Have to try and come up with a reason why there's fucking robot dinosaurs

>have to try and come up with a reason why there's fucking robot dinosaurs
>do a pretty good job of it

This game was a lot better than I thought it would be. I'd been avoiding open world games for a long time but felt an itching for one, this definitely scratched it.

What does Sup Forums think about it? Without shit flinging because of exclusives and BotW etc..

Other urls found in this thread:


>has to explain why there is robot dinosaurs

See, this is why games are shit these days. Everything has to be "lore" and "canon" for all the autists. Shit like multiplayer being "canon" in Halo is the dumbest shit ever. Who gives a shit, just pick your character and frag.

It's not bad but I'm not a fan of the (human) animations, the voice acting, and the "follow the trail" quests.
Also I found it very odd how during sidequests, every male was actually either evil or stupid.

Well it's a pretty big elephant in the room.

>Shit like multiplayer being "canon" in Halo is the dumbest shit ever.

that's cool as fuck you dudebro

They made mp canon in the story?

Sup Forums hates it because 'muh non-sex-icon female lead" and "wow they mentioned CLIMATE REFUGEES in A GAME ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE WTFFF FUCKING SJWS"

i got bored of it and probably wont go back to finish it, but my theory was that the dinosaurs were created to replace extinct species

how close am i?

Eh, not completely missing the mark, but that's not why they're there.
If you want to know, heavy spoilers:
They're to terraform the world to make it inhabitable for the new generation of humans, which are all clones. An AI decides on the designs of the machines, and chose animals to represent the life that was lost the apocalypse where all bio matter on earth was erased

>can only ride three robots
>each one is a horse, a horse with horns and another horse with horns
>all of them have the same move set for some reason despite two having horns to ram with
>one is an actual fucking ram
>can only use one weapon from two machines
>all the climbing is done better in other games
>exploring is done better in other games
>go to far off course or up a mountain and be greeted with,"you're leaving the play area, if you continue your save will be reloaded"
>stealth is done better in fucking ass creed, hell even climbing is
>can't ride the dinosaurs
And who could forget
>you cant ride the dinosaurs
I guess its an okay ps2 game.

>getting this autistic over riding the machines
With regard to the stealth, of course AC does it better, it's a series built around stealth based gameplay. Or at least it's still pretending to be.

The REAL winner is Varl,Aloy turned down that autistic soldier crying over his sister and a baby face faggu king to be with the ALMIGHTY BBC.

>What does Sup Forums think about it?
Liked it. Waiting for the DLC.
This was pretty much first open world for me when it didn't feel like devs didn't know what to fill the world with and just scattered around a shitload of collectables.

I'd love some changes though like more hunting trials with longer, more complicated tasks and a better melee.

What the fuck then.
If I'm not going to ride them or use their fucking weapons then I'll play fucking monster hunter or freedom wars
This game does NOTHING new.
The only fucking game this year I regret buying, its retarded.

>yeah let's make a batman game where you can steal cars and ride them, but no batmobile
Then what's the point?
>and batman can only use guns and fists, and only two gadgets
Then its not fucking batman is it?

Its a fucking game that could have been made for ps2.

>>yeah let's make a batman game where you can steal cars and ride them, but no batmobile
>Then what's the point?
>>and batman can only use guns and fists, and only two gadgets
>Then its not fucking batman is it?

This is a terrible analogy. Not every game has to break new ground to be worthwhile.

>This game does NOTHING new.
Welcome to the real world user.
Took you quite a while to notice.
You'll be more surprised when you realize this applies basically to all of them once you played
enough games.
The whole masterpiece vs garbage depends on properly mixing already existing elements and then some polish (you can skip this part if you're Bethesda and the masses will lap the buggy shit up anyway).

Its a great one actually. I was using the batman games as an example, you're 100% right, but when your game does nothing new and does everything that several other games have done but worse, you have nothing but a bad game.
Now that would be fine still yet but this is supposed to be a fucking console seller and its just pathetic.

At least those games if they copy something can do it as well if not better. Or at least gives you a different feeling for play style and just the world itself.
You'd think being a world with robot dinosaurs it would be easy to do that.

