Is this game good?

Is this game good?

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Yes despite the somewhat clunky inventory system it's still a pretty solid game.

It's alright, just remember to take the hookshot with you when when you get all 3 tablets (you'll understand when you get to that point) and keep it through the mini-lab area until you and Billy have to split up

It's good if you fully understand what you're getting into when you buy it. It's fucking terrible if you go in fully blind or oblivious to the type of gameplay and camera.

If you haven't played an RE before, start with original trilogy, which are available on PS1, PS3, PC (you have to pirate though), and there are versions of 2 on N64 (worse version, but there are files that connected to CVX, 3 and 0), Dreamcast and there are versions of 2, 3, CVX, 4, REmake and 0 on GCN.
RE1 is only on PC, PS3, PS1 and Sega Saturn, and it is better if you play the original before REmake, just so you see the improvement and changes, and so you have a bit of grounding when going into REmake.
So, so far it's RE1-3 on your system of preference, REmake, then 0. After that, if you actually enjoy the series, you continue with:
>Dead Aim(optional)
>Degeneration(CG Movie)
>5 Lost In Nightmares
>Damnation(CG Movie)
>Revelations 2
>6(early Leon chapters are trash, as is the prologue, everything else is okay-amazing)
>Umbrella Corps(optional)
>Not a Hero(free DLC for VII) (may or may not come out)

Other optional non-canon titles are Survivor 1 and 2, Resi Gaiden, Operation Raccoon City, The Mercs 3D, Resident Evil DS and the mobile games.
There's also the live action movies, which are trash, but they're funny trash

Worst mainline RE.

It has the same look and atmosphere as REMake, since Capcom was trying to cash in on how well that game was received. They added some things that didn't go over so well, such as a somewhat clunky partner zapping system and no item boxes, and some of the most annoying enemies in the series (Eliminators and the giant bat).

There's a bunch of fanservice thrown in (they briefly explore some of the lab areas from RE2, and more backstory for Wesker and Birkin. Sup Forums seems particularly irked at how it deals with Rebecca, since she does some pretty impressive things in this game, like soloing a proto-Tyrant, and then is shown to be fairly helpless in REMake, which happens about 24 hours after the end of 0.

If you guys are wondering what killed RE, it wasn't 4. It was this and Code Veronica.

>it wasn't 4. It was this and Code Veronica.
>It wasn't 4
Lol no, it was 4.

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

Its good if you want an RE game that's actually somewhat challenging.

>Crazy leech man has a grudge against Umbrella.
>Decides to spend the night harassing a random glorified SWAT member and ex-Marine.


fight me if you disagree

Wow, I got owned!

nah ill just call you gay instead lmao kiddo

Not... really. A lot of the enemies are giant animals instead of zombies, the mansion layout just isn't as good as REmake, the plot is fucking silly, the splitting up mechanic adds nothing. The lack of space and time defying storage crates means just throwing shit on the ground and realizing you still need it hours later.
The train area at the very beginning was memorable and that's about it.

Worse game in the series

I agree with this except for the splitting up thing. I enjoyed that. Item management was a disaster though. The train was easily the best part of the game

code veronica and 0 are what caused them to make 4, you fucking idiot.

4 was and is an amazing game. Good games don't kill a series, even if they have a different game design. Code Veronica and Zero were not good for the series. It doesn't matter how fucking "old school" they were design wise

The novelization was better.

>A lot of the enemies are giant animals instead of zombies

That, along with other monsters, is pretty much every RE game.

It's alright, i enjoyed it and got the platinum but is also got it for cheap like very RE game.

it was a good game, but it was what lead it down the path of third person dudebro cod. if re4 flopped, they would've kept making survival horror.

I think i might play it today

>it is better if you play the original before REmake
Not sure if I agree with this. I had the original as a kid and could never get into it because of how cheesy it was. It wasn't until college when I played the REmake that I was able to go back and play the original.

They would've kept making poorly made survival horror like Code Veronica and Zero, you mean. Basically nobody except for Kamiya and Mikami should be aloud to touch the series

But they only made two games in that style after RE4. Is it not possible that survival horror just fell out of popularity?

true. luckily they've brought it back. even if it is different.
god I just want fixed camera angles back ;_; re7 really was honestly really great. it just didn't feel like resident evil. sure as hell a lot better than 6 tho.

I love fixed camera angles, but they aren't coming back. Maybe Capcom will not be Capcom and the RE2 remake will use them

they've already confirmed re2 to be in the same vein as the OG REmake. thank god. I really don't even mind first person for new games. but for christs sake, keep the remakes sacred.

