Who suffered the most?
Who suffered the most?
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Look in the mirror.
>travels through literal hell too save demon/hell/goddess spawn non-biological daughter
>saves her but she's a fucking baby and gotta change diapers and shit again
>gets stabbed to death in his own home while enjoying butter cake
Poor James.
Well, Murphy's kid got diddled and killed so...
I would say Carnaby, but fuck you anyway.
Is this bait?
end it pls
That's Harry.
>lost wife, then lost child
>reluctantly killed wife, life fell apart
>lost father
>either loses nothing or his neighbor
>lost parents, became murderer
>lost brother, his fault
>lost child
>lost his entire fucking game
Reedus clearly.
Meme post, but I'll bite.
Alex Shepard also loses his parents, you'd know this if you actually played the game. Murphy's wife leaves him because of his obsession with revenge against his kid's diddler.
>Reedus' game didn't even get to see the light of day
clear winner here
Heather, because she is the only innocent person on the list. Literary. For all the others, SH was their purgatory.
wasn't she? can't remember any fuckups of her
In terms of suffering, i think it was Alex Shepherd, the guy is mentally ill, his family hates him and he was born to be sacrificed.
Heather. She is a good person deep down, and forced into situations because of who she was. And the person she was, also got forced into the situations the created all of silent hill. Heather has been fucked hard in three lifetimes. NOT ONE. THREE.
It all begins with Heather, it should have all ended with Heather. She will probably know no peace as long as Silent Hill exits.
He got a complete new game in exchange.
Jesus Christ.
Probably not his first language dude. We know what he means.
And a nasty C-section scar
Not worth the tradeoff imho
Well damn that's an uncanny resemblance. Gotta replay The Suffering some day, that game was nightmare fuel for my young self.
Ah, the faggot was going ape shit over that word? Thought he had something to add.
not sure about this but I tried
can't comment on Murphy and nice meme putting Reedus's character
Us and James.
It's a very odd game, controls on consoles were tough to get into for me.
But i love how dedicated they were to create a VIDEOGAME over a cinematic horror. Like at one point you're kung fu jumping around shooting niggas with revolvers, than you impale them going on an autist fit, then you bomb ancient fat black slaves with dynamite on the beach and killing a bossfight with fowl.
Muddy, but good memories.
Edgy horror, but silly fun.
If I can remember correctly, Harry didn't do shit other than try to find his daughter.
harry didn't do anyhting at all besides wanna find his daughter.
this chart is trash and dumb to smoke
Didn't he do something to his wife as well? Not to be confused with James.
You are right though. Heather has been the unfortunate fall guy for the whole series since she was born as Alessa gillespie. She didn't ask to he born, and then people ruined her life, that wasn't enough, so the reincarnated her again, then she became the catalyst to ruin other multiple lives, then she was reincarnated AGAIN, and Harry paid the ultimate price for protecting her.
Basically, fuck that bitch Dahlia. Alessa/Cheryl/Heather never asked to be born.
They don't mention his wife if I remember right, the only reason they end up in silent Hill is because Alessa called Cheryl back to her. Besides, Harry isn't that kind of guy. I mean he raised a baby he just found as his own daughter.
his daughter just happened to be part of the issue is all
>one character, one space, can't have more than one in the same spot
>suffering/deserving are completely subjective and can't be measured accurately
of course it's gonna be shit but at least it's fun to build
naw, harry is straight up just a good guy that got caught in a bad situation with his daughter. Him and heather are just innocent victims
Heather definitely had it the worst, Alessa was bullied at school, burnt in a house fire, had to go through treatment with how badly she was burnt, causes all the crazy shit in Silent Hill, only friend was Lisa Trevor. I assume Cherly had it pretty good until Alessa called her back. Heather was reincarnated and goes through tons of shit because of the cult including having your adopted father murdered, made to incubate demon God throughout 3rd game.
Heather is an immortal demon.
Harry was doomed the moment he got involved with that kid. Apathy was his sin.
We all just want to protect that smile user.
isn't that alessa though? isn't heather still actually good, whether she's just another manifestation of alessa or not?
>dead wife
>loses daughter, only to be reincarnated as a different baby he doesn't know
>only to be killed in the end in efforts of protecting hell spawn from bringing about the end of the world
What happens when Heather reaches old age and dies? Will someone rebirth her genes again?
That reminds me how fucking depressing her actual room looked too.
What, as far as I can tell Harry was a great dad and person overall
Missing her Shattered Memories version.
I think he meant empathy
>kill family
>become a god
kratos didn't suffer. he was rewarded.
Alessa is good as Heather is bad. They are the same person, a perfect example of nature vs nurture. Alessa, Chery and Heather are literally the same person, and go to show what happens when you terribly abuse a person. They all had the same genes, but they didn't all get the same shot at life. Alessa was unfortunate to grow up with Dahlia, Heather was fortunate to get to grow up with Harry instead. Harry simply loved her right.
You're right. For some reason they put Alessa on there twice as both kid and ghost teen.