>wage statement again about some random games doing something better basically saying 'i didn't like the game'
This post tells NOTHING new.

>Its a great one actually
It's your analogy, of course you'd think this.
However, new mechanics aren't the holy grail to which all games are judged by. GTA V offered absolutely nothing new for example and does a lot of things worse than other games.
As remarks; this argument can be made for the majority of the industry. Barely any games are innovative besides indies because of the budget of modern games. HZD does have a unique and interesting world and concept, which is more than many games have these days. It seems unfair to criticise it for having mechanics other games do better though, since that's a criticism that holds no weight at all in this day and age.

More side content? Fine. More activities? Sure. Removal of out of map boundaries? Ok. All legitimate criticism, but that you can kill giant enemies in monster hunter so do that instead? It's just retarded.

By what reasoning, user? She effectively friendzoned Varl and pretty much told Erend she'd be happy to let him "see more of her" later on.

>Adds NOTHING new to the argument and goes on saying what I already disproved
Thanks shills.
It was a lovely chat.

>what I already disproved

Have a little reading comprehension, but you know you're getting paid to shill so you'll use mental gymnastics anyway.
Once I get bored I'll stop bumping the thread though.
No need to thank me just keep on trucking.

>argument falls apart so he resorts to generic insults because he's backed into a corner
user, you're pathetic.

do you derive satisfaction from knowing people read your posts and think "that user sure is a massive fag"

> Games are shit because there's a good story line happening that also explains shit that is happening in the world

Is this real life?

Hey don't get me wrong, I dont hate you guys its your job I'm actually laughing my ass off thinking about it!

Your shilling is almost as shifty as the game itself.
You should feel bad, man.

Leftist propaganda thread?

Leftist propaganda thread.

>not the forest post from this IP
This is some next level shilling going on

Yeah, I really don't get why Sup Forums was in such an uproar about it, aside from the female lead thing, which I couldn't give a shit less about, and the Nora tribe being a matriarchy. I'm convinced that people who bitched about that didn't actually play the game, because the Nora are seen as backward savages by the other tribes.

Hunting robot dinosaurs is fun as hell, and the game fucking oozes atmosphere. I give big props to their art team for that. The overgrown city ruins early on is the first time that I've genuinely been that impressed by a game's graphics in a very long time.

>shill shill shill [X]
>I'm seriously laughing my ass off lol! [X]
>reading comprehension [X]
>mental gymnastics [X]
>will leave once I get bored [X]

It's ironic you criticise a game for doing nothing original when you're as cliched as they come.

not only are the nora seen as backwards savages by other tribes, they're explicitly shown by the story itself to be ignorant bigoted hypocrites who shunned a baby and palmed her off on another outcast to be raised in the wild just because they didn't know who the mother was

to say nothing of the fact aloy shits on them from a great height once they start hailing her as some kind of chosen one

>to say nothing of the fact aloy shits on them from a great height once they start hailing her as some kind of chosen one
I found this part quite satisfying.

Tell me more! One day you might even become a school counselor!

Why are they dinosaurs again?

lol really great discussion here my fellow Sup Forums citizens! i enjoyed Aloy's adventure in Horzion: Zero Dawn and can't wait for Horizon 2: Zero White Males!

If you can keep the outbursts to a minimum, that'd be great.

What "outbursts"? I am just commenting on the really awesome and badass level of discourse we are having in Sup Forums's GotY Horizon! Wow and cool!

The terraforming AI was designed to appreciate form as well as function, and modelled them after extinct megafauna due to a fondness for them based on what she'd learned from her information banks.

Personally my Game of the Year for sure. The open world is so flushed out, you always have something to do! The combat is like Dark Souls but with fucking robots! How cool is that? And the female lead is such waifu material just hell yeah I'm ready for dlc already! Give me!

Not entirely sure on the dinosaur aspect, but the animals were because of the extinction of all life. So it was a nice form to choose as something that intends to terraform the world so that it's liveable again

I heard if you go to Rost's grave and continue telling it about your story, Aloy says she likes Varl. Haven't confirmed it though.

