Is it safe to say that Metroid was never dead and we were just overreacting?
Also, Metroid thread.
Is it safe to say that Metroid was never dead and we were just overreacting?
Also, Metroid thread.
>Is it safe to say that Metroid was never dead and we were just overreacting?
In hindsight, probably yeah.
Federation Force around the anniversary and the AM2R debacle was unfortunate timing and I think the fan reaction around then was understandable, and Federation Force is still trash.
Yes. And in the nicest way I can say this, everyone hated you for it. At least you've got two games that are almost guaranteed to be good coming.
Yes. It got to the point where Nintendo had to go "see, we're working on it, now shut the fuck up."
>Put out a solid 3D game in 2007, great, everyone is happy
>Put out a shitty attempt at an action game by the ever-incompetent Team Ninja and Sakamoto in 2010, nobody is happy
>Dick around for six years
>Put out a co-op spinoff game that nobody asked for while not giving any definite information on the series, not even a confirmation that it's being worked on
>Finally, nearly 7 years from the shitty action game, reveal that a 2D remake of a previous game is coming out soon and another 3D game has just started production
7 years was plenty of time for them to say something and they didn't, so no, nobody was overreacting
Yes, they were a pain in the ass. Now the same shit is happening with the so called Halo fanbase on Sup Forums who clearly aren't fans of the series.
No. Never forgive Nintendo and never forget the times they fucked us over.
Nintendo never once ignored Metroid or claimed they hated Metroid like people said. Samus and Metroid-related things kept popping up everywhere in Nintendo properties from 2010 to 2017.
No, don't get too excited, Metroid Prime 4 might be fuckin' terrible.
While it can't compare to the suffering of Metroid fans (especially in light of the upcoming full release of Starfox II) the suffering from Starfox: Zero being such goddamn trash has not left me.
And the shitshow they put on Mother fans shouldn't be forgotten.
Not to mention their constant garbage censorship and original lack of support for the Xeno games.
Artificial scarcity of amiibo, and now the retro-console minis.
Terrible Mario RPGs since Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.
The whole WiiU generally except for some stand-outs like Splatoon and BotW not being bad.
I'm not going to buy the 3DS game (looks awful visually to me) but that squishy metroid amiibo looks cool.
It's just confirmed dead with westerners developing the 2D game, and the 2D game isn't even 2D anymore.
Fuck off Amiibo babby
The series has been through this kind if hiatus before. Metroidfags are whiny bitches.
Nintendo developing the game, dumbass. MercurySteam is only programming the game. I'm guessing you missed the Day 3 Treehouse stream.
I've always been embarrassed by the whiny bitches on Sup Forums regarding Metroid the past few years. I'm convinced these people have now moved onto screaming 'SMASH WHEN'
It was teetering on the brink for awhile between Other M and FF, but it was never completely dead
Developing and programming are the same thing, user.
A couple of years ago Miyamoto literally said in a kotaku interview that got copy pasted here that he was very interested in bringing back Metroid. Tanabe explained in detail how he would do a Prime 4 and even hinted his idea in FF.
You need to say your final thoughts for F-zero as a franchise. That's the one where you got at least three Nintendo people saying "why would you want that?"
You're retarded
>reddit spacing
Metroid is still dead until I see gameplay on MP4
Ok, Mr. "Programmer but not developer," good luck finding job postings in your field
Play a Metroid with a Zsexy Samus
To be fair, given Other M's hate even beyond the fandom and a combo of FedForce and the AM2R takedown on the 30th anniversary, it's easy to see why Metroid was reaching its death, but this confirmed we were overreacting a good bit. I'm content right now.
KYS you bitchy whining cunt
Has anyone here actually played a MercurySteam game?
It was just resting. Look at the Chozo. Beautiful plumage.
It's always funny watching people on Sup Forums who cry about fanbases crying but fail to see the fact that they're far worse.
What's worth noting is that, even in Metroid's absense, Nintendo still frequently referenced the series in promotional material.
You have those skins in Monster Hunter, the avatars on the Switch's OS, that Japanese n3DS commercial with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, those UNIQLO t-shirts, etc. Nintendo still acknowledged Metroid as a key brand, even if they haven't made many games for it until recently. Samus was among Nintendo's main mascots from this slide from an investors meeting some years back.
It's definitely a lot more you can say than for something like Kid Icarus.
Metroid just continues to be completely an outlier for nintendo properties. The story, the plot, the gameplay, being an fps. It all makes sense for older demographics that Nintendo gave up to Microsoft and Sony ages ago.
>tfw an entire generation of gen z kids thinks Metroid is an FPS
Shut the fuck up
>Metroid 2 remake by LoS devs
>Will be worse than AM2R
>Retro not on MP4
>Led by Tanabe who was responsible for Fedora Force
>Will shove his mary sue Sylux into the game
>More Federation fanfiction garbage
No fuck you and die. Series should have stayed dead.
>2 metroid games coming out 2018
>5mash is probably coming out 2019-2020
y'all know what this means
ridley in 5mash
>Fedora Force
I never believed it was dead for a second and laughed at the anons who said it was.