Meant Lisa Garland, she was also friends with this crazy bitch
Thats the one i meant yeah.
>either loses nothing or his neighbor
Henry actually has nothing to lose he's a loner that potential is afraid of people in general. No one besides the superintendent cared about his disappearance. He "knew" all his neighbors but non of the ever even met him. He's probably the most pathetic SH hero ever.
Travis, of course
>Tfw you need to walk out of your comfy truck
>No living mechanics around
>Can't drag it
>Forever trapped without truck
Of the number of games I played, a lot of these protags were actually pretty shitty themselves.
I'd argue that none of them suffered enough.
Tilda Swinton innit?
Then you didn't play the original games by Team Silent. Barring James, none of the other protagonists did anything but get into cult fuckery.
No, apparently Julianne Moore
They actually did a pretty decent look making her look similar to Heather given the difference in graphics and all in Shattered Memories.
skinhead covered in tattoos Claudia looks interesting to me but yeah, maybe overkill
Harry must have had a shitty life after Silent Hill
>All that shit he saw
>Probably had some PTSD about it
>Daughter is just the reincarnation of Alessa
>She grows up and weird cultist from Silent Hill start hounding both of you
>End up killing one in self defense
>Have to move
>One night you're just minding your own business while Heather is at the mall
>The world goes dark
>You've seen this before
>Get killed by the Missionary
Did he every truly leave Silent Hill?
"Raiden, 5 years ago... that's not what I meant.
Those absolute madmen... Thats not how to villian...
Wasn't there a bonus skin for Heather where she was covered in tats?
He should have tried to leave the entire country. The fuckers from Silent Hill would probably be too lazy to follow them to Europe.
Or Japan. The weird culture there might scare them off.
I think you haven't seen some of her more evil roles, user.
Thunder God outfit which is also my favorite
>Hey girly, what's yer name?
>Harry Mason
>lived in a small flat with a beautiful 17 year old girl that HE WASN'T EVEN RELATED TO
>he never re married
>he never dated
>the flat was small
>he just lay awake at night
>staring at the ceiling
>listining to Heather masturbate through the thin walls
>panting until orgasam
>this is everynight for the longest time
>quiet now, he stares at the ceiling
>Ridley too big
I think without the power of Silent Hill she dies. But if she stay in Silent Hill, i think she either gets a new body or just live forever with a rotting body. In SH2 we don't get to see what happens to Mary's body in the "Rebirth" ending, but according to Masahiro Ito, when they wrote that ending, it was going to be something like Pet Sematary, which means she would return as a rotting cadaver like a zombie.
Alessa is good as well. She just got crazy because her mind bound with the otherworld.
Don't forget harry had thoughts of just killing heather as a baby.
>it was going to be something like Pet Sematary, which means she would return as a rotting cadaver like a zombie
n-no! Heather will be beautiful and freckled forever!
Yea forgot about that. To think all that shit happened simply because 24 years prior Harry and his wife found a baby at the side of the road and deciding to take it in as there own.
That's because Walter Sullivan is the main character of the game.
>Don't forget harry had thoughts of just killing heather as a baby.
Poor Heather...
You mean all because Travis helped Alessa form the baby that would be adopted by Harry and his wife. :^)
>reminder when you look at Heather, she was borne from these genes
Theres a lot of evil bitch flowing in Heather's veins thats for sure.
>I confess I had reservations at first about raising that baby. Could I love her? Her existence was thoroughly unexplainable. I thought, 'She could be that young woman who snatched away my beloved daughter.' That led to sadness, anger... there were times when I put my hands around her tiny little throat. Several times I even considered abandoning her. That's what a terrible person I am. But I decided to raise her after all. I just couldn't seem to let her go.
When she... when you look at me, you laugh, so...Even now, I can't forget about that girl.
But I love you. I have no doubts about that. That's all I ask you to believe.To my precious daughter...
>bottom 4
Are you retarded?
f-fuck you a-user!
>Some poor soul fucked Dahlia to allow Alessa to be born
Probably the scariest part about Silent Hill, desu senpai.
>some poor fuck
You misunderstand user... Heather is not beautiful by accident, Dahlia was not always old and bitter.
user i....
Why are MGS characters so high?
They're fucking soldiers
Silent Hill is a bad horror game. How am I supposed to feel scared and horrified if I'm just filled with RAGE AND VENGEANCE?
>all the souls shit
>all the MGS shit
get out
>Silent Hill is a bad horror game. How am I supposed to feel scared and horrified if my dick is ENGORGED WITH BLOOD AND MY TIP LEAKING OUT SEMEN?
>Posting Dahlia's SM counterpart.
The chart was deveolped over like the course of a 2 week period, you had plenty of time to complain in the threads to move shit around
I think the The Nameless One kind of redeems it.
Hey user, i went for fucking YEARS without any more canon Heather fix. In my head i need to justify SM as a thing that happened and Cheryl as a mid 20's continuation of Heather. The hair dye gone, the teen need to look pretty fading as a priority... Still beautiful...