ITT: obscure/semi-obscure guns in games

This piece of kraut spacemagic is a sweet gun but i've only seen it in CoD:BO1 and Fallout 1.

Any other games with this beast?

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Ecks vs Sever on the gba

it's in wargame red dragon as the primary of fallschirmjager'90

This is bait, right?

Syphon fucking Filter 2 baby. The sound it makes is orgasmic, imagine a minigun firing, and speed it up by 5.

yes you're right it was in syphon filter

damn i miss that game

also as a sort of related note, i loved it in Demolition Man as the magnetic accelerator gun

It's in Fallout 2, not 1.


Lol what the fuck are you talking about OP? This shit is probably one of the most famous prototypes gone to production guns that tried to push the meme of caseless ammo. Too bad it fell through because it was a complex piece of shit.

Jagged alliance 2
killed that faggot Mike to get it

Cold Winter
Though the game itself is kinda obscure already.
It also had a longslide AMT Hardballer though, shit was so cash

I only remember it being in Soldier of Fortune 2

>anything MAS
>FR F1/F2
>PGM Hecate
>French vehicles in general
They got fucked in WW2 so now they're forever panned and even Italians get a bigger spotlight. Despite France losing they still made a shit load of tanks and a sizable number of small arms, many of which were used by Germans, but you never see them. Modern French vehicles are rare as fuck, it's mostly just FAMAS and shit from Belgium.

Reminder that Worst Korea actually makes and issues essentially a OICW

OG Ghost Recon and Far Cry 1


Red 9 with scope is the best looking gun IMO
It's obviously well known in RE4 but doesn't get enough representation in other games.

My dream game would be basically FC2, but more with realistic combat and way more weapons, to include all sorts of old French and Belgian shit that you could conceivably find on the continent
>Vigneron SMG
>Mle 1950 pistol
>MAS 49

West Germany actually got thousands of these. It fell through because East and West Germany finally merged and then they couldn't afford them anymore.

My friend calls that gun the gay 11 because it fucking sucks

>It takes longer to reload than a musket
Where did "germans make good engieniggers" came from?

should I throw this or the glock to end them rightly?


Black Ops' prototype Mp5K is pretty sweet too

>Games frequently include a .357
>It's never the coolest .357

Is that the gun Sam uses in the first few Splinter Cell games? It looks like it.

I just remember him using an F2000, the model with the integrated sight and grenade launcher

nope, it was the f2000

this gun was also in project igi 2

I guess this is more of an accessory than a gun.

No it fell though because the ammo is shit. It's MORE expensive to produce, not to mention more dangerous to produce.

It's heat sensitive, it's fragile, and it's difficult to extract when there's a missfire.

Stop hopping on every memetrain and you'll stop looking like an idiot.

Guarantee if you were watching when they were testing it you'd be into the OICW,

Wait, what? I don't remember using that gun at all.

Sam Fisher's rifle was fucking sex, at least in the game.

>Literally only appeared in 4 games

The F2000 is indeed really fucking cool.
It's actually designed so that it's basically sealed from the elements and no crap can get into the action

That shit was my favorite gun in Delta Force 3.

worst assault rifle in cod history


This game is seriously underrated, /k/ as fuck

Why are retrofuturistic guns so aesthetic?

are you retarded?
you know you have to manually load bullets into magazines too right?

Because the cold war was a time of a lot of crazy experimentation and weird guns being adopted, and unlike modern and War-era guns, they kind of slipped through the cracks of history, which makes them all the more fascinating.

holy shit i remember dismembering the enemies and carrying their torsos around.
good shit user

Has any game had these?

I saw them in some Russian STALKER mod. I don't know vodka runes so I can't find it again.

I wish more shooting games focused on cold war/vietnam era prototypes and shit

>You see Vladimir, when make gun of wood, you shall never dislike shape for whittling is always option

a fucking boat

why do they have guns like that? is it for air resistance?

Titanfall 2's Flatline

except its not wood but bakelite, a tough thermosetting formaldehyde resin you inject into a mold.
or in other words,
the soviets already had experimental polymer gun frames in the late 40s

>heard rumors pre-the taken king that destiny was supposed to be getting a "bullpup AK"
>holyshit we're finally gonna get a koborov
>mfw it was just an SKS/AK jumble with a mag shoved in the stock
I will always hate that gun.

>the soviets already had experimental polymer gun frames in the late 40s

You mean a groza ?

I should go to sleep.

Calico Liberty

Fallout tactics but while they are the best 9mm in the game you get them so late you are screw

Parasite Eve 2 had one.

Cold Winter for the ps2

That shit looks heavy as fuck and totally impractical.

Rainbow Six: Lockdown had it.

that's why we have this 80 million dollar exoskeleton for the soldier of the future! buy now to fight against a mysterious terrorist enemy using that we didn't create at all.

OICW was in Half-Life 2 alpha. I think it was replaced by the Combine energy assault rifle thingy.

I'm pretty sure the MP7 is the replacement for it. Would explain why it inexplicably has a grenade launcher on it.

Jagged Alliance 2 had G11 as one of the best guns in game with very rare ammo.
And 1.13 mod for JA2 has a fuckton of guns, more than a dozen of AK variants for example, lots of guns mods, ammo types (even subsonic ones for silenced weapons), you could even get kits for some weapons like SCAR that change caliber and length of stock/barrel for CQC/sniper variants.

Syphon Filter 2 and 3 has the G11.

It's pretty amazing to think that in the pre-War on Terror era everyone on the internet was convinced that modern militaries would be using exosuits and OICWs by now

>In the game, it was originally planned to be the Combine Overwatch and Conscripts' weapon of choice, but it was later replaced by the fictional Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (OSIPR).
>t appears that it's grenade function was moved to the SMG1 by the time the leak was made, as getting close to the SMG grenades in the map "zoo_item" causes the message "AR2 Grenades" to appear on the screen.

We're both right :3

it was in the original Ghost Recon

Max Payne had that.

have you ever loaded a magazine? it takes fucking forever. that setup is warp speed

You guys should have played 007 Agent Under Fire then.

it was a piece of shit in SOF2 as well.

>post is filled with misinformation

Please don't.

Help. What games uses the obrez?


What other games besides STALKER and Metro that has this badass weapon?

Team Fortress 2 I think.

Why would you want an obrez of bolt-action rifle in a game? In some Stalker mod perhaps.

>pretends the vintorez is a hard to find gun in games

>tf2 fagget


one of the most efficient mid range snipers in BFBC2


lol, gotta watch that movie now.

Project Reality for Battlefield 2 has them.

For which faction? I don't remember seeing one, but I haven't played in 2-3 years

no, its from killing them softly

Squad leaders in the terrorist factions usually have them as a side arm

SOLDNER and it was OP as fuck.

America's Army did, rest its soul

The new version is fucking garbage. Why did they do this

Came here to post this, play Cold Winter it's awesome.

Thanks. The drug trip scene was one of my favorites from any movie ever, but I watched it with a friend and forgot the title.

i loved the paratrooper missions in the original.. where it dropped you right into the shit, and you might end up with a broken leg if you are mess up the landing. plus the tutorial had its unique way to weed out hyperactive kids and retards

And there was always a superstitious fuck on the team who insisted that the plane moved and you should wait before jumping

>The F22 stealth body comes off in the rain post


Everything is a midrange sniper in bc2.

oh wow, thats outrageous.
its like wielding a claymore mine


Sadly Misery is utter shit

Would you say its utter misery?