Though, to be fair, I also thought it was Retro developing Prime 4.
Now I just wonder what the fuck they're doing.
Nintendo literally outright said that Federation Force was a setup for a future Prime game. The Metroid fanbase just ignored that and cried like a little bitch.
I think he's just a superfag user.
metroid had a shitload of games from 2002-2007, didn't help ridley get into brawl
Here's your (You)
It's not Retro? Who is it?
>we were just overreacting?
Sup Forums has never overreacted to anything in its existence.
It died when Yokoi died. Modern Metroid is just a joke.
>game was so bad even review sites called it mediocre
Apparently a new in house team at EPD.
>one crappy game
>one crappy spin-off
>after three solid entries
Metroid fans are fuckign obnoxious
I just know there are already multiple crybabies ITT bitching that Prime 4 and Samus Returns will be the worst things ever made
>finally update AM2R with the community patch to try out Random mode
>get Wave Beam, Hi-Jump, and Screw Attack in Area 1
>wander around wondering how to proceed because every path forward requires bombs
>remember Fast Travel Tubes
>proceed to Area 5
>get my shit wrecked by the Five Alpha Metroids Room
I think I need to git gud.
Yeah, it's clear that nobody at Nintendo ever once considered Metroid as being dead or unworthy of developing for. As someone earlier in the thread said, you can go back in recent years and find interviews with Miyamoto and Tanabe about where they want to take the series next. I guess we were all so upset with Other M and Federation Force that we didn't bother looking at the signs that the series wasn't going anywhere.
Literally on a break due to Other M being such a colossal failure.
Samus Returns will be shit
Prime 4 has a chance to be good, but it's being developed by an inexperienced team so it's probably not a good idea to get your hopes up
What I don't understand is where the fuck all of Nintendo's game developers are and what they are doing. Why do they release so few significant games these days?
Samus Returns should have been announced earlier alongside Federation Force. Nintendo were tone deaf and it bit them in the ass.
I can accept Kid Icarus being dead more than Metroid, because at least the last game in the series was solid (I still pick it up sometimes), and it was more of a Sakurai passion/launch title. I wouldn't mind seeing another Kid Icarus as a revival of 3D shooters from Nintendo. The Sin & Punishment games were great on the Wii and I was really hoping Starfox: Zero would be good. Beyond not being a super-powered console the Switch doesn't have a bunch of dumb gimmicks that could hold it back too much.
>tfw trying to 100% Super without a guide
I've beaten this game twice throughout my life and seen numerous speedruns, but hunting down the last few expansions is fucking exhausting.
Metroid Retruns looks neato barring Samus french kissing the baby or something.
But I'm worried about Tanabe because he's a got a good track record of being a colossal fuckup.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is basically what a Star Fox game should be.
Metroid is going to suffer harshly until it is shelved and neglected forever.
To believe otherwise is shockingly naive.
It's better, but Starfox has the element of having to dodge space objects and shit and KIU didn't have much of that.
I can't, Uprising was fucking amazing and I want more. Been 5 years since the game came out and Nintendo should be making the series into a proper franchise. Don't want to wait another 25 years for the next game.
They won't make another without Sakurai and you know how anal he is about sequels.
Just like they quit making Kirby games without Sakurai, right?
Very much so, the hatred for FF was idiotic because even before it was revealed Nintendo already stated there was both a 2D and 3D Metroid game in the works. It was going to happen regardless, yet retarded fanboys thought it was going to kill it.
>rehashes Smash 4 for the rest of his life
It was still garbage.
Must be nice.
Go away Douglas no one likes you.
I never played it so I wouldn't know, but that doesn't change the fact that Metroid fans are insufferable morons.
Kirby's a cheap and consistent money maker for them. Regardless I do hope I end up being wrong.
It was a bad game regardless, but it teased MP4 in it's ending. They already had plans to make the new Metroid games around that time.
I never got the whole "Alive/dead franchise" thing.
Like, the old games are still there. You can still play them.
And if you've played through them to death, then boo hoo, now you've got time to tackle the 75,000 other games in your backlog. What a fucking travesty.
And we all know, the INSTANT a new game in a dead franchise is announced, everyone's going to bitch about how much it's going to suck.
Prime 3 also teased MP4 in it's ending.
I remember people saying that Federation Force's poor sales doomed the series forever because Nintendo was going to see lack of interest in that game as lack of interest in Metroid as a whole. Even back then before E3 I thought that was an idiotic thing to believe.
So Cody was right?
I hated it because I wanted a Republic Commando clone.
Except for the fact that Kirby has an entire company backing up him. With Sakurai seemingly not interested in doing a sequel (unless he's changed his mind over the last five years), KI doesn't have a development team to make new games for it, because no one else at Nintendo has the time or interest in it.