(early Leon chapters are trash, as is the prologue, everything else is okay-amazing)

The problem is that they're just a giant version of animals and insects. This is the reason why their design is poor. If they were heavily mutated and had extra limbs and surgery wounds and maybe even human features like pic related, then it would be cool, but no, it's just giant scorpion, giant centipede, giant bat. And the main villain of the game... better not even talk about it.

So? The point is not another game being made, it's that the next game we got was that way. The problem was not that 4 came out, it was that 4 was not nearly as good as the previous ones and changed the direction completely.
Game design is not 4's only problem. It could be a good game, but it shouldn't have been a Resident Evil game.
I would agree with this if Mikami wasn't the one responsible for RE4.

>i could never get into the original because of how cheesy it was
Have you even played an RE game outside of REmake.
I'm not wrong. The prologue is horrible way to introduce your game, and that part when you go through it near the end of Leon's campaign is nothing like how it was in the prologue. Also, Chapters 1-3 of Leon are trash, but everything after that goes from okay to amazing near the end of the Chris campaign and it maintains that high for Jake's campaign. Ada's campaign is a mess though

I loved 7 and felt like it was a real return to classic RE but I do think Capcom should add an option for third person mode I think far less people would be bitching about RE7 in terms of how different it is if it was third person.

Game design isn't a problem with 4 at all. It is excellently designed. It is much more than a "good game". The series hadn't been good since 2, until 4 came out. I have yet to play 7 but I'm optimistic about it

7 was great. it's definitely different. but still great. ignore the "outlast clone" shitposters.

I don't mean that the design is a problem on a technical sense. I think that the game was good, but as I said, it shouldn't have been a Resident Evil game in the first place.
And about RE7, it's a great game to be honest. I do recommend you to play it.

I'm honestly not sure if you can appreciate the original if you don't play ig before Remake. The original though really is it's own game in all though.

I tend to get defensive to an autistic level about RE4. I already have RE7 too, I just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I enjoyed the demo, and couldn't care less about it being first person. Even if it focuses on hiding, I don't view that as a negative. Alien Isolation is one of my favorite horror games

I dont get the outlast clone shitposters.
They say the same shit and everyone points them out for being dumb as fuck yet they keep doing it its odd.

yes, but it's not as good as remaster. The graphics are nice and any original resident evil style game is awesome.

there is literally one section where hiding is encouraged in the entire game. and even then it's just as practical to just run. also the only actual invincible enemy gets killed off roughly an hour in.

You only hide around one or two times in the whole game.
Most of the time its very classic styled RE and its great.

there's only one actual section where it's required desu. if you're good with headshots most of the time you can just gun down jack.

I've played Outlast and RE7. They're barely alike at all.

I usually just run away from him.
I would rather not waste the bullets.

VII wasn't a return to the classics. It was a completely new direction entirely, and I'd say it was more in line with Revelations than anything else. The classics were tight, you could run through them knife-only and take no damage, you can do the same in VII, but it's more of a technicality, as you still take mandatory damage from Mia at the start and Eveline at the end.
The classics also had fixed cameras, which offer a completely different perspective to VII, which feels like it was made to push VR and be a tech demo for horror games in VR.
There's also the fact that the earlier games have that Resi charm, with the cheesy optimism, actual characters, no last minute plot twists outside of Barry rolling up in a helicopter to save you if you didn't kill Nicholai. It doesn't have rocket launchers,, you escaping at the last second as the entire game world explodes or any cheesy ending music.
Resi VII also lacks the memorable music of the classics, even its save music is barely there, I didn't even know the save music existed until I listened to a Resi save room music playlist, and it was some of the blandest shit in the list.
Also, the shoehorned multiple endings are trash. There is no subtlety to them, like in RE1 and 3. In RE1, Jill would have to wait for Barry to get her rope, but you didn't know he would actually come back, and there was a potential path right behind you. If you chose to wait though, Barry would survive.
In Chris' campaign, you have to do multiple things, which includes a lot of letting Rebecca do as she pleases to get the best ending, and in both versions, you have to figure out where 6 different things are: 3 items and 3 devices, in order to free Jill/Chris.
In RE3, the ending differences are much smaller and could just be called an easter egg, but it's still more subtle that VII.
VII, it's just Red or Blue, L2 or R2, S or D. There's no subtlety, it's just choose which girl to save, and if you choose Zoe, she immediately dies.

i have played every resident evil game in the known universe. i speed run REmake. i am a true expert and i have great taste.

re0 is not a great game. the zapping system and inventory shit is annoying as fuck. the enemies are all blobby bug things and their designs are dick-sitting tier.

remake is the best re game. i want it to fuck me. re4 is also an amazing videogame and still holds up after all these years. re2 was a superb sequel. re3 is awesome.

if you have played all of these games and want more, but not as well done, give re0 a go. for $10.