I know you're butthurt user, but damn. Try to lessen the autism.

Ahaha me too my fellow Sup Forums poster! Those graphics really are epic did you see the posts on NeoGAF? Holy h*ck how did Guerrilla Games accomplish such a technical marvel!

Stupid japanese pedophiles BTFO'd once and for all!

Heh, shut up and take my money for sure friend. And idk why pople say it sjw friendly, it has robot loli in it, sjw fans BTFO amiright XD
What was your favorite mission friend? Mine was all XD just too good!

Maybe you can be a school counselor!


WOW I'm SO happy to have finally found like-minded people on Sup Forums! Were we all #WithHer too? LOL!

Can't believe Drumpf Orange Cheeto Prince won, we could have been with #Chillary by now :( fucking white males

Do you honestly think that Sony would pay someone to come to Sup Forums of all places, and shill for a game that is months past its relevance, or are you just RPing a "spot the shill" character right now?

Fuck I know! PC master race must be so butthurt they don't have anything that looks even half as good! The gameplay is just as good as the graphics too!
For sure, I'm throwing money at the screen and nothing is happening! I have to agree, every mission is just so outstanding and unique, they really out did themselves.

School counselors make a lot of money. Its not job you should be ashamed of.

Hell no, I prefer trump but I respect your opinion! And hey I mean we both love this masterpiece so we must be in good company I'm happy to call you my friend!

That is one big understatement friend. The game is like a fine art, worth so much more then just a few American dollars. Every fight and mission takes your breath away, hell, even walking around does its so much beauty XD

I am in love with Aloy, she my pure waifu XD

Do you have mental problems?

Could we get back into a proper discussion? I'd like to hear more genuine opinions of the game.

can I put a bag/mask/anything over mc's head? Usually I'm not so petty/vain that I can't play a character that looks dumb/ugly but her face really bothers me

You can get an armor that hides her face after a certain story mission.

She is fairly ugly, which is strange because I found some of the female NPCs in the game to not look all that bad. But it was her voice that I disagreed with more, I knew it was ashley burch, but even if I didn't, the voice didn't feel like it fit and was bland.

Yes, now that the butt hurt anons are gone.
Tbh its my game of the year. Never played anything like it before.
Everything about it is really so perfect!

What's up with that suit you find in the Ancient Armory questline that you need to get power cells for? Is that a legit power armor that you get to wear, or something?

And I don't mean to samefag so forgive me, but the more I think about it the more perfect it is. Just honestly, all the heart racing battles and touching story. Its just so beautiful. I don't think there's any game that can even compare.

No, it's disappointing really. It's just regular nora armour in appearance with a shield around it (glows blue in various places)
It is technically power armour in that it absorbs damage with the shield before your health drops, but don't expect to be walking around like iron man or anything.



Yes, it gives you recharging shield like Halo. Makes battles a lot easier, but you can basically only get if you get to the end of the story, and by that time players have usually cleared all side content as well.

>end of the story, and by that time players have usually cleared all side content as well.
Ridiculous when games do this. You can replay the final mission, but there's literally no reason to unless you want upgrades/xp, but to that end, all you can do is kill more machines. Unless you've left all side content until the end.

I thought it was pretty good but nothing special.

Do you really have nothing better to do today?

I see, probably not going to bother then.

With that said, there's also a mystery box you can get that has items you need to find (like the power cores), don't bother with that either. It just has some garbage mods in it that are worse than simply killing a thunderjaw once.

Why do you think that?
What are you talking about?

Just really didn't do anything for me. All of it was just bland. Idk, didn't like it.

Anything specific or just open world fatigue?

I'm sorry to hear that. To me it honestly might be my favorite game of all time. I mean I just can't understand how someone can not like it.

Can't really exp!ain it desu, it felt like it was just missing stuff. Idk how to put it but it just felt bland and didn't do it for me. Love the concept though.
Different strokes for different folks.

It did have plenty of flaws, but the quality of sandbox, the side-quests, and most of all the combat mechanics made it the most enjoyable game I've played this year. Will probably end up as my GOTY.

Fair enough, killing the machines got tedious after a while, many times just getting to a destination they were just an annoyance, which was a shame.

