There's a lot of potential in this.
There's a lot of potential in this
Other urls found in this thread:
that syrian kid on the beach
I sense a new meme is about to be born.
If he took off the mask, would he die?
crash is back
What the fuck?
>Vivendi/Universal/Activision/Whoeverthefuck shits out a million bad crash games for years after the ps1 era because naughty dog had rightfully moved on
>the only people playing those nu-crash games were probably children
>2012/2013 rolls around
>people are asking themselves, whatever happened to GOOD crash bandicoot games? Make more good crash games please!
>Activision flat out says that they probably won't because why would there be an audience for that and it would be a waste of time
>people keep talking about crash, begging for it. Shaun Layden comes out on the Sony E3 stage wearing a crash T-Shirt in 2015
>People are ecstatic, Activision takes notice
>fast forward to now, crash n-sane trilogy is announced and it has a bunch of dumb, out of touch marketing gimmicks like OP pic to go with it
Why the fuck do companies complain about there not being an audience for this type of thing, or that nobody would by it to justify the cost and effort of shitting out a remaster, but then they go and waste money on dumb advertising shit like this?
My first fucking thought when clicking this thread was "how long until it's over footage of 9/11". And voila. It was already here.
Anyway to mix it with DSP greenscreen footage?
Should have been longer
This needs to happen
>out of touch marketing gimmicks
People are still slapping shia le boof on videos. You underestimate the power of meme magic.
It's not subversive and funny when it's coming from a company. It's a PR nightmare because you get shit like this And then it's only a matter of time before it blows up and the company has to issue a public statement apoligising and explaining why Crash is in front of 9/11 footage or at a Hitler speech.
Hella epic d00d XD
Might be too daring a synyhesis be careful
>And then it's only a matter of time before it blows up and the company has to issue a public statement apoligising and explaining why Crash is in front of 9/11 footage or at a Hitler speech.
They don't need to explain why. It's obvious and it's out of their hands. They know exactly what people are going to do with it and I would say they're probably banking on that.
They want this to become a meme, they don't give a shit about what people are going to do with it, they are playing us like a damn fiddle.
This. Activision is the ultrajew perhaps surpassing EA. The extra exposure only helps the marketing and they know it.
>"This marketing campaign will help them market the game, those dastardly kikes!"
I mean, I loved Madden Giferator.
That reminds me, does anyone have the DSP greenscreen edits?
only this one
Offend as many people as possible and they will push your product for you. A good marketing team will take advantage of this and do it in a way that keeps their hands clean.
DSP is disgusting. How could he do such a thing?
How the FUCK do I make a green screen video
look for a setting called chroma key in your video editor of choice. out the green, put in your footage in it's place.
This in the morning will be the funniest meme . Brb gotta show reddit.
There's some good content on the Twitter hashtag for it.
Nicely done.
He didn't make it
Someone give me ideas and I'll birth them into reality
Ok anything but this
Anything with this
How about outside nintendo of america
Fuck it i'll join in on this