Will you?
Will you?
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nice trip m$. nah im good
No, why should I?
Where are it's games?
Just save for a pc you god damn plebeians. I can't believe I share a board with people that even consider getting consoles in 2017. Unless you're mr money banks and NEED to play an exclusive.
nah im just gonna wait for the next iteration of xbox. if im going by phil spencers word than the next xbox will probably have full bc with og xbox, 360, and xbone games. if that isnt the case than at that point the xbox one will go for cheap as fuck and i will just get it then
>quite literally every single exclusive also available on PC
Why would anyone buy this?
people who dont have a gaming pc?
Will I what?
People who have friends.
Most people who play on PC are insufferable autists.
Stop projecting.
I don't play on PC you insufferable autist.
Build a PC that can run games in the same quality as the BONEX for $499
xbox = shit
>I don't play on PC you insufferable autist.
This. I'm getting really disappointed in Xbox lately. Hell OG Xbox games on XO will be in 4:3 display.
Not even a retard will buy it.
Doesnt it force parity between Xbone and XboX on games?
Its not even a next gen machine.
>ever buying another console ever again
vinyl at least arguably sounds better
Not until you release XBOX ONE X X(cross) Chronicles X Xtreme Exdition.
your false flagging is very subtle yes, keep it up
Nah, I don't give money to Microsoft.
In fact, I like to burn Windows 7 and 8 to CDs and pass them out around my neighborhood.
>cut your legs off to prove that you can run just as fast as a cripple
You're better off saving money for another 2 or 3 months to buy a $1000 PC.
>b-but I want to expend exactly $500
I will never understand that.
>haha so y-you cant make a $500 PC? we w-win again xbros!
t. insufferable autist
Everytime someone does this you faggots come back at us with "b-b-but it doesn't play 4K Blurays!"
>they can't do it
No, I have a fat Xbone I don't play and already have a desktop more powerful than the XboneX
I'm actually more inclined to upgrade my launch PS4 to a Pro because at least that thing will have games that don't play better on my PC. Even my favorite Xbone game, Sunset Overdrive, isn't going to be updated for XboneX.
Are you adding a few years of Live on to the value of the bone x?
>fug, i cand resbond wid anythig meanigful
>wud do?
>bost moar frogg :DDDDDD
not him but you didn't respond with anything meaningful before that
>not him
nice try
Not those anons but is it really hard to believe?
Yes. I have a back catalog of games
No. My PC is better.
>zalman anything
why would you do that to yourself?
I have no idea what you're talking about, retard.
i wasn't talking to you
It's competing with a $500 console using Jaguar cores that's manufactured by Foxconn, it's fine for what it is.
good job dumbass
waiting to get an am4 machine is well worth it in comparison to sucking the life out of a dying platform just because "it was worth as much as a console".
Nope, I don't care how hard you shill it.
Once Ryzen 3 comes out I'll get right on it, for now, this works fine.
Aren't most of the new Xbox games playable on PC through Windows 10 anyway?
Yes, for Halo 5 and 6
It spells XBOX. It's like poetry.
It depends. I'd rather just stick to computer games but I don't want windows 10. They really need to persuade me with games. Forza 7 and Ori are nice additions but it's not enough IMO.
Every true 4k game is either a port of an old game or a sport game. Everything is upscaled. It's literally the same thing than the PS4 without exclusives and 100 bucks more expensive.
I want to put my 4k tv to good use. Already have a laptop, and building a second pc just for gayman is silly.
*PS4 Pro
>Everything is upscaled.
First party games will run at native 4K.
Yes, fuck what anybody thinks about how I play fucking video games. It doesn't matter and I hope people still get bothered by it. PC fags Sony fags Xbox fags are all the same. Idort fags ftw.
Nah I'm good, PC got me senpai.