It has its flaws but honestly will probably be my goty. What it does it does perfect.

It's my GOTY so far, but I've not played many games this year. Including Nioh, Nier or Persona. I expect at least one of those to be at the top spot until something else comes along. Maybe Cuphead? Or shadow of war

I don't get all the sjw hate. If anything it seems like niggers are the problem with the world. I enjoyed the story quite a bit and honestly the gameplay is fucking perfect and never gets old, played it twice already.

Yeah, Shadow of war is the one I expect to be the primal contender. Ni-Oh was very good in its mechanics, but its visual design left me too bored, the whole game you spent in copypasted Japanese villages. And I was never into Persona series, or JRPG at all, pretty much only JRPG I ever actually liked was The Last Remnant because of its insane complexity.

It's kind of funny because the game got criticism for drawing parallels to native American culture. So it was getting hate from both sides of the fence.

I'm meh about JRPGs, but P5 is getting a lot of praise, same with Nier, which seems more bullet hell. But I also forgot RE:7 came out early this year, so I don't know, might be that. Though it's significantly shorter than HZD, it was pretty good.

Hah, that is pretty funny!

Well, Sylens is more of a grey villain, while all the actually evil villains are white men: the Carja guy who believes himself to be the chosen one, Ted Faro who brought apocalypse because of his greed and murdered scientists because of paranoia, Travis Tate who wrote Hades and acted like a rapist around the scientists. And the rest of white males we see are all incompetent, while women and ethnic minorities are all strong and capable. But because of that Erend turned out to be the best character in the game, since he was allowed to have flaws and throughout his quest shown good development over them.

>Travis Tate who wrote Hades
This wasn't a bad thing, he was brought in specifically to create the thing. He did his job, his only shortcomings were the way he acted, but he didn't do anything bad.

He didn't do a very good job, since Hades went rogue after separation and didn't inspect the state of the world before taking decision to destroy it.

It was Hades job to inspect the state of the world, merely to destroy it. He did a good enough job for it to be finalized and everyone on the project to be satisfied with it, the brightest minds left on the planet.
Whatever hit Gaia and caused all her subroutines to be independent was the problem, we don't even know what that was. Hopefully not something stupid like aliens.

>He didn't do a very good job, since Hades went rogue after separation
This wasn't his fault. The end of the game very clearly mentions that someone hacked Hades and used him to try to destroy the world.
Which personally, the idea of Hades seems fucking dumb to begin with. I understand he was there to reset the world if it was created wrong, but it seemed like such a fucking risk to take. Then again it probably wouldn't have gone wrong if fucking TED FARO DIDN'T DESTROY THE WORLD FUCKING TWICE

>wasn't* Hades job to inspect the state of the world

This is all explained in-game user. Hades is supposed to be like he is, because he was only allowed to become free after it was clear the world needed a clean slate. Now, he was freed without that need, but his whole programming compels him to eradicate the planet

It's explained that GAIA could mess up but wasn't capable of destroying her own creations. Thus the need for Hades.

And he could do with a failsafe to give Hades basic algorithms of his own to make a judgement whether the world is really requiring another apocalypse. That's bad programming if your artificial intelligence isn't intelligent.

>the idea of Hades seems fucking dumb to begin with.
To be fair, it's explained by Travis in the hologram about Hades that if the world formed in such a way, life simply couldn't survive. Which would make the whole project meaningless. As he says, there could be 100 ft high waves etc.. (paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it)

I think they could've made it have a lot more failsafes, but then they were very strapped for time and any work they could've done to improve it was ruined by that dickhead who killed all the scientists and erased Apollo.

>Hopefully not something stupid like aliens.
It's gotta be either robots gaining sentience, or somewhere in the world another group of scientists built their own ark and somehow it all went to shit, either with them slowly going insane as the generations pass with their kids/clones, or they were taken over by savages when people started repopulating the planet


My take is that the swarm knew that without biomass, it'll eventually die. Being conscious itself, it set about creating a plan to hibernate and awaken when life exists again. Thus, it compelled Hades to re-awaken it with the signal.