There is absolutely nothing "amazing" in any way regarding RE6. Game is absolutely broken in every single way.

>skills don't matter at all
>unlimited inventory
>game yields the least ammo in the most rooty tooty parts like Chris' campaign
>fucking invisible walls out the ass
>fucking QTEs out the ass
>no puzzles at all
>no strategy required for bosses, just shoot literally anywhere for X amount of time
>story that comes out retarded in comparison with all the previous games combined
>human who mutates into a dinosaur dog who shoots bones out of a machine gun
>""""amazing"""" gameplay that doesn't' get utilized at all thanks to the absurd level design, I had to leap/dodge exactly zero times in total
>absolute identity crisis, game doesn't know what the fuck it wants to be
>coop, the one redeeming quality of 5 is now ruined too due to no requirement to share items between two inventories of respective players, if P1 picks up an ammo item it doesn't disappear for P2 from the ground

And the fucking list goes on. I don't know what is more baffling, your shit taste or your pathetic need to defend it with some halfassed arguments.

You sound like a colossal faggot.

it's a return to the same genre. like I said, it's different. (and not in a good way, sadly) but it's a hell of a lot better than the cowadooty dudebro action they had been shitting out before this came out.

Have you really played every RE game in existence? Have you really?
Currently, I'm working my way through RE on GB, despite it being incomplete, and plan on adding RE DS, The Mercs 3D and the mobile games as well as Biohazard 4D Executer.

Is Billy still alive in the RE universe ?

He probably got eaten.

Man you've got a high tolerance for shit.

>6 ranked that high
>7 ranked that low
into the trash it goes

One of the best rates I've seen except 6 should be way, way, way lower.

Survivor and Dead Aim are awfully underrated, especially since they consist of that proper RE atmosphere far more than RE4 for an instance.

Those are just two of the reasons the list sucks. If it's purpose was to trigger people, it succeeded

I'm not really seeing what you mean by this game not being cheesy.
RE7 is a damn chess block.
All of Jacks line which are scary at first become really funny on a second run. and his first boss right where he does doughnuts in your car and the chainsaw duel feel so cheesy and fun.
The game is the darkest of the RE series but it still knows has to be optimistic. the ending is very hope filled with Mia and Ethan finally getting together again and riding away in a helicopter with cheesy piano music playing.
Also I love 7s save room theme makes me feel save and warm everytime I hear it.

>skills don't matter at all
If you're referring to just being skilled with the gameplay, it kinda does if you're playing it on No Hope and sliding around with just your knife and no herbs.
>unlimited inventory
There actually is a limit to the inventory, it holds about 20 items, only reason it feels unlimited is because they streamlined it so gameplay is at the forefront and you are constantly in the action.
>game yields the least ammo in the most rooty tooty parts like Chris' campaign
I didn't have an issue there. They added a melee system for a reason, and I mostly used the knife (or Jake's martial arts) for earlier chapters, and saved the big guns for later chapters.
>fucking invisible walls out the ass
Never had an issue with this as this only occurred when you were trying to walk on rubble.
>fucking QTEs out the ass
Patched out, and I played the game after it got patched apparently. Had about as many as RE4 and 5. Only time it was an issue was in the garbage prologue.
>no puzzles at all
Ada's campaign and parts of Leon's do have puzzles, and there is one in Jake's but it's more of a minigame than a puzzle.
>no strategy required for bosses, just shoot literally anywhere for X amount of time
So, like every Resi game? You still have to hit weak points and use certain items given in that area.
>story that comes out retarded in comparison with all the previous games combined
Have you played Dead Aim, 4, CVX, 5, 0, 1, Gaiden, or ORC?

>human who mutates into a dinosaur dog who shoots bones out of a machine gun
>""""amazing"""" gameplay that doesn't' get utilized at all thanks to the absurd level design, I had to leap/dodge exactly zero times in total
>absolute identity crisis, game doesn't know what the fuck it wants to be
>coop, the one redeeming quality of 5 is now ruined too due to no requirement to share items between two inventories of respective players, if P1 picks up an ammo item it doesn't disappear for P2 from the ground

What in the fuck is "ironic enjoyment". God, kids are retarded

Dead Aim yes, it's a neat game. Survivor is hot garbage.