It's the same problem Metroid's had for awhile, actually. The team behind the first four games + Zero Mission was known as Research & Development 1, but they were shuttered back in 2005 when Iwata restructured Nintendo's teams around, and a lot of its staff members either retired or were transferred to EAD or SPD. It's pretty telling that Sakamoto has to keep bringing in outside companies like Team Ninja or MercurySteam to help him produce new games. For awhile, Metroid Prime had Retro Studios, but they moved onto Donkey Kong Country.
Which I why i definitely hope the new team behind Prime 4 is a new internal EPD division instead of yet another outside studio like Next Level Games, because it could finally give Metroid a dedicated team behind it like how Mario, Zelda and Animal Crossing do.
The way I remember it, the project head simply said if people wanted a proper Metroid Prime it'd have to wait for the next hardware cycle, and no mention of a 2D Metroid was made at all. I don't remember hearing either was guaranteed prior to FF's release, just pleas from the dev that this was something he'd wanted to make for years and it'll feel like Metroid, promise,
Sakurai was right though. Kirby went okay for a while with Flagship but after that it's mostly been bland, repetitive and reliant on referencing the Shinomura games endlessly (Even though they weren't THAT great) for sales.
>melee qte
>in a metroid game
I don"t know. federation force and other man were giving death signals to me
I don't think you know what a QTE is
I still really feel like the DS really should've had a 2D Metroid game.
It's pretty clear that the hiatus stemmed from Retro moving onto new projects and the 2D team being disbanded. They didn't have any teams free to actually make a Metroid game.
Prime 4 needed a new team built from the ground up to make it, and Samus Returns is outsourcing the grunt work to MercurySteam.
>Shinya Takahashi, Nintendo: So it has been a while since we released the last one and we're having discussions internally about what we can do next. So at this point we have two different types of Metroid games. We have the Prime style of Metroid game and we have the more traditional style of Metroid game. We feel that we do need to take care of both of these styles of play. And the hope is that at some point in the near future we'll be able to share something about them.
>Reggie: "Oh, so earlier today I got asked about Mother 3; maybe you can ask me about Metroid. Look, again, I am proud as an executive with Nintendo to say that we look at all of the boards and all of the comments and we really have a good understanding of what our consumers want. And believe me, we take that to heart as we work to create content. So I have nothing to announce--here. But we are aware that there are some key IP that consumers just can't wait for the next true installment in that franchise's legacy. Suffice it to say, we're aware of it, and talk to me in a year and let's look back and see what's happened."
They were clearly still trying to figure out what to do next with the series unlike F-Zero where they straight up say they have no interest when asked.
Yes, and as a Metroid fan it was one of the main reasons why I avoided most Metroid threads in the last few years.
>It's not dead man, not even close to the Super Metroid hiatus. Last game in the franchise was last year and Other M was six years before. That's not too bad all things consi-
>BUT THOSE DON'T COUNT BECAUSE [arbitrary reasons]
>Well they also said in interviews very recently that they're figuring out what to d-
Being a Mother Fan sure is suffering
I mean, to be fair, Mother actually legitimately ended. It wasn't abandoned to the wolfs in the same way F-Zero was. Mother doesn't get any new games because Itoi wanted M3 to be the last one. So it died a peaceful death, really.
No, he wanted M3 to be HIS last one. In an interview he basically gave the series away to anyone who wanted it, saying that he'd want to play a Mother 4, not make it.
But it's up to Nintendo to decide if they want to make a new one or not. I'm thinking it wont' ever happen.
It wasn't overreacting, the franchise was in a really bad spot, and I'm sure the overwhelmingly negative fan reaction to Federation Force is half the reason we're even getting two new real Metroid games.
Never, EVER try to convince yourself or others that being critical of a company is bad. They should be held accountable, constantly. Don't let others dismiss it as "whining", the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
>i definitely hope the new team behind Prime 4 is a new internal EPD division
I think it is. Which interests me because it will be the first time a Prime game will be developed entirely in Japan, which makes me wonder if it will be distinctly different from other Prime games as a result.
Be pretty cool if it resembled the 2D games.
Hell, I want a fucking sign that outside Smash Mother is still a thing, A Remake/Remasters/Collection, a Spin Off whatever.
I know that Mother 4 is as posible as fucking Banjo Threeie, but at least release Mother 3 in the west.
>Other M bombs.
>Half a decade of nothing.
>Federation Force bombs.
>Metroid has never been that popular in Nintendo's home country to begin with.
I mean I didn't think Metroid was dead, but it's not that hard to see why people would jump to a worst case scenario.
I just hope we still get all the lore and stuff.
I'd be kind of disappointed if tuuubes were gone.
>Metroid Prime 3 in 2007
>Brawl in 2008
>Ridley was a boss in Brawl
>Ridley still unplayable
>Ridley still 2big
Ridley will likely never be playable.
I'm mentally upgrading it from "dead" to "life support" so I don't have my hopes dashed when Metroid Prime 4 turns out to be Other M 2
I still don't understand why they thought it was a good idea to release federation force after last game was other m
>the suffering from Starfox: Zero being such goddamn trash has not left me.
meh. better than command.