What the fuck, Sup Forums

what the fuck, Sup Forums
I thought MOBAs were shit

Great game. I wonder if we'll see more like it like Hyper Universe.

Awesomenauts has one major, glaring flaw tho.
>Literally every character is an Assassin in one form or another
>Everyone does insane amounts of damage
>If any 1 Naut is out of position in a team fight, they're dead instantly, irrelevant if they're a "Tank," the only real exception is if they get full damage immunity, like that glowing green rock dude's second ability
>It has only gotten worse with every update since initial release

I played it a lot in 2013 and 2014. I look back now and it's just not the same, but I still boot it up occasionally with some friends and have a good time.

Yuri/Sentry main here.

Having playes this game to death Id argue youre wrong on your 1st 3 points

The 4th is arguable.

Please name for me one character who doesn't do huge damage in one form or another. I can concede the 3rd point if you're playing Clunk or the bull guy, since they do have huge HP pools, but they're also pretty shit overall.
>Double-check roster personally
>About the only person who doesn't do absurd damage is Genji, who makes up for it with a considerable amount of utility

Ix the Eliminator

Not every character is an insane burst damage damage dealer. Some do sustain damage and work in conjunction with teammates to stack damage.
Some enemies can be built to be damage boosters exclusively sure. Skree can be with his saw blade but i see plenty of people who build up his AA and totem for better team fighting

I didn't say insane burst. However, Yuri and Scree both have sizable burst.
>3 mines on top of each other in cover can kill any squishy
>Saw can chunk some squishy characters for half of their HP on return
The others all have strong combo/sustained damage. By your logic, Leon isn't an Assassin, by the way, since he has strong sustained damage and not burst.
Perhaps our definitions of what separates an Assassin from a Brawler differ too widely.

My bad for conflating the terms. A bit tired lemme reorganize my thoughts

This is a game after all of damage dealing characters that hurt eachother. What I like about it is the tight teamwork and many different ways you can build a character to work in tandem with teammates and against an enemy team build. High damage can be negated with a smart build and shop choices even without a heal suppory teammate.

The game itself designates roles for the nauts. Skree is a Harasser for example, Vinnie is a burst damage dealer or a Nuker in game. Both are damage dealers with different roles.

I suppose I see your point. My complaint really just boils down to "Tanks aren't tanks and every does too much damage."

There is nothing inherently bad about MOBAs, the problem is that it's a game genre that allows people to blame the weakest member on the team as an excuse to overlook their own faults.

fucking this

Great game . Not many great games around anymore.

Awesomenauts reminds me of the original Monday Night Combat
It was fun and cartoony.

>Remembering the fucking mess that is Uber Entertainment
Please don't remind me.

Sorry user i will reminisce of the fun times i had

the rest of them are
hots is relatively close to being balanced however if you disregard joke characters like the lost vikings

What happened with that?

>was coco main
>now every other character feels like underpowered steaming garbage
Have you ever played a character so good it ruins the entire game for you?

That was me with Leon for a few years following release. I took a long break.
>Make MNC, great game
>Make SMNC, shit game
>Abandon it for Planetary Annihilation, totally fuck that up
>Try to abandon that at release day for Human Resources
>Kickstarter fails massively and they crawl back to PA
>Fuck it up ever more
>Fade into obscurity
>Relatively recently released a PS4 exclusive about flying robots or something

The only character that stayed on the same level as coco. It's not much that she or he feel overpowered, it's that every other character feel like garbage.

Agreed. But I honestly couldn't fucking stand Coco and felt her ability to just cheat you out of living with a well-aimed Ball (whose explosion radius is FAR larger than it should be at the time) was outright unfun.