My god people stop replying to this man already we get it his taste is shit do we really need to repeat this in every RE thread?

Word from God is Yes.

>human who mutates into a dinosaur dog who shoots bones out of a machine gun
That part was retarded, but you can't complain about shit being retarded in Resident Evil.
>""""amazing"""" gameplay that doesn't' get utilized at all thanks to the absurd level design, I had to leap/dodge exactly zero times in total
You don't have to utilize the gameplay additions. You can use them if you want and they make the game easier if you get good at them, which makes it easier to play harder modes and other campaigns.
>absolute identity crisis, game doesn't know what the fuck it wants to be
You're thinking of RE5. RE6 was an action game through and through. Just because it called back to the Raccoon City Incident and had a spoopy church level doesn't mean it was trying to be horror.
>coop, the one redeeming quality of 5 is now ruined too due to no requirement to share items between two inventories of respective players, if P1 picks up an ammo item it doesn't disappear for P2 from the ground
The coop here is better than 5, and the issue of items disappearing when you drop them is negated by enemies dropping items. If the game let you just drop and pick up what you please, it'd be too easy.

Is she going to be ok?

I know. I just saw those two and stopped reading.

Does this voice clip prove Wesker is alive?

oh, i am.

there was a guy smiling under the movies section. your opinion is hereby discarded. only games i havent played there are the gaiden gameboy game and the third gun survivor. i dont need to play them.

gaiden was underrated desu.

>If you're referring to just being skilled with the gameplay, it kinda does if you're playing it on No Hope and sliding around with just your knife and no herbs.
Did you even play the damn game, I am talking about selectable skills, the actual ingame mechanic. Which do jack fucking shit.
>There actually is a limit to the inventory, it holds about 20 items, only reason it feels unlimited is because they streamlined it so gameplay is at the forefront and you are constantly in the action.
Never happened for me.
>Patched out, and I played the game after it got patched apparently. Had about as many as RE4 and 5. Only time it was an issue was in the garbage prologue.
Had more QTEs than 4 and 5 combined.
>So, like every Resi game? You still have to hit weak points and use certain items given in that area.
Did you even play RE3? Nemesis is a challenging foe even on your nth playthrough, shotgun is for an instance an absolutely wrong weapon against him.

Code Veronica at least still played like a Resident Evil should. 4 may as well have been a new IP, everything after that bent over its lifeless corpse and fucked it in the ass.

delet this

I just really enjoy the Resi universe.
6 was an action game. I like action games.
VII was a wannabe horror game with gimmicky VR shit. I had fun the first time, and if I played it once, it probably would've ranked high, but after the third playthrough, I was tired of the forced walking segments and the second half of the game.
6 was a good time. Enjoyed the hell out of it, and I'd say it improved on 5 in everything except visuals and Mercs. Even without coop, I just love the gameplay and I actually really like the Chris and Jake campaigns, but both for very different reasons. Chris' campaign felt like MGSV but with an ending(and a resolution), if that makes any sense, and Jake was a nice cheesy good time where Wesker and Birkin finally fuck.
I actually really like everything to do with Jack, my personal favourite part of VII. But, everything outside of that is just not as good and it's a slow downhill, which is the same issue I had with 4.
The ending of VII is a joke. The good ending is just Ethan having a monologue about doors and the future, it's not the same as Chris looking at the camera and cracking a smile or 'It's up to us to take out Umbrella'. It's just boring. And the piano music isn't cheesy, it just feels generic. RE1 ended with anime music and RE2 had a kickass son after you beat LeonB.
You can enjoy something that you know is bad. The Survivor games are godawful in every way, but they are just a great time if you know they are bad. Also, the fact that the first Survivor game is canon, as confirmed by RE0, is fucking hilarious.
I found the 4th and 5th RE movies to be hilariously bad, the cosplayers really do it for me.
>third gun survivor
We're not talking about Dino Crisis user. I think you mean 4th Gun Survivor.

their is nothing wrong with bullying loli tummies.

But they weren't human/animal hybrids, they were just infected animals.

I mean I do too, but I couldn't bring myself to play ORC or Umbrella Corps.

>where Wesker and Birkin finally fuck

Sorry but your gay fantasy was never realized faggot. Also every ending to the game was shit.

