamverse 2.
We had Ocean up until Ginyu, then Funi for up until Trunks killed Frieza and then went back to Ocean again for the rest f the show.
>Ocean Dub Vegeta is still amazing.
I'd take Funi over Ocean but I'll take Brian Drummond as Vegeta any day of the week and twice on Sundays. He fucking owned those screams.
Well back in those days we didn't have youtube or anything like that so they did catchup marathons, like an entire Saturday morning and afternoon for the Saiyan saga.
Also, Kai has much better writing than Z.
Stopped playing a month ago after I told myself that my luck was shit, I mean is it?
Note that I've been playing this for a year
Better than my luck, that's for damn sure.
Had the same experience. Was on holiday in spain and went in a games shop whilst there, they had two games not available in the UK back then yet.
Was a choice of DB Final Bpout or DBZ Ultimate Battle 22, so I picked UB22.
Was wierd seeing a huge roster of characters that half of them, I'd never seen before, especially as future Trunks became my fave character and then cartoon network announced the Trunks Saga airing soon, good times.
wait, you've been playing for a year and you only have that many SSRs?!
Naw, they just replayed the old arcs in the same time slots over and over again until there was something new and then it happened again. They did marathons too, but it was really rare.
You've got a great INT team going on. lt's not that bad, to be honest.
Its hard being a F2P player
I'm glad you guys made the thread, I love xenoverse and specially the improvements in xeno2 but my guy uses normal attacks and blast supers and the problem is that I literally can't find gear with stats that favor that, I don't want to lose a ton of health or ki either and I tried QQ bang recipes for that build and all I got was a ton of wasted cash and resources. All I want is something that boosts normal attacks, ki blasts and penalizes strike supers.
I just realized
That was a spoiler
A pre-internet spoiler
It would be so fucking tits if that happen.
People still thinking Toriyama hates GT. What if he pulls a ruse and makes SSJ4 canon by having it in Super?
It would ruin GT as possible canon yes, but fuck GT.
They already made female brolly, a character (brolly) that wasn't and still isn't, canon.
SSJ4 is loved by everyone and even Toriyama said that he loves SSJ4 design, so much so that he drew his own art of SSJ4 as a sign of appreciation for the design.
I doubt it will happen tho, sadly
I'm now pretty sure I'm just shit at team building, I see the potential for BuuHan, it'd be great if they put his dokkan event back on in a few days
there's kind of a middle ground here. toonami super saturday used to air 4 episodes of DBZ a week, typically frieza saga, and that was when the show had progressed to the buu saga
i've been f2p my entire dokkan career and that still seems like a pitifully small amount of SSRs in a year. save up a bit and place all your bets on pulling SSJ4s and if you can't just start over.
I just assumed its kaio ken and he got better at using it.
>too lazy to grind medals to unlock all the potential routes
I've got two done already but fuck that's a lot of stamina to burn through. I wish they tossed in half stamina for dokkan events this time around.
With all the fanservice they do, I hope they do bring it back. At least in one of the universes or something.
fuck SSJ4. it looks idiotic. only thing i like about SSJ4 is how OP my SSJ4 goku is in dokkan battle.
I have +750 stones waiting to be used in those banners.
Hope to get SSJ4 goku.
Kai basically cuts Z in half. No Garlic Jr. arc between Namek and Android. No excess filler besides the refinement of staying in Super Saiyan for the Cell Games. The Namek saga itself is a lot more to the point rather than beating around the push to get more time filled.
It's also way more accurate to the characters and the manga writing, compared to the old dub's liberties and turning Goku into some hero of justice.
I hope so too. I still haven't Dokkan'd my SSJ3 Gotenks. Kept using the medals for the LR Androids. Finished my second set.
Aren't the events on daily rotation right now? Just got to wait for the specific day. Forgot which one. Sorry, user.
Not here
I remember because if you ever missed an episode of the show and you didn't have it taped on VHS, you were just plain fucked and had to try and figure it out from the "Last time on Dragonball Z......"
S.Vegito is best card in the game.
