Man afros are really getting back in fashion.
How's the beta, is anyone even playing or is this another Battleborn blunder in the making?
I literally could care less about this generic shooter #914871623496193. Also, out of 4 characters on the screen, 2 are niggers. This game clearly wasn't made for me.
>I literally could care less about this generic shooter #914871623496193. Also, out of 4 characters on the screen, 2 are niggers. This game clearly wasn't made for me.
>Man afros are really getting back in fashion.
the game is generic garbage. gameplay is ok, but the way it looks is just unforgivable. this is another blunderborne.
>muh cawadoody with low gravity
this game rapes my CPU, there's just a crazy amount of stuttering
between this, BF1 and some other shit I can't remember right now I'm starting to think I need to upgrade my 3750k
the gameplay seems cool though but I dunno if I could see myself playing this for more than 10-20 hours
I'm pretty sure I'm awful at it was my takeaway after a couple hours
Tried the beta.
Uninstalled after probably less than an hour.
Its about as unbalanced yet generic and boring as can possibly be imagined. I thought the movement would take skill and be interesting but it isn't. Mostly just flying all over the place.
Spotted the cuck
Probably the closest modern game to the older UT and Quake arena styles without literally dumping old shitty player physics into a new engine (Quake Champions fucking sucks)
Of course it's fast and requires good aim and tracking so modern gamers are total shit at it and will hate it thoroughly.
Well, that or they'll go wraith and chew up other players that can't aim by virtue of his mobility and lunging knife attack before getting BTFO by anyone half-decent.
Let me guess, you think Wraith is OP
How bad will it run on
So this is this month's Faggotunknown's Faggotgrounds? We're shilling this now until enough of the retards here fall for it eh?
Is there a fov setting for both camera and weapon model?
Looking at some gameplay the weapons take up 1/4 of the screen and often block vision during animations.
There's an FOV setting for camera, don't know about weapon models
or maybe people just want to talk about a game that went into open beta today
Best multiplayer shooter I have played in 10 years.
very convincing post there, cliff
I've been playing this for over a year and nobody wants to talk about it here.
It's the new Sup Forums, we just have to face that.
I wish I was Cliff, tbqhwyf.
He's rich, has a beautiful loving weeb wife who doesn't want to have kids.
It's fun as fuck but the guy's right, it's too fast and too difficult for 99% of modern gamers and the aesthetic is too generic to reel in kids and waifuposters
It's not bad, but the interface/hud is so ugly imo.
>Aposematic hairstyles
The art direction is painfully generic and a lot of the character designs leave something to be desired, but the gameplay is fast and agile, and the character skills don't feel too intrusive. It's fun, but I don't expect it to take off.
Why doesn't this game have a team deathmatch mode?
thats not esports
wheres the payload mode
also certain characters are too useless on certain maps
like titan
I mean buff titan
who greenlights shit like this? they have an event on twitch going right now with generic korean female #1241251 there to pretend that this shit will captivate east asian esports markets.... no one is going to play the game, it's garbage. what a waste of effort
are they really going for the esports crowd? it wouldn't surprise me but everyone goes for the esports crowd and fails miserably every time
>normal niggers
>not even as designed as the others
>most likely have the worst and blandest personalities
as a nignog im offended
This. Aesthetically, it's like I'm playing Brink except with zero gravity and jetpacks. The punk style just doesn't feel right with me, however the gameplay is fucking fun. Slinging around the map at high speeds and cutting up folks is great.
Sadly I also don't see this game taking off since it'll be competing against other E-Sports titles including Overwatch. If it survives I just might get it, but I'm not putting down $30 for a soon to be dead game.
It's a fun game bogged down with stupid, disparate gimmicks that make no sense together blind-firing, low grav, etc. Plus those gimmicks are unfun.
It's DoA. Won't pry enough players from Quake: Champions, TF2, Overwatch, or CSGO.
user you use blindfiring to get through the low gravity zones...
>blind-firing, low grav
I'll agree that these things make no sense together--although blind firing helps navigate through low grav--, but it makes the game different from other titles. DoA? Most likely, but it's fun.