>i am talking about selectable skills
Never used those till near the end of Chris' campaign. I just wanted to get to the next part, and when I did use them, I could see a small difference, so I didn't mind.
>Never happened for me.
Well, doesn't matter, because I stated a fact. If it never happened to you, you're terrible at managing ammo.
>Had more QTEs than 4 and 5 combined.
I felt 5 had more QTEs than 6. The only reason it'd feel like there are more is because you either suck and get grabbed a lot because you don't know how to avoid enemies, or you only played it before the patch.
>Did you even play RE3?
Yes I did. RE3 is the only example of this though. Every other enemy in every other RE game can be taken out with whatever you want. In fact, there is probably a knife only 100% run of RE3 somewhere, which implies they took down Nemesis every time they could, so they could get every item he drops. Nemesis did require strategy if you wanted to take him down, yes, but theoretically, you could take him down with anything that can be used as a weapon.
Umbrella Corps is fun if you play it knowing how bad it is. It's also canon. Get it on sale for $10. ORC is a bargain bin game, which actually kickstarted my need to play every Resi game possible.
>sorry but your gay fantasy was never realized
I was under the assumption Sherry was female
>also every ending to the game was shit
And they were all better than both endings to VII

>That part was retarded, but you can't complain about shit being retarded in Resident Evil.
Terrible argument. RE1-3 were very rooted in reality in terms of plot. Just because some other sequels were shit in that department, it doesnt automatically shield RE6 from criticism. Clear sign of fanboyism on your side.
>You're thinking of RE5. RE6 was an action game through and through. Just because it called back to the Raccoon City Incident and had a spoopy church level doesn't mean it was trying to be horror.
Yeah, no. RE6 was advertised and claimed to be "something for everyone". And not a single side/campaign excels at a single thing.
>The coop here is better than 5, and the issue of items disappearing when you drop them is negated by enemies dropping items. If the game let you just drop and pick up what you please, it'd be too easy.
Ahahahahhahaha. No fucking way is 6 a better coop game than 5. Six literally requires zero cooperation, you just going separate ways, blasting whatever. How the fuck is it a better cop game when it requires zero combined effort, especially when compared to 5, one of the best coop games?

>Never used those till near the end of Chris' campaign. I just wanted to get to the next part, and when I did use them, I could see a small difference, so I didn't mind.

>well I never really used this feature that you claim to be broken so it's not really an objective flaw of the game because I subjectively had zero need for it

I'm done arguing with you, your shit logic is a far bigger issue than your shit taste.

I was assuming you wanted to watch William and Albert fuck. Anyway the ending to 7 at least leads us somewhere, with Chris working with some kind of Umbrella and all that, 6 led to fucking nowhere at all, all we got was a very vague "secret" ending of Jake fighting BOWs in some 3rd world shithole.

Step aside.

>RE1-3 were very rooted in reality in terms of plot
Secret lab under mansion in the middle of the woods can somewhat be taken seriously.
Secret lab that stretches miles deep under one of the best looking police stations in the world on the other hand is a bit of a stretch.
RE3 was fairly grounded though, I'll give you that.
But, everything after that is where it gets out of control.
4 is about Leon infiltrating Mexico-land to save the President's daughter, and later on save America from mind controlling parasites that are controlled by a crazy priest and a midget dressed like Napoleon.
CVX introduces super-powered Wesker kicking the shit out of Claire, and 5 continues super-powered Wesker, introduces the Wesker children, has you kill tribal Africans shouting something along the lines of 'OOGA BOOGA', and also had Chris punching boulders.
The only jump in logic that 6 took greater than that was the Simmons' mutations.
>Yeah, no. RE6 was advertised and claimed to be "something for everyone". And not a single side/campaign excels at a single thing.
I don't remember that. I saw it advertised as an action-horror game. I bought it as an action-horror game and had a good time because I wasn't thinking RE was going to return to survival-horror at this point.
>Six literally requires zero cooperation
Which is good, because having your autistic AI be immortal and not do anything is better than having them constantly heal you and die all the time because they used all the healing items.
>How the fuck is it a better cop game when it requires zero combined effort
Because co-op is a choice here. If you get a friend over, you can cooperate and it does work in your favour to play with someone else.
>when compared to 5, one of the best coop games
Nice meme.
>I'm done arguing with you, your shit logic is a far bigger issue than your shit taste.
I did see a small difference. The system would've been broken if there was a huge difference.

Update this for 7.