Great damage, pretty much invincible against normal attacks, even against stronger types and his fucking counter (which happens EVERYTIME he gets hit with normals) causes a shit ton of damage too
Best card in the game if you aren't comparing it with LR Brolly or SS2 Gohan which can one shot kill pretty much anything
>get the STR Broly from Dragonstones
>can get him to fucking LR
>aw shit son just got to fight him how hard can that be
>wipes the floor with me
>look over the list of fighters that can weaken
>spend the week trying to get them
>get them all at a decent level
>the event ended
>stuck with UR Broly
Super Saiyan hair variant, except mostly sticking up, with Kaioken mixed with what is presumably godly power more naturally.
This is gonna be some ascension shit I tell you.
some parts of Kai are a little rushed. for the most part it's better than Z. Z just flat out has very slow pacing which makes it difficult to watch after seeing how much Kai quickened the pace. Kai has a pace that is sometimes a bit fast, but for the most part is great. Z's pacing is slow throughout.
Wednesday for INT and Saturday for Extreme.
How long they stay on rotation for is another issue.
I swear Garlic Jr only gets hate because it's filler. It was a decent short little arc and avoiding one of the biggest problems people have with DBZ as it had no Goku or Vegeta.
Oh damn. You're totally going to get him. Especially if they do the 3 multis get 1 free. I'm sitting at 200 DS exactly right now. Will buy the big DS pack for the blue one, though. Good luck, user!
Toyotaro is more likely to remember it exists than Toriyama, and given his work on his DBAF doujin and official work on DB Heroes, he's hardly averse to adding things like that for fanservice. Maybe he'll suggest it to old Toribot and we'll get it eventually.
i like the Garlic Jr saga because it presents a unique situation: Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin protect the Earth while Goku and Vegeta are away. there's never been another time in DBZ where such a thing could take place. it ends up feeling a bit like a movie though, which makes me wish it was a bit shorter and more concise.
SSB Vegito isn't all that great honestly.
His big strength is the multiple attacks, but S.Vegito completely destroys him.
I used to be a huge SSB Vegito. Not anymore.
I want Arale, she was fun in BT3
r8 my str team
Damn that's terrible but the event is back during Saturdays and Thursdays until the end of the month I believe
>tfw my friend spent $1k+ getting SSB Vegito with all paths unlocked
Poor soul.
They changed lines? Aren't they the same as the manga?
>arale with tits
fucking absolutely thrown directly into the garbage
More than likely I can see it being like, a Super Saiyan 4 but with a different take.
>i like the Garlic Jr saga because it presents a unique situation: Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin protect the Earth while Goku and Vegeta are away.
Well yea that's exactly what I said lol
So many people complain about that and well here is the only arc where they are completely out of the game. Kami playing a major role and taking place on the lookout was cool too. I liked it.
How slow is it compared to the original DB? Im watching it now and if Z is similar to this it should be fine
I want to say that TUR Buuhan Is just as good because of his leader skill and that fucking passive that pretty much gets rid of using Senzu Beans during his turn
>rank 294
DB is a bit slower than the manga but Z is even more slowererer that the manga. Just go with Kai and if you need more after you finish that, run through Z.
Nigga you got a decent INT team and I would kill for that Buuhan
Holy shit, good point!
All started when I borrowed a game genie for something and saw cheats for DBZ games...
Eventualy, years and years later, UB22 and Final Bout got released in the UK by Atari when DBZ got really popular here but it always bugged me that they only brought over two of the three PS1 DBZ games...they never released DBZ legends here which was a shame, had it imported but back then but could only play it in black and white. I had some colour adaptor thing but whenever certain characters did certain specials, it'd make the tv screen roll and repeat constantly, unplayable.
The funi dub for Z took some liberties and changed things up a bit. Goku for example was and has always been distinctly someone fighting for the sake of fighting, even with a personal interest in protecting those around him. Funi had modified Goku to be more heroic, "ally of justice, nightmare to you" and all that. And that's one example I can think of off the top of my head.
Kai is basically the original japanese dialogue / manga dialogue more faithfully upheld.
Rank EXP up events, it's not that hard.