>Terrible argument. RE1-3 were very rooted in reality in terms of plot.
lmao what fucken games did you play
>raccoon city has more secret underground labs than bathrooms
>a rookie cop manages to drive past a police barricade outside raccoon city
>a gasmask-wearing commando survives an entire week in the sewers being chased by monsters
>an entire city gets infected by slowly moving humans overnight
>a power plant has a fucking rail cannon lying around conveniently to shoot Nemesis with
and much much more
the series was a b-movie from the very beginning

>>a gasmask-wearing commando survives an entire week in the sewers being chased by monsters
>this is somehow not believable but an 18yo college student that is also female managed to survive

There is a differnence between a B-movie and a clear fucking fanfiction tier writing.

To paraphrase one of the notes from RE0, a rivalry between William and Albert was encouraged by Marcus.
Don't worry, I don't want to see Wesker and Birkin fuck, it was just a light-hearted joke.
>the ending to 7 at least leads us somewhere
To the land of plotholes. Umbrella was shut down partly due to being an unsellable brand that every shareholder pulled out of. The final nail in the coffin was Jill and Chris raiding their last base. Umbrella being back is just a ploy to rope in normies who haven't kept up with the RE series and only know about shit from the movies.
>6 led to fucking nowhere at all
It had a weird passing the torch thing going on with Sherry, Jake and Piers, but Piers got axed and all his actual character development got done in other mediums after 6 came out.
Then VII came along and threw all that shit out for some noname in the middle of nowhere, Amerilard.
VII just takes us back to where we were before but now with 'CHRIS IS EVIL!11!!!!1' shoehorned in to get even more normies to buy Resi 8. Then you got the autists who don't even play Resi claiming it's HUNK despite HUNK being well past his sixties.

Dude check out Birkin's transformations from RE2. Its some of the best monster design in the genre, its purposeful, it makes sense. Plus the game itself deals with some very heavy topics (lunacy, necrophilia, incest).

Then you have a previously mentioned human transforming into a fucking dinosaur that shoots a machine guns. Within 5 seconds.

>>raccoon city has more secret underground labs than bathrooms
>>a rookie cop manages to drive past a police barricade outside raccoon city

These two only exist when you combine the 3 games together. When RE1 was written, Arklay was the sole secret lab in the entire town, then each sequel added new secret facilities to the lore. About RE2, the infection was still spreading when Leon arrived at Raccoon.

>>a power plant has a fucking rail cannon lying around conveniently to shoot Nemesis with

The railgun belonged to the US military, it was the gun they were using to kill the Mr.Xs inside the facility.

Most generic list possible.
My list is actually good

I don't think Chris is working with the bad guys, my guess is there was a backroom deal with the US government to keep Umbrella alive as a purely consumer company, maybe because they're "too big to fail or something", and now they're forced to fund anti bio terror activity or something. Idk, just a thought. I would like to see a return of Sherry and Jake somehow, but they're too strong for a regular survival horror game.

So, you're excuse for how unrealistic the originals were is that you don't want to actually acknowledge facts? That's all I'm getting from your first paragraph.

>they're "too big to fail or something"
Shame they got shut down in 2004 for financial issues. They failed well over 10 years before REVII. Also, other corporations connected to Umbrella were shut down as well, as we see in Degeneration.
Also, if thy wanted to fund anti bio terror activity, BSAA already exists, as does TerraSave, and Chris is one of the most famous soldiers on the planet because he saved the world twice

>About RE2, the infection was still spreading when Leon arrived at Raccoon.
Wrong. Leon arrives at Raccoon the night of September 29th, while a military and police quarantine was supposedly in effect at some point between the 23rd and 27th. It's entirely possible that the quarantine was lifted on the 29th due to the imminent bombing, but even then, there should have been police, military, and press stacked three deep in every direction around Raccoon City

What if someone bought up the trademarks for Umbrella and started a new company? Honestly I have no clue what the hell they will do to explain this away.

They wouldn't get the funding as the RE universe is still semi-grounded in reality. Nobody would want to invest in the company that started up bioterrorism as a business.
I bet that the writer didn't even know Umbrella has been out of RE since 2004 in the timeline, and just assumed they were still around due to how popular Umbrella is in pop culture. And after people questioned his fuckup and couldn't get an actual answer, they needed to figure one out, which is why Not a Hero was delayed.

Eternal Darkness is better than the RE and Silent Hill games.

The backtracking almost kills those games. The locations are so big, that even if you remember exactly where you're supposed to go back to (not to mention if you don't) it takes far too long to get there and then back again, and you have to do that shit constantly.

That alone is enough to want to drop the game.

The controls/camerawork don't help either.

Eternal Darkness doesn't have those problems, and has some good stuff in it